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Everything posted by Fringe

  1. I have mixed emotions about this move. On one hand having a real rivalry against the Rangers will be fun but on the other hand it's the dismal American League with their stupid designated hitter rule.
  2. I'm glad Tanya is now a member and that she posted her new website. She had previously had her stuff on an old Westbury High School website. I've been meaning to compliment her on her new site ever since she sent me an email about it a few weeks ago. It really is one of the best Houston historical sites. Way to go Tanya. You found the right audience here.
  3. Wife and I ate at Oceanaire in the Galleria a couple of months ago and it was very good.
  4. Actually as was discussed in another thread here about Trader Joe's, they still are opening one at the old Alabama Theater but this one in the Woodlands is likely to open first. The third one is supposed to be in Sugar Land although they are still negotiating the location.
  5. And: http://swamplot.com/your-early-photos-of-the-trader-joes-in-the-woodlands/2011-11-08/#more-33683
  6. Nice. I would love to visit there some day.
  7. Makes you miss the good old days before political correctness.
  8. It was the first one I was aware of. When it first opened we thought if was the greatest store ever. Fresh made tortillas, great produce section, and lot's of international stuff you couldn't find any where else.
  9. There's been on in Sugar Land for several years now. They're okay but I'm more of a Popeye's person.
  10. Oh well. We may not have an amusement park but we have more massage parlors!
  11. I suspect it's only a matter of time before everyone in the Heights has malaria.
  12. LOL. Maybe they just are not attracted to you because it's definitely not localized. Worse it's been all year at my house in Sugar Land and at work in the Rice U area. Even getting attacked in the middle of the day.
  13. Again I have no idea what kind of system they had or if they even had an OS&Y valve or another type like a Post Indicator Valve (PIV). They could have even had interior sectional valves that would allow them to close off just one area. I can't wait for the official report but I'm sure that won't come our until after the trial. (If it goes to court).
  14. Depends on the system. The fire code allows control valves in some systems to be secured with only a chain and lock. It would depend on the type of fire alarm system they have in place to determine if there were tamper switches that actually sent a signal. Even then it would only be a trouble signal which a lot of people tend to ignore. Especially if the fire panel is located in a closed room.
  15. I agree. Probably a former disgruntled employee who knew where the shut off valve was located. Would love to see the fire marshal's report . If the valve was closed it would have been obvious and immediately raised suspicion. That would certainly explain how the fire burned out of control. Even a poorly designed system should have at least contained the fire.
  16. Think I'm going to go down and protest against the protesters.
  17. They make quick response heads and if the system was properly designed it would have easily handled the fire. I smell a lawsuit.
  18. If it was sprinkled it makes me wonder if the fire started on the roof? Wonder if they were having any work down? In which case sprinklers would not have helped. Otherwise even if the sprinklers were ineffective putting the fire out they would have at the very least controlled the fire.
  19. I agree. That is some really good stuff? Tried his wings yet? They are so good but so hot you will cry.
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