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Everything posted by swtsig

  1. the plan was to completely blur the line between where the park ends and where discovery tower begins... they're following the same features and landscape architecture to invite the park into discovery tower and vice versa. i think they're doing a tremendous job.
  2. i'm continuing to hear very bleak outlooks and expectations for this thing... as of today, there are currently ZERO office tenants signed, and supposedly III Forks (which was set to replace Lawry's Steakhouse) has backed out. a prject like this should be generating serious buzz, especially as we near completion, and yet we hear nothing... 3 prime blocks of downtown space and they're struggling to sign a single office tenant and starting to lose retailers. i dont care who you are, that is NOT a positive sign. consider me in the camp of "grand opportunity wasted" as of now.
  3. the girl i've been seeing in austin for the past 2 years lives off of far west... definitely a solid part of town for a lot less than what one would pay further in. i lived in a condo in tarrytown right off of enfield and mopac... now that location was SWEET. minutes from downtown, UT, lower lamar, zilker/barton springs/south 1st, soco, town lake.... man, i miss living there. but your budget will ultimately be the deciding the factor. try north hyde park area if you have a little more to play with but dont want to go as high as west campus/clarksville/downtown area. the farther north and south the cheaper.
  4. i heard that they are planning on putting condos or apts. above? anyone hear anything similar? doesn't seem likely, but it supposedly came from a credible source.
  5. "as high-end as you can get" is what was said, i believe... or something along those lines. i immediately thought peninsula or mandarin.
  6. yeah, i noticed that new rendering last week... so that's the westin? i actually really liked the design. cant say there's a building like that in houston.
  7. i've heard the ritz is currently topping out at 53 stories... no confirmation, though. the office building (building #6 i believe) is supposed to be completed by the end of this year we shall see.
  8. crown included (if you can call it a crown), this building is practically 40 stories.... that is nothing to scoff at.
  9. but how can that be? their website states that their "restaurant offers the best margaritas in Texas, the most delicious food, and the best service in downtown Houston," and i seriously doubt that they would lie about something like that.
  10. i'll agree and say insofar as i know, CBRE acts only as the landlord rep for williams tower... not sure if they've been part of any sale transactions.
  11. that is exactly my line of thinking... the potential combination of these projects + rail will definitely revitalize this area. i have no concern whatsoever with any sort of misconception people may have in regards to the uptown v. CBD debate since i dont see view them as competing adversaries. as someone else mentioned awhile back, it's time we start looking at the TMC/CBD/Uptown triangle as this city's urban core, because i think that's where all of this is heading.
  12. city centre I is already 100% leased, and II is at least 50% (probably more)... if they can find a major tenant for III (and maybe they already have), that's a decent amount of office workers. btw, i definitely agree with yall on the borwnstones... $800K is ridiculously expensive, imo.
  13. i drive by it once every 2 weeks or so (and can see it out of my office window) and still detest the thing... 35 stories, and that was the best they could do? here's hoping the westin looks nicer (which it will purely by default).
  14. completely disagree with this sentiment... how will adding an 80-story building "ruin the galleria skyline" exactly? the only way this building blocks transco is if you're directly south of both buildings. and while the rotating lighthouse would be unfortunate, are you really whining about that? really??? just put a rotating lighthouse on the new building... voila! problem solved! i just have a really hard time understanding your line of thought... here we are talking about adding the first supertall in houston in a 1/4 century and you oppose it because of a lighthouse. and yes, i'm completely disregarding your "ruins the skyline" complaint because i just fail to see how adding an 80-story tower near a 65-story tower ruins anything.
  15. you know, i had 18 stories in my head for whatever reason but you're right... 26 stories is perfectly acceptable considering the (((potential))) supertall going next door.
  16. no, deyaar owns the adjacent 6 or so acres... i would think a "smaller" building of this stature with retail would actually increase the odds of deyaar moving forward on a large scale supertall, imho. but that's just my uneducated guess. and thanks, lockmat... that's the rendering i wanted to post more than any other but for the life of me couldn't. while i do wish it was several floors taller, i actually like the design. i also think a restaurant facing the lake like that (with direct views of transco) would be a hit, especially if it's right off the richmond/post oak line.
  17. and here you go... http://www.hicksventures.com/properties.html and my personal favorite: there are better full renderings of the building on the website, i just couldn't copy them. assuming this thing gets done, you'd have to like the chances of the deyaar project going up adjacent... these projects + rail will completely transform this southern galleria area. EDIT: mods you may want to make this it's own thread seeing as though it is seperate from the possible deyaar proposal.
  18. i dont want to be an ass, so i'll just quote what strickn posted: you may not have found that interesting... i, for one, did.
  19. i have no knowledge of this project whatsoever... i just found that page very interesting.
  20. this is an absolute joke... these bastards are no different than those in river oaks (highrises throughout) and tanglewood (the four leaf towers and four post oak are practically in our backyard).
  21. NYC gets hot as balls during the summer.... muggy, sticky, stinky, hot.
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