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Everything posted by Houston1stWordOnTheMoon

  1. I stand by what i said. It is non-negotiable.
  2. Champions and Champion Forest in NW Houston. Specifically Champions, the areas closer to Cutten RD and HWY 249. Using 249 to get to city center is a breeze.
  3. We havent seen the body, is she really dead? Did she secretly leave with Ken Lay and Elvis?
  4. Ishmael didnt start Islam. Anyone who believes that is mistaken. Anyone that tells you the religions are similar is very much mistaken and they probably do not know that Islam didnt come onto the world scene until 630+ years after Christ.
  5. I cant believe someone complained because in this day and age Christians seem to be afraid to speak up for Christianity. Theres a daily assault against Christianity and its followers in the media and everyday life and you hardly ever hear complaints from Christians. This is yet more proof Islam and Christianty are way diff. If the same were to happen with Islam, the Muslims would be up in arms and burning and chopping the heads off of some these disrespectful people. Im curious to know if the person or persons that spoke up were British? The British are a proud people. G-D save the Queen has a deep meaning for them as a present day traditional saying that has been carried on from centuries past.
  6. The Muslim God is not the same as the Jewish/Christian G-D. For Jews and Christians, we follow the G-D of Abraham-Isaac and Jacob. I think it is silly to remove the word from films.
  7. Yes mayor "Bill" White. Thanks for the correction. For some reason "Bob" Lanier popped into my mind when typing that ;)
  8. Well hopefully there are more people that feel the way you do and this carrier will succeed here and grow.
  9. Not so weird for it to happen on multiple airlines at or near the same time. They often use the same company that edits and distributes the movies.
  10. I support coal wind and nuclear power. I dont lend any support to any dumbass treaties that will in turn hurt the USA. Kyoto is a freakin joke. Its a left over bad idea from the limp wrist lunatics of the 1990's that believed whole heartedly in symbolism over substance. They believe America should take the lead in enforcing those ridiculous laws and rules on our country and the rest of the world will fall in line. Theres no guarantee of that happening. The only guarantee from crap like that is it will serve to hurt our businesses and economy.
  11. I say spend spend spend--live live live. Havent you heard the multiple jackasses speaking about how China holds the economic cards and the oil shortages and rogue states preparing to bomb us? Live each day like they will drop the bomb the next
  12. My wife wasnt born here in the great state of Texas. She wasnt even born in the USA. Shes from Harer, Ethiopia but its a bit hard to tell since she has so much Texas paraphernalia and such a love for most things Texan.
  13. I blame that jiffy pop engined car on her getting pulled over and charged with DWI/DUI. Smack mayor Bob for buying it Dont be so hard on the girl, most of you were teenagers once ;)
  14. Those are not cops. They are an independent fundraiser usually employed by various police unions to get donation for the unions. Tell them you are not interested and add thier numbers to the National Do Not Call List if you are already registered. If you are not registered, it would be a good thing to get registered www.donotcall.gov
  15. Bad stuff happens to our people when we step away from a "kill kill " policy. Its doesnt take the sharpest knife in the drawer to know that catch and release is a poison soup that will bring disaster. Our military isnt a bunch of policemen. Our military exist to kill people and not play role of policemen. Our forces should be sent into to battle for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to WIN. Every one of those limp wrist Admirals/Generals that support anything other than kill kill should be fired and brought up on charges!! To support anything other than winning through brut force, gets the military involved in policy making and that to me is about as dangerous as a standing enemy army. This isnt a dictatorship. Its time to stop coddling these enemy bastards and start killing them!
  16. Empty nest syndrome is starting to set in at my house. I have been with this lady long enough to know when she is sending me signals. Our boys are in college now and i know she wants girls. Adoption will be the route for us at this point. I would like to learn as much as possible about the process. My early retirement goal is pretty much out the window i think, she is pretty consistent with the hints that there are many kids waiting to be adopted, especially girls---older and babies. I want to learn as much as i can, i dont know the first thing about raising girls...im from a mostly male dominated family. Strong arm and belligerence is what i know and i would never focus that on my girls-if or when we get them. I appreciate input from all people here that are more experienced. With your boys, do they know they are adopted, and if so is that a negative factor in thier eyes?
  17. Very nicely done! I admit, i became a little emotional. Im not a fan of Budweiser beer, but i will purchase some just for this
  18. This board is soaked with a diverse group of people. I have questions for the people here that have adopted kids. Was it a difficult process and was it expensive? Was it an international adoption or did the kids come from here in the US? Is it easier to adopt kids from other countries than kids from America? Also, does religion play a factor in the kids you have adopted? Is it common to adot kids from diff. religious backgrounds? Are the kids older or newborns? General question for people here that have girls. Is it more expensive to raise girls than it is boys? All feed back is welcomed
  19. I can hardly wait for the movie. They are already talking movie deal.
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