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Everything posted by ricco67

  1. The trump tower fits that bill. they spent a couple of million on a metallic accent. In case you're wondering, it was the building featured in the TV show "the crazy ones. "
  2. I've noticed that the greyhound busses have moved to the old star furniture parking lot on I45.
  3. I don't think it's insurmountable, it's the routing that would trade speed and ridership that would be the challenge. The way Culberson wrote the anti rail bill, it might be prudent if metro looked at other routes to get funding.
  4. I thought I saw them unloading a backhoe on the capital street side. I drove by it before I realized that it wasn't rail related. can anyone confirm?
  5. Well, we quickly moved to other topics, particularly since apparently they've been under quite a bit of pressure to have more urban type buildings.
  6. I happen to talk to a guy associated with this project and has told me that they plan on breaking ground by the end of the year.
  7. Didn't they state that they might want to really look at the regulations regarding access for fire equipment at the rear of apartment complexes such as this?
  8. I noticed that they're finally removing debris from the property. I'm guessing the insurance paid up and the investigation is over. anyone know if they are going to go with the same design?
  9. It will be interesting to see what effect the additional pedestrian traffic would have on the hustlers at the station.
  10. There might be some truth to that, I've been eating there for decades and it seems to me that it isn't quite as good as it used to be. eating in is okay, but I stopped takeout there for the same reasons. now when I do takeout for Pizza, I hit up franks.
  11. ricco67

    METRORail Green Line

    well, you just can't have workers standing by, so I'd imagine they'd have to design and engineer it once they decide what design they want to use. then of course, you need to order pieces from various vendors, blah, blah, blah. Most people don't have the slightest clue on what it takes to construct something.
  12. ricco67

    METRORail Green Line

    That sounds like a decent compromise. I guess is time for me to pay attention to construction schedules and weather again for my next video runs.
  13. as long as it's more stable than a few of the members on here, it shouldn't matter.
  14. ricco67

    METRORail Green Line

    But what kind of overpass? I heard they were going for the rail only option, then last night on the news, they approved a rail and traffic one.
  15. ricco67

    METRORail Green Line

    What time was this? kinda wonder what the time frame will be to transfer the car's to that line.
  16. seeing the crane that was installing the crane this past weekemd, it seemed to me that the clearance for it to pass under the catenary power lines would be fairly tight. not to mention bringing in all the materials needed to construct the hotel. I'm sure they will be able to do it, but I think it will be a bit of a challenge.
  17. As I mentioned before, it will be interesting to see how they are going to get the crane and other heavy equipment over those lines. then there is the construction issues while the line is running.
  18. After seeing the back and forth between the various arguments, I'd have to say that I'm for the post office site. reason being is that it's important to keep it easily accessible to everyone and just not those with a car. why not just keep the current site? mostly because it is outdated and nearing the end of its useful life. I'd like to see it redone, but I think that it would be cost prohibitive if it is to be brought up to current standards. would the post office or current site be ideal for development? yes, but it wouldn't serve the interest of the citizens of Houston for the court and police system to relocate outside of the city. As much as many users have complained so vehemently when ExxonMobil (and others) moving outside of the city center, I'm disappointed that many of you would be so hypocritical in moving so many jobs away from the very core you're trying to improve.
  19. While driving by the building a few weeks ago, I have noticed that there are some burn marks towards the middle of the building. I'm assuming this place caught on fire in the distant past.
  20. I can't find it, but wasn't there a chart that list the range of the 380 and 787 on where they could reach from bush? could've sworn it was posted here at some time.
  21. You also have to remember the was a different mindset about the environment at the time.
  22. arch, you also have to remember that industries and cities around the world started on shorelines. it's not a unique thing to Houston. There have been cities that "reclaimed" the seaside for residential and tourism, as well as green space, but it was only after the various industries failed. now that some want to come back (fishing and ship building), they are unable to because they're unable to reestablish itself because of the huge tracks of land required that are now prohibitively expensive. it is a blessing but also a curse to have a nice seaside community, but there would be little work for those that are unable to afford the scenic views.
  23. Now that the weather is getting warmer, go to downtown about dusk. they are everywhere. I've said in previous posts that I'd gladly volunteer to walk DT and use a shotgun with birdshot to get rid of the pesky things.
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