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Everything posted by bachanon

  1. a real theme park, away from hundreds of homes in established neighborhoods, with a decent concept wouldn't bother me so much. focusing on "texas" themes? for god's sake. i grew up in texas and we are texas themed to death. the rodeo, rodeo/fairs, country music, cows, trains, oil........all old news and super boring. i dread the future promotion of such a place included in the woodlands marketing materials! ".......and nearby grand texas theme park". oh my. put it in pearland or pasadena please.......or even galveston (love you galveston, but you're a tourist town). why tear down forested areas for a theme park when there are tens of thousands of empty, cheaper acres elsewhere.
  2. i was thinking the same thing. the pine trees are six to eight stories high; however, the cranes are usually substantially taller than the structure. the height of the cranes may be of little consequence....unfortunately.
  3. maybe we can keep it out of as many discussions of the woodlands as possible....oops, now i've done it again. i'd just as soon move it to "going up" or accidentally just move it to a sugarland thread. heh heh......
  4. lame lame lame!!! i heard about this project but didn't know the details. it's as bad an idea as earthquest. blech!!!
  5. After several visits to Uni Sushi over the last twelve months, the food is just spot on. The fish is better than any other sushi restaurant in the area. Arctic Char has been available the last few… Click here to view the full review at Yelp.com
  6. After several visits to Uni Sushi over the last twelve months, the food is just spot on. The fish is better than any other sushi restaurant in the area. Arctic Char has been available the last few… View the full article
  7. After several visits to Uni Sushi over the last twelve months, the food is just spot on. The fish is better than any other sushi restaurant in the area. Arctic Char has been available the last few… Click here to view the full review at Yelp.com
  8. Have you "liked" haif on facebook? Check us out.

  9. After several visits to Uni Sushi over the last twelve months, the food is just spot on. The fish is better than any other sushi restaurant in the area. Arctic Char has been available the last few… Click here to view the full review at Yelp.com
  10. crane is up for the next building. it's taller than the pine trees. definitely multi-story...........on second look, it's way taller than the pine trees, must be at least eight (per info above).
  11. saks at the galleria is in the former marshall field's location, designed by philip johnson.
  12. i thought of you, red, when i saw the article. i hate to say it, but you might have been right all along! this is THE SUCK!
  13. i saw this picture and thought of this thread. (...........just a little humor)
  14. just a suggestion: if someone wanted to start a thread about alleged corruption of this or that in the anything goes category; go for it! it seems wicked to continually pounce on people who are excited about a project, regardless of the back-story. some of us aren't interested in the back-story of projects, which causes me to wonder why.....someone....doesn't start their own thread where no one will be annoyed if someone wanted to, say, get on their soap box. ...........just thinkin' out loud. with that said, i'm not interested in this thread and i'm tired of having to come back to it because people can't be civil. please play nice. if you don't like the scene, start your own scene (thread) for like minded individuals........elsewhere. the alternative is removing every comment that is finger-pointy, he said she said they did ca ca. dinosaurs are so 1990.
  15. update on woodlands parkway extension to 249. http://impactnews.com/articles/county-purchasing-tracts-for-woodlands-parkway-extension
  16. New segment added to Spring Creek Greenway http://impactnews.com/articles/new-segment-added-to-spring-creek-greenway http://www.springcreekgreenway.org/
  17. it's cold and wet!!

  18. bar louie going in next to yucatan taco stand at 24 waterway avenue. looks like another chain. http://www.barlouieamerica.com/home/
  19. ggp rep said something is in the works for the sears location fitting the woodlands demographics. could it be......?
  20. i sent the original to your facebook account. i do not know if it will be larger than you can view here. k
  21. please do not list personal information or information involving a case or investigation. if the information listed is from the links provided earlier in the discussion, it is redundant and unproductive to list everything here. please keep the conversation civil. personal or libelous attacks are not allowed. some comments have been unapproved.
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