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Everything posted by SecondTour

  1. That thing always reminded me of some sort of Rebel base from Star Wars. I thought it was a very cool looking building.
  2. Very interesting thread. I've lived a few blocks away from Westbury Square for over ten years, so obviously I have no real idea of what it looked like in its heyday. It would be interesting to find some good, vintage photos of the areas that are still there now, to get an idea of exactly what we're looking at in those current close-ups. It's difficult from the post card photos. I've driven past it a million times and assumed it was condemned. I had no idea people were actually living in it. I only really ever see the side facing the entrance to Home Depot. I thought I remembered The Westbury Centerette having a sign on the Bellfort side that said something about a future cell phone tower. Maybe the location has recently changed.
  3. Sinks for handwashing. You step on the black foot bar near the floor and water comes out in an arc from several holes just above the basin. I worked in a printing plant when I was young that had those. Several people could wash their hands at one time.
  4. This quote from the article is the part of all this that is most frustrating;
  5. I lived in new York City back then. I remember specifically a lengthy article in the Times about a (then) new building in Houston - the Texaco building\Heritage Plaza. Anyway, the article not only complimented the design of the building but also talked about how Houston was cutting-edge where modern & inventive architecture was concerned. I don't find the architecture here to be lackluster at all. There are some very interesting and nice looking buildings. There seems to be a trend toward more traditional styles, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It's just how things are going now.
  6. That's exactly how it's been for me. I started keeping it at 60ish a couple of months ago. I did it for the increased MPG, which was significant. However, the unexpected stress relief has been much more beneficial.
  7. Here is the Houston recycling information page - items, schedules, FAQs, etc.
  8. Rabid recycler here. I have the one green bin that was with the house when I bought it. I called the city and asked for two more, which they gave me. I use one for paper & cardboard, one for plastic, and one for metal cans. I have a store-bought storage bin I use for glass, which I take to the place on 59, near Fountainview, whenever it's full. The city has been very helpful whenever I needed anything recycle-related - info, bins, etc. I don't think the city is behind on recycling. If you want to recycle, it's available here.
  9. I agree. I thought she was a great news anchor. Seemed like a genuine person - not a personality. Hopefully she'll turn up locally after she takes a break.
  10. As a former New Yorker now living in Houston, I was going to weigh in on this. On second thought, it hardly seems worth the trouble. Too bad. The conversation and posts started off intelligent. Didn't take too long before it became the confederates vs the union - yet again.
  11. If this is the house I think it is, I pass it going home from work every day. Seems like it's the one with tons of giant Sago palms all over the yard. I'm going to pay more attention to it now. Interesting to see what happens to it.
  12. I didn't realize the sentence was for both. I thought the fraud was next up. The judge wanted to sentence her twice (fraud & lying) but was unable to. The 6 months was the result of a plea bargain. The judge was also unable to go beyond that, which he said he wanted to do. She got off light.
  13. Just as McDonalds sells the most hamburgers, Dominos sells the most pizza, Starbucks sells the most coffee, American Idol is the most popular TV show, and Microsoft sells the most operating systems. Popularity and sales volume do not equal quality.
  14. There's no denying that there are a fair number of Yankees fans that trot out the 26 alright. But in my own defense, I never do - not even to Red Sox fans - not even as a joke. I know better. I've suffered through some lean years and some embarrasing games. That $#!t has a way of coming back to you. In fact, some of those lean years and embarrasing games seem to be taking place this decade. Oh good, Clemens stopped the game in the 7th inning to announce he's coming back for half a season, pitching like crap, and not helping us at all. Yeah, good move - let's not spend that money on the bullpen. [/rant]
  15. A meaningless statistic. A team is only as good as their current standing - whenever that may be. Championships from years passed mean absolutely nothing - different owners, different players, different coaches, different stadiums, etc. The only thing that's the same is the team name on the jersey. Last year, the Yankees' 26 World Series Championships didn't have any bearing whatsoever on how we played against the Indians. We played poorly, so we lost. After the game was over, I went outside, took the Yankees flag down and put it away until next year. I didn't take it down and put one up in it's place that said "26 World Series Championships". Those past championships don't mean anything now. The number of championships from a team's past is nothing more than the answer to a trivia question.
  16. That's the heart of why it was so nice to see the Cowgirls lose - their fans. I can't think of any other fan base in any other sport that talks trash the way the Cowgirl fans do. Even stranger is their complete inability to take it when it's done to them. T.O. was a perfect example of that yesterday. When he's winning - it's all about end zone taunting, signing a football after a touchdown, spitting on other players, and celebration dances. When he looses - he puts on dark glasses and cries like a child. They are the epitome of sore losers. It's too bad, because it takes the fun out of talking about football with them. For them, there are only two things to discuss in the world of football - talking trash about every other team and their fans - or - bringing up some other team's worse record after a Cowgirl loss. Sad. That's it in a nutshell. The Cowgirls and the Texans - regardless of records - will be watching the Super Bowl on TV.
  17. The most current statistics I can find are for 2005. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics: Regarding perjury cases in 2005 - 74 cases tried, 54 convictions, 23.8 months average sentence. They take into consideration the severity of the lie and any previous offenses. Her case wasn't terribly severe
  18. Baseball theater at it's finest. Roger waited way too long to respond to any of this. Every move he's made since the report was released, and the amount of time he took to do so, have felt calculated and rehearsed. The very types of responses that guilty people usually have. The Mike Wallace interview was meaningless. Wallace and Clemens are personal friends, hence Roger picking him for his first of several calculated moves. No depth to the questions, no follow-ups to the answers. Yesterday's press conference, complete with rehearsed outrage and sarcasm directed at the reporters - "can I drink water?... is that good or bad?..." - was just more of Clemens posturing - sort of an "I'm outraged and insulted, how dare you?!" type of response to all the reporters, news stations, fans, etc. Embarrassing. On the Wallace interview - "I wish the person who supplied me with the needles would come forward, really I do". Yesterday - "the injections he gave me..." Well Roger, which is it - mystery supplier or McNamee? The taped phone call - a new low for Roger. How sad to have to listen to someone who isn't aware they are being recorded while someone else listens in, hoping they'll lie. Disgraceful on the part of the Clemens camp. Also, along those lines - knowing he was being recorded and the tape was going to be played at his press conference - why in the world would Clemens not at the very least say "why did you lie about me?...", "you know I've never taken steroids..." or something in his own defense? Instead, he just asks him "why did you do it", "I need someone to tell the truth", etc, etc. 17 embarrassing minutes wasted. The repeated comments that he doesn't give a rat's ### about records or the hall of fame?
  19. Pettitte coming clean certainly helps the credibility of the document and hurts the credibility of the players denying it. Hats off to Pettitte for being honest, even if it was forced. Here's an interesting graph that ran in The Times a few days ago. Looks like the only thing Roger gained was an extended carrer (possibly). His ERA was above his average for most of his alleged steroid years.
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