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Everything posted by northbeaumont

  1. People who talk on cell phones while driving aren't the only ones doing something dangerous. But I agree that you took some good pictures.
  2. That sounds like the theatre my cousin told me about. He said that there was a Cinema I & II on the south side of Interstate 610 and that a pedestrian bridge from the parking lot of that theatre went over the freeway to Gulfgate. He said that it stopped in front of Newberry's. Yes, I remember over here back in the late 1960s the first two-screen indoor theatre when it opened. It was the talk of the whole area.
  3. I looked in the Houston Chronicle and saw some theatres that had 24 and even 30 screens!
  4. Thank you. I like all of those freeway pictures. I'd like to drive on them on a clear and sunny day.
  5. Wow! $2 a room! This must have been a LONG time ago. Does anyone actually close the cover before striking?
  6. Under another topic someone posted a photo of the Shamrock Hotel. Was that theatre near there?
  7. I don't own a computer. I use one at the public library. These are set up not to accept Google.Earth. They will do regular drawn maps, but not satellite images.
  8. I found out about the Galleria in Dallas in Texas Monthly magazine. It also talked about the mall in The Woodlands.
  9. Like I said, if I win a lottery, I plan to stay in the Derek, Hyatt Regency, Alden, just as many hotels as I can to make up for a life of nothing but Motel 6 and other dirt and flea bag rooms that I had to stay in whenever I traveled. RETRACTION: Motel 6 is not a dirt and flea bag place. I was talking about privately-owned dives that also have weekly/monthy rates. At least a chain motel has housekeeping and sanitation standards.
  10. Thanks. I never knew about the Washburn Tunnel. What body of water does it go under? Is it near that ferry, what was that called, Mansfield? Is the Washburn Tunnel still in operation? I remember us going through the Baytown-LaPorte Tunnel many times as a kid. I always thought that the experience was great, but my mom was always apprehensive about a collapse. No, now I just remembered that the name of that ferry is Lynchburg. I had it confused with a road over here called Mansfield Ferry Road.
  11. On TV (I think it was the Discovery Channel) was a show about the airport in Atlanta, Georgia. It said that it was the busiest airport in the world. Before seeing that, I thought that D-FW was. I still don't understand why Houston's airport isn't mentioned that much in the news.
  12. I found out that there is a Galleria in Dallas. Is it owned by the same company as the one in Houston?
  13. It my research of hotels, I came across the Derek. I think it is near the Galleria. Is it similar to the Hyatt Regency, size, amenities, etc? I noticed on Hotel.Com that the rates are about the same. I meant to say "in" my research of hotels. Just a typo.
  14. Those look like Fleur de Lis. Rodney Dangerfield?
  15. Thanks for the info. My dad is now 73. Maybe he doesn't remember things quite like he used to. He said that when we lived in Greens Bayou, I stopped breathing and he rushed me to a hospital. He said that he remembers speeding through "the tunnel." The only tunnel that I know of was the Baytown-LaPorte Tunnel. Was Greens Bayou close to that tunnel?
  16. Here in Beaumont, you would dial 410411, hang up, and the phone would ring.
  17. Part of the name of this topic is Greens Bayou. My dad said that we lived in Greens Bayou when I turned a year old back in the late 1950s. He said that he worked for Todd Shipbuilding. I wonder if that place is still around? I'm also wondering if Greens Bayou was inside the Houston city limits back then, or was it a separate city? Would any of you happen to know?
  18. Well, who am I? I certainly don't know everything like Rush Limbaugh claims to (that's why I've stopped listening to KTRH from 11-2). Yes, the Hyatt Regency just might have more substance than style. But I'll never experience that unless I stay in one of them someday. And I don't see that happening unless I win a lottery. Hyatt Regency most likely has a history behind. I'll try to find out how far back it goes. It might go back to the Gilded Age. In addition to regular photos, Hotels.com & Orbitz.com have some good "virtual tours" of the Hyatt Regencys in both Houston and Dallas.
  19. Under another topic I saw that someone had posted a picture of the open air middle part of the then Gulfgate Shopping City. If you look to the left, you'll see Newberry's, and if you look to the right, you can make out a Grant's store.
  20. Conservatives usually are. You always here them saying: "We need to get back to this, we need to get back to that." Dallas has many wealthy people, like the Ewings. A sign in Virginia: "Welcome to Lynchburg, home of the Moral Majority. Set your watches back 200 years." I guess that I'm part of the Immoral Minority. I said that in response to Subdude saying that the ceiling in Houston's Hyatt Regency Hotel is not real gold. That means that it has a Gilded Ceiling.
  21. That's why the period of 1890-1920 was called The Gilded Age. Everyone wanted to look like they were wealthy when a lot of them weren't.
  22. If it did snow, I'd hate to think what would happened on all of those crowded Houston freeways. Wrecker companies would make money, but insurance companies would lose money.
  23. I saw somewhere else on this forum some pictures someone posted of an abandoned bridge over Sims Bayou. Those trees growing over it make it look spooky, especially at night.
  24. Yes, even big cities such as Houston have only so many intersections. If the city really wants some big revenue, they need to install a lot of them around Reliant Stadium during football season.
  25. northbeaumont


    My dad said that when he was a kid, his mother would buy his half-sister an already-baked cake at the grocery store. His half-sister would eat off all of the frosting and then she would throw the rest of the cake out into the back yard. Have any of you ever done that? Do all of you with a sweet tooth consume sugar in different ways?
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