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Posts posted by houstonmacbro

  1. I named it Shady Acres Mall. I feel really bad for Greenspoint...if I could afford it, I would fix it up and rename it something like "Airport Place Mall". It needs a Fry's Electronics. That would be fun...

    I live about 7 miles from the mall and it is really not as bad as Puma makes it sound. I wish they had a better food court. I have been wanting to try out the Mexican restaurant (Luna I think?) but just never have a desire to goto the mall (any mall, not just Greenspoint).

    I don't care for the whole mall concept really.

    • Like 1
  2. Macbro: While Simpson knew that he would face more scrutiny, shouldn't he have taken the chance to "reform" his life? I don't get it.

    Yeah, it does sound inconsequential - He's in prison, and nobody cares about him anymore. Let's focus on what can hurt us now.

    Some people are just knuckleheads.

  3. Doesn't surprise me in the least. IMO, it was only a matter of time before that got this fool on something. The man is a complete idiot. He was basically a walking court case, as sad as it sounds.

    Doesn't sound sad. I mean, he knew this country was gunning for him after his previous acquittal, and then he did something else (I forget) and go off on that.

    Well, they always say the 3rd time's the charm. Guess his luck was up on this.

    But, I have to say this ... doesn't the Simpson drama seem inconsequential in light of the real problems facing this nation?

  4. I can only speak for myself, but I certainly wasn't deriding public education. I was pointing out that it is, essentially, a socialist institution. We all pay for it, everyone is entitled to it. I never said it was bad. I didn't pick up on derision in anyone else's post, either, though I may have missed something.

    Maybe it was another thread. Sorry if I misquoted.

    (BTW, I have been writing a really long paper due tomorrow AND trying to keep up with messages on here. I surely hope I haven't written some socialist wrant in my paper.


  5. Speaking of gaffes:

    Or is this a secret call for help?

    Poor guy.

    Let me say this. Both senators have grueling schedules right now and it is probably just a slip of the tongue from a tired old guy who prolly just wants to sit down, relax with his slippers on in front of the TV, with a cold-one, the remote, and some salty snacks.

    I was more interested in the expressions of Palin (and was that his wife?) in the background who seemed like a robots turning from side-to-side with that plastic smile.

  6. Agreed, McCain got Obama's attention by patting him on the back and said to Obama that Cindy wanted to say hi. You people have some SERIOUS insecurity issues.

    I've always agreed that it is one big country club in the Senate. No matter race, politics, gender or religion, those 100 folks up there are buddies that pal around at each others' parties, kids graduations, wives' parties, etc.

    Obama said the computer was invented by the defense department for communication purposes. I think he meant the internet.

    I think he meant Al Gore invented the Internet AND the (personal) computer for the defense department. :lol:

  7. I didn't notice until today that Chris Bell is back, this time running in a special election for the state legislature. I swear that guy is a joke at this point with all of the different offices he's run for and lost. Oops, I forgot, he got elected to Congress a few years ago and managed to serve just one term.

    Why can't some people just take a hint? Is he allergic to having a real job?

    As I commented in the Chron story, he's a career politician without the career!

    Some people just love to be in office - it's a thrill for them; I seriously think they get a high or something.

    I lived in DC for 20 years and I never saw so many local career politicians representative of their wards. They were in office when I got there and many were in office when I left. Come to think of it, many of the current congress was there too and is STILL there.

    Some people love elected office.

  8. Good thing McCain postponed his campaigning to fly to Washington to help fix the economy. Now that its all better he's back to campaigning again.

    Okay, you guys are too hilarious. Yes, the economy is back on track and the old McCain Steamroller is back on track.


    Just think about this then, Bush was ahead of Kerry at this time in the polls in 2004. Also, the race has been much more steady this year (and in Obama's favor). There is really nothing that I can see, that will turn this in McCain's favor.


  9. Guess which name they will come up with? One of those suggested by HAIFers.

    I really don't fancy Lone Star College. There are too many lone star business around here for a college system to take up same name. Why can't students and alumni vote on a new name?

    Lone Star College was not the name of choice by many residents, staff, faculty and students. Many staffers couldn't believe that name was chosen.

  10. The Moderator did exceptionally well, kept control of the debate, and stuck to the format. She did a lot better than the Presidential Mod did. I was pleasantly surprised, she should do the next one, I don't care what book she's got out.

    Gwen always does a great job. I love her podcasts (I think it's This Week In Washington). She's knowledgeable, respectful, funny (how many news people can you say that about), and genuinely loves what she does.

    I have been hearing about this book, but I doubt I will read it anyhow.

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