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Everything posted by lilyheights

  1. It looks like some sort of minimum security facility...but I can see storage facility, too. I keep seeing the vines in the landscaping and thinking, "that might soften it a bit?"
  2. There are a few -- the garage near South Tx College of Law for starters.
  3. It is not a green or brown anole, as far as I can tell. I see them all over the place -- I call them the new big dudes. I also have brown (encroaching) anoles; and still see the rare green dude. This new guy is unknown. Try contacting someone at Texas A&M...they identified some weird bug I saw a few years ago. (Do you remember those strange aphids that were leaving sap all over cars?)
  4. / It was good when Anne Marie owned it. She sold it to retire about 6+ years ago. I went there once after the sale, and they were not the same at all.
  5. I think a few brief scenes in My Best Friend Is A Vampire get close (maybe only to Allen Pkwy). That movie went everywhere from the old Flyers on Richmond, to the Whole Foods (source for pig blood for the choosy I-dont-want-to-use-my-friends vampire types).
  6. There is a movie entitled, The Thief Who Came to Dinner. It was filmed in Houston in 1973. There is this one scene where they're driving. My sister & I, watching it on late night t.v., wondered where these people were driving. We think, Allen Pkwy? Memorial? then there is the Astrodome. They are on what would be Loop 610. The old HISD headquarters (soon to be CostCo) is also featured. The MFAH is in there too -- only it morphs into another building before morphing back. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0070794/ Thought you might like to watch it if you're interested in the once-upon-a-time of loop 610.
  7. I remember those animal shaped sandwiches too. I miss Sakowitz. I still have my parents Sakowitz credit card (it is metal, not plastic).
  8. I don't know if they're impractical. Maybe I would see the limitations if I owned one. When I think about it, I'd love to have a large open concept sink. Then, I can put any sized bucket in there to divide the space as needed. The sink might actually fit a pan with its handle and everything. I bought a double sink. I imagine I'd rather have more control of the division of space; the farmhouse or single pan sink would allow this.
  9. I went to H.S. LE/CJ. It was Geo. Washington Junior High before...at least that was I was always told.
  10. The weather has been perfect. We've been at the park and taking walks. I think a lazy spring fever has taken over...
  11. My mother lived in the garage apartment when Hugo was in residence. She remembers him. How odd that anyone else knows about him. I thought she was the sole keeper of this odd reality.
  12. I grew up in Sharpstown. It was a nice mall. They double-decked it in the 1980s -- it added a lot of stores. Foleys was the anchor. JC Penney and Montgomery Ward were also there. When I was growing up there was a cinema and a nice food court. Foleys also had a restaurant. I remember there was this animatronic puppet-show type thing in the food court for awhile.
  13. They practiced at Bayland Park in the stadium where my brothers had their Fun Football games. Remember that?
  14. I think UH Library special collections has some of the actual catalogs. I remember seeing them on display in the library about 15 years ago. I do not think they were on loan. ...pretty neat stuff.
  15. Living on that street, I imagined a hundred better things and thousands of worse things going in there...I'm pleased, overall. The vacant building (and the grocery before) weren't the best neighbors -- not bad as a grocery, and I miss the convenience, but not the best either. The bank has more green space than the store. They're using the lot they rented -- that's ok -- the bank does not own the lot, so it was not up to them to divide it. The parking was full the other day, so perhaps it is needed? The bank employees are very nice and we plan to take advantage of its proximity. (As we did the grocery before...)
  16. Thanks for posting these. We had every good intention of taking some photos this w/e. The baby, however, had other ideas about how to use our time. I wonder what they'll do. I never knew an old building was under all that Eckard-ness. Very interesting, indeed.
  17. Whatever the reason, I'm thrilled! I can finally drive properly downtown again -- watching the third light in the sequence, just like my mom taught me. I understood from a traffic engineer that the traffic controllers were too old to cascade and work with the train traffic light requirements. Perhaps they've replaced the controllers finally?
  18. Um, if people are paying for the patrols, then it is following the money? I don't know if you read where the constables are costing 255 a year? So, it isn't a matter of placing them where you want. **As for the stats, I don't know. I've had some good response times from the police. ** I still think that the overall police presence could use some help. It is anecdotal, but I understand there is a police shortage. There are billboards recruiting cops to Dallas PD in downtown Houston. Makes me think the hiring shortage will be hard to address quickly, so if the Heights can get their own patrols started it seems like a good idea.
  19. Ok, here is the response I received (not a canned response): When we first purchased the YWCA our intentions were to remodel and re-open quickly. However, understanding how important this facility would be to the Heights community, we stepped back and re-evaluated. During this process we decided that in order to make this a first class, state-of-the art YMCA center, with adequate parking (we are currently in discussion with the city about parking options); we would need to put more resources into this project. We are not abandoning this project but rather making it bigger and better than first visualized. To do this project the right way
  20. Ugh! Mine can't either. Neither can my son wait that long for use of their pool. Let me guess...'burbanite projects are being built first? Riff 'em, raff 'em...
  21. Not advocating you look over here, but I'd just like to give you a description of our area for what it is worth. We moved over here, west of Heights, four years ago...started building five years ago...it was a long process. Anyhow, we have watched our little hundred block change over that time. On our block, there are now a majority of families in their 30s-40s. The other houses include people who have been here for the long haul, one older couple who built their dream home, and one lesbian couple who recently built. There are two new babies on the way, one just born, and one turning two. The divorcees's children come and go depending on the week. So, life west of Heights changes quickly. Five years is a short time to go from rentals to families (all kinds of families -- something we like). We have our problem people, too. The businesses don't bother us. Overall, life over here is fine.
  22. Am I the only one who would prefer a West University type Signature store to a W.Grey/43rd type? Kroger, if you're going to do it, don't do it halfway...
  23. Don't worry...the new Regions Bank building will be here by fall for your tagging delight! I really think it the bank building will be an improvement...of course, the bar was pretty low.
  24. I worked with Andrea Doss. She's a designer and did a wonderful job for us. Her e-mail is: adoss@gabrielhomebuilders.com They measured and installed our wood blinds and quoted us shutters too. She worked with us on pricing and was very competitive. The other companies we received quotes from were over twice the internet pricing on the same product -- brick and mortar service is worth something to us, but not that large a margin. I would recommend working with her. I'm very happy with the end result and the pricing. We used Smith and Nobel on our other windows and didn't save anything vs. working with Andrea. The products are nice enough and worth a look, but the pricing isn't anything incredible. You can do better on the internet than S&N if you want to install yourself.
  25. I noticed a sign on the feeder this week. Maybe it has been there a long time? It reads: "Houston Height Historic District." No "s," just H-E-I-G-H-T... Just thought I'd share this fun fact. Maybe a tagger should get out there and do some good?
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