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Everything posted by jmancuso

  1. six flags should have never taken over darien lake. i used to go there quite a few times as a kid. hate to see them shut it down.
  2. if this guy stiffed you, i would go to cad cam in person (if it's in town) and beat it out of him or at the very least, make a scene.
  3. the san jacinto monument is too far away.
  4. i'm not suprised at houston's low numbers; i could elabortate as to why but it wouldn't be very diverse or tolerant of me...
  5. it's best in this knee-jerk post 9/11 world nit to even bother taking pictures of infastructure; nuke plants, public transportation, bridges, airports, train terminals, etc...
  6. i live two blocks west of post oak and between this, the BRT route along post oak and the development over at the westcreek/ central ford sites, the traffic is going to suck with a capital "S".
  7. yeah, he's known for his admiration for daffy duck cartoons and pr0n.
  8. fire in kure, japan rittenhouse sq, in philly: cool cab in bloomsbury london
  9. i was never worried about north korea or iran becuase they know if they went ahead and did something stupid like lob a missile at us or smuggle in a nuke and set it off in a major city, we would bomb them back to leave it to beaver however, if i were in japan, south korea or israel, i'd be a tad but uneasy. even then, the IDF would spank iran and japan (despite to being limited to defense only) could take care of north korea. south korea would mop the floor with krazy kim.
  10. the only peice of furniture i bought new was a cherry bookcase from gallery. it wasn't cheap ($500) but it will last. i plan on buying a cherry desk eventually from there as well. i'll probably look elsewhere for a new dresser/ nightstand and will probably do foleys/ dillards for the couch. i'm sick of used furniture.
  11. fining the owners who get their buildings tagged on a routine basis? WTF?! what a stupid idea! as always, let's not hold the people who actually do ____ like this accountable...
  12. i didn't catch the part where they would use these now but there was no need for the smart ass reply.
  13. we should get yao ming to stand on rudy T's shoulders on the roof to make jpmorgan chase taller than library.
  14. there were no escalades around when bush sr. or clinton were president.
  15. as much as i don't like the chicken hawks, if you included republicans who did serve, this list may not appear so lop-sided. rumsfeld - retired navy captain alberto gonzales - USAF tom ridge - army john beohner (majority leader...delay's old gig) - USN but discharged becuase of back i wish i was able to join the military but apparently they frown on folks with depression...don't want anyone freaking out and rolling a grenade into the mess hell.
  16. i wish i was more of a "go getter" in my 20's instead of just doing nothing. no traveling, no "living" life to the fullest, pissed around in school, no ambition.. i got my act together though and finished college at 28, masters at 32 (last december)
  17. http://www.pbase.com/mancusoj/image/58148278.jpg http://www.pbase.com/mancusoj/image/58148927.jpg http://www.pbase.com/mancusoj/image/58148914.jpg http://www.pbase.com/mancusoj/image/58148915.jpg http://www.pbase.com/mancusoj/image/58148912.jpg http://www.pbase.com/mancusoj/image/58148913.jpg http://www.pbase.com/mancusoj/image/58148924.jpg http://www.pbase.com/mancusoj/image/58148926.jpg http://www.pbase.com/mancusoj/image/58148922.jpg http://www.pbase.com/mancusoj/image/58148917.jpg
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