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Everything posted by lilyheights

  1. But usually nothing will change if you don't talk about problems. Since these are the only plans out there and since they are real (whether on not they're outdated), this is what people can talk to. I don't see anything wrong with saying, "we don't want this plan." Whether it is right or wrong doesn't matter when talking about your opinion of the ideas presented in that plan. Weingarten is more than welcome to issue or provide copies of the most up-to-date plans at any time.
  2. Agreed. One of our founding lessons growing up were my dad's stories about what happened in Cleveland. Unable to annex their suburbs, the city started to die. They stopped some bleeding by passing a city income tax, but that is of little help. One might not like the idea of annexing, but it is the least of all evils, imo.
  3. This story made KUHF's broadcast around 4:30 p.m. this afternoon. As for the gone and missed list, I miss the Ale House. I don't shop at those stores, but I surely had a few beers at the Ale House.
  4. http://www.factsfacts.com/MyHomeRepair/termites.htm
  5. I like Holy Rosary downtown for similar reasons. It is quiet and traditional. They have a Latin service in the morning, if you want to hear that. English and Vietnamese follow throughout Sundays. I don't know if going to a Catholic service will outline that much except what a Catholic service looks like. The religion itself is complex and requires study...Cathechism is sold in bookstores, if you wanted to read that. St. Anne's has a great many programs about the faith that are probably better for learning. I like the History channel idea. What movie was it where the two characters belonged to a Church of the Month club?
  6. I, too, am extremely excited about the pool prospect. I can't wait. If they want pre-registration, they need to let me know.
  7. I think you've just become a broken record of a tune no one cares to hear. We all get what you're saying. Most don't agree. You're dangerously reaching troll status on this subject; far from healthy debate.
  8. It's time has not passed. You don't get it. It doesn't show current movies. It is one of a handful of theatres that shows movies that a small, but significant, portion of the Houston population wants to see. And, it is a great venue to see these movies. What percentage of Houston goes to any one theatre? This city is sooo big, I bet any one theatre doesn't draw that high of a percentage. What percentage of people who want to see something besides Pirates go to the RO? Probably quite a lot. That argument is silly. It isn't about the facade, although it is cool. It is about a way of life. It is a difference in taste in movies. This is our thing and you don't have to like it or even understand it. I'm not going to close down the Alley b/c most people in this city have never seen a live play in their home town.
  9. This topic is being discussed on a thread under the Montrose area. Names and contact e-mails provided for various people, general grumbling, etc. Get over there and add your .02.
  10. This is terrible. I think "Remember the Bellaire" is perfect. Destroyed to make a kids indoor play area that lasted five minutes... now the RO. True, the upstairs seating isn't the best for long legs, but I endured it many a time just to see a good film for a change. And, if you were on top of things, you'd catch your film when it was still downstairs. It is just sad.
  11. I just get tired of them trying to cut more freeway through here every time we turn around.
  12. We went last night, as Wendy mentioned. What fun! Whose family was it with the little boy who was so excited about being "in the *new* target?" I'm sure it was someone on here....we thought that was really cute. He'd obviously been caught up in the excitement too. I hope that the store continues to be as helpful as they were last night.
  13. You're right Wendy. Living in Houston my whole life, I have never, ever seen or heard people get sooo excited about something. This city so rarely takes a collective interest in anything, but darn that Target store opening. Personally, I can't wait! We're actually holding off on purchases and shopping excursions so that we can do them at the new Target...I feel a little like a sap.
  14. My husband ate there last night and described the atmosphere as similar to the t.v. show, "Hell's Kitchen." I took that to mean that the staff wasn't organized properly at this point. The food, he said, was good. He said that if they can get their service working and add the missing items from the menu, it will be a great place. If you're reading this Mr. Restaurant Owner, know that we're all being patient. Try to get this together for us.
  15. I wonder if they grandfather in some safety and things too. If your plant is operational and then you go and build a whole new facility, do you end up incurring costs associated with meeting current regulations? Even if you could move the industrial widget assembly, it does not meet code so you have buy a new industrial widget assembly? It wouldn't surprise me if this were the case.
  16. Correct me if I'm wrong HY, but I think she's thinking French-style perhaps? Not cakes, pies, and cookies, but croissants and breads.
  17. To support the different parts of the city experience different things idea, this was not my Alicia memory. For us, power returned the same day, no flooding, it wasn't much. We lived in Sharpstown and we faired well. That isn't to say others didn't and that it isn't a crap shoot; it will be different for everyone. MS, not LA, got the brunt of Katrina? -- easy to forget due to news coverage focus.
  18. Those are Japanese drums and Japanese whatnot. Mamasan has always had a strange decorating sense...the last place (that was around forever) made you afraid you'd turn into a Nagel print. Believe me, the decor at the new place is much better.
  19. Coco's has a loyal following, including me. I am excited to learn that they moved and didn't close. Mamasan, the owner, is the best. If she likes you, there is usually free sake at the end of your meal. I ate there tonight and the food is as good as always. It is a regulars kind of place, so be patient if you're new -- you'll soon become family. Where else can you listen to the dance music while eating sushi and watching sports?
  20. Maybe that's true. It took me six years. Then, I waited to apply for graduation until the next semester. So, technically that's seven. Does that make someone uneducated? I think there are circumstances in most people's lives that have them take a little longer to get through that degree. It usually involves working their way through school. People who do this are often more qualified to enter the work force. So, I question whether it is a bad thing.
  21. 82% Dixie. I guess I'll be paying for that coke and crawfish with confederate money according to the survey. Anyone want to join me for a trip to the beer barn?
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