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Everything posted by jmancuso

  1. the best angle of the skyline is from the gulf frwy northbound.
  2. never seen a movie where houston is obliterated (apart from ID4 which really doesn't cut it) but did see dallas get pummled by an asteroid in some cheesy TV movie a few years ago.
  3. i just avoid religion at all costs. it ain't for me.
  4. nancy? supporting the death penalty is one thing but being giddy over it is another.
  5. houston is a sanctuary city so cops just can't walk up to a mexican and demand his ID...to find out whether he/she is illegal.
  6. if space would be an issue right around the galleria area for rail; make it an el. the idea was kicked around in the 80's. it would be preferable becuase traffic at westheimer/610 is already a bitch. i like the idea of a subway station at the galleria though. i think there will be a BRT route going and down post oak as well.
  7. quail valley has gotten pretty sh***y. i lived there from 1984 to 1989 and it was going south back then.
  8. wow...i mean just...wow. highway6, you wouldn't happen to be an enthusiast of white linens would ya?
  9. i'm game. just think with the trend converting buildings no longer profitable for corporate use to residential, this building would be perfect.
  10. hey, it was great meeting everyone tonite. had a good time.
  11. i dont think this building will age well...like the buildings from the 50's and 60's
  12. i love SSP but that site is far worse than SSC when it comes to houston becuase SSP'ers kick the psuedo elitism up a notch and to them...we don't live in a 'real' city.
  13. the williams tower is not really known to folks outside of the houston area. houston folks come there to neck, commit suicide or sit atop of the parking garage with a high powered rifle. however, if al 'queda were to hit houston (which is a possibility), they would hit the refineries or the ship channel. plus williams isn't the only tower "locked down" since 9/11 but most office buildings have become inhabited by roaming packs of security officers. i think shutting down tall office towers immediately after 9/11 was a wise idea but after a couple of months, they should have eased up a bit. no matter where i go with my digi-cam, i always have some wary eyed as for the national guard at the airport in the weeks after 9/11, not a bad idea and most countries do have heavily armed police stationed at airports.
  14. that really is an unflattering pic. this city has way too many surface lots..not just downtown but everywhere.
  15. better this than be demo'd for a mcmansion.
  16. typical knee-jerk reaction to 9/11 we seem to encounter all over the place.
  17. i support the minute men as long as all they do is call in suspected activity to the authorities and not take matters into their own hands. i have less of an issue with the illegal immigration itself than i do the waving of the mexican flag (if you love it so much...go back), the failure to learn english and assimilate into american society. no matter where you go nowdays, everything is bilingual; here, iowa, rhode island, etc. it's b.s. organizations such as lulac and la raza are nothing more than poverty pimps becuase they don't have the immigrants' best intrests in mind but only want more to increase their base and further their agendas. [/rant]
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