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Everything posted by Montrose1100

  1. Let's keep it civil. As much as possible anyway. I really enjoyed the skyline during the "power over houston" in the late 90s. Particularly the spotlights on most of the skyline. It's as simple as illuminating the buildings, without anything "flashy". Most of our towers have huge plazas that could easily incorporate some lighting. Although I am a sucker for flashy, and would not complain if every building was wrapped in LEDs fading between all colors of the rainbow. We know why it went dark, so how do we ask them to turn on the lights again?
  2. Yeah there's an ABC13 article about "Houston's Riverwalk"? Tee-hee. https://abc13.com/east-river-project-development-houston-buffalo-bayou/10977069/
  3. Such a cute high-rise. Really wish they would have developed the ex-Americas/Barnes & Noble section with similar style. Would have looked 100x better. The white to off-white, terrible stone choices, then you have this clean thing.
  4. I'm all for preserving historic structures, beautiful warehouses, and mostly anything interesting. However, honestly, don't understand why we're defending strip centers when we all bust out the champagne if an apartment complex has GFR. The city needs to densify and a strip center with a surface lot are protest worthy? Everything and nothing is sacred in this town. Build the HSR. Improve the freeways.
  5. Are we sure? We've got a cluster around Eureka Heights, and some within the loop at Pierce Junction, some inside the beltway RRC Map
  6. Who cares what you look like as along as you have fun. I'm tempted to buy one and scoot around the east end.
  7. I get what you're saying, just think you're painting a broad stroke. Don't think what you're saying is bad or good, just wrong ;). We're not St Louis, and we're not Detroit, and our economic engine is still humming.
  8. Would be a terrible way to go, but they're more likely to die in a major flooding event. Edit: Or a road rage incident given the almost daily shootings.
  9. This is not grounded in any facts. We also haven't had a republican mayor since 1981. If anything, people are upset white people are moving into their inner loop neighborhoods (i.e. gentrification).
  10. There are zero full vacant lots north/east of Caroline & Rusk (Historic District). Plenty of full blocks adjacent though.
  11. They can walk to Coral Sword and hear all of the nightly gunshots south telephone has to offer. Did I mention the dual tracks? toot toot. I'm actually envious they can walk to Coral Sword.
  12. My money is on the Mercer for thinnest high-rise in Texas. I'm really happy this tiny block is being developed into a residential tower. Eventually, It will be nice to see what fills in around the historic district's surface lots. Would love to see some smaller and more interesting residential/hotel there.
  13. Yes. Is 609 Main lit up in that picture too? Or it is just the faint sunset?
  14. I wouldn't get too excited. The same firm did Market Square Tower. Won't be nearly as romantic as the render. Also won't be as terrible as anything Randal Davis.
  15. @Highrise Tower You're too quick for me. I finally found Urb's post to merge and you beat me to it. Thanks.
  16. Houston Chronicle Article The article mentions Jackson & Ryan as the architects but it's not on their site. Jackson Ryan Architects
  17. It's disenchanting. I'm nervous about the rest of the project. The Museum District is was the one area left that was sacred and safe from bright, cheap, tacky towers.
  18. It's really nice being able to see left down McKinney at the stop sign when driving north on Cullen. There's also stakes in the ground.
  19. Because we don't have a "on-hold" section. These lots will get developed eventually, and the title will change, and will eventually "go up". Makes it easier to find when the time comes. We're here to make sure everyone plays nicely and move/merge threads by requests.
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