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Posts posted by houstonmacbro

  1. Palin was looking at notes. I am not sure that is very presidential, but at least she has something to back up her thoughts. Better to have them, than look like a complete fool.

    Anyhow, I thought Biden was awesome.

    More importantly, I thought Gwen Ifill was fair and balanced with both candidates and didn't play partisan politics.

    OMG who are all of these people rushing up on the stage. And that daughter carrying around her baby is just kinda weird.

  2. I am at work all night tonight but not listening to the debate... keep us updated! :)

    I think Biden is much more statesmanly (is that too manish a term?) and seems to be clear and precise in his answers to the questions. She is still waffling and double-talking, but it is not like in her interviews.

    She seems to have facts and figures in her head, but she is looking at notes each time before she speaks.

  3. Have you guys checked out the Obama Channel? Ch. 73 on Dish Network and I think also for Direc TV

    First I am hearing about this. I wonder if they have it on AT&T. I doubt it huh?

    OMG are you serious? All conservatives do is complain and cry... they cry about how the media is so "liberal"... they cry about how Hollywood is so "liberal"... they cry about how everyone from the Northeast or the West Coast are elitists and not "real Americans"... they cry about "liberal" judges ruling that American citizens should all have equal rights... they cry about how anything sexual is "immoral" and about how "gays" want to eat their children. They complain about how Europeans have all become "weak little socialists" b/c they don't back them up when they want to invade countries for reasons that might not hold up... they complain that "Family Guy" and "The Simpsons" have "evil liberal agendas"...

    I mean, don't get me wrong, I can understand why Conservatives are so bitter and upset... so many of them are old, boring, sexually deprived, etc... They tend to live in boring places like Kansas, Oklahoma and Friendswood while at the same time watching people live in more "fun / happening" places like the California Coast, New York City, Montrose :wub: . They have to sit through the horror of watching gays gain equal rights. AAAAHHHHGGGG!!! :ph34r:

    You got that right! I was at lunch today with co-workers (all old Southern white ladies ... that musta been a site). Anyhow, one of them said that something came on the news about Ted Kennedy and she was like "I don't want to see that. I could care less, and he needs to be gone anyhow."

    Now, I am no fan of a lot of Republicans, but I don't think I'd be that callous.

    Oh yeah, the one that said it had a cross around her neck.

    Go figure.

  4. I've pretty much stayed out of this conversation, but I have to say this...

    ... in listening to Sarah Palin speak (interviews mainly with Katie Couric), it is apparent that she doesn't know what the heck she is even saying. She sounds like she is just picking out words, and catch phrases, and putting them together into sentences that lack coherence and/or meaning.

    I come away shaking my head and wondering "What the heck did she just say?!?!"

    To make matter worse, she doesn't exactly answer the questions. She just kinda babbles out a response.

  5. Hmmm, so is it your belief that this Brigade is being bought home to gear up for the possible Obama inauguration ?

    There has also been instances where people blabbed sooner than later and it didn't matter because the person being blabbed about was of no consequence. i.e. Plame incident.

    I was the second gunman on the grassy knoll, and I will never tell. I also forced Teddy off the bridge into Chappaqudick.

    CRUNCH, you and meme need to quit watching Alex Jones on public access.

    Just because it's outside of the mainstream doesn't mean it's not real or true. I have gotten a lot of good information from listening to Coast to Coast AM, and some of it (most of it) is kookie, late night fun about aliens, disappearances of bees, 2012, but a lot of stuff presented is really interesting.

    I think what gets overshadowed is that some of their guests really do seem to know about what seems to be coming true or coming to light.

  6. Did anyone use a solar-powered generator during an outage post-Ike? How did it perform? I'm reading up on them for the next time I'm out of power for 15 1/2 days. I don't like gasoline powered generators.

    Links? I am kinda interested to learn a little more myself.

    FTR, my mother is STILL without power.

  7. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/5985207.html

    Continental announced that it will begin charging for the first checked bag in October.

    So, why don't we show the airline how silly this decision is by writing letters.

    If that fails and October comes, do not check any bags for any reason on the airline. I would prefer that the airline raises ticket costs as opposed to tacking a fee on the passengers.

    I've heard this practice is common on airlines in Europe. Can anyone verify this?

    (Personally, I think it stinks and would rather have a slightly higher ticket price as well. I mean, pretty soon they'll be charging us extra fees for wanting an actual seat!).

  8. Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I have a co-worker who owns a home, with her husband, somewhere on Galveston. She was complaining about the damage and this and that.

    I guess if you're rich enough to have 2nd and 3rd home, you ought to have really good insurance. Also, if you're foolish enough to own something in a prone disaster area, why should you be crying when it gets washed away.

    Am I wrong for feeling not the least bit of sorrow over that? I mean, it wasn't her primary residence (which would have been terrible, and no one was killed or hurt).

  9. Oh lighten up, even Fast Eddie Felson thought that was funny......

    Paul Newman rest in Peace oh great one, one of the last of the true great 20th-century movie stars, man he leaves a pretty wide void. Some people don't know that he done a lot of great things in his personal life. He was such a low key guy, didn't really fit into the typical "Hollywood" mold. Married to the same gal, Joanne Woodward, all those years, when wife swapping in that business, was as common as changing your socks. Of his great success, more than $200 million, have been donated to charity. That's a big chunk of change. And for us gear heads, he was a car guy. Successful race car driver and owner, just the quintessential cool dude. I actually got to shake his hand and talk to him at Daytona in 1995. Was surprised he was as small a man as he was. On the screen he was bigger than life it seemed. But make no bone about it he was a car guy. When he was at the race track, he did want to talk about acting or Hollywood, but he'd wear your ear out when it came to cars.

    Rest in Peace Fast Eddie, tell Fats we all said hello...............

    I know, I need to lighten up. It just seems like we're losing a lot of (famous) people lately. To be honest, I am not a big fan of Newman, outside of his salad dressings.

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