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Everything posted by ENGcons

  1. Well, since your curious about the turnaround I will just say this project is on life support as it is, and I just point blanked asked him if it was dead or not, he said he thinks so. The problem is that it is difficult for a contractor to walk away from a potential $200 million project. Especially if they have already mobilized on the site, done some utility work for it, and not to mention the countless hours getting this deal together with the owner.
  2. I lived at post in midtown when I first came back to houston 4 years ago and the bus station is the only thing there that is hurting additional redevelopment. Moving the bus station to the northside is the logical thing to do becasue of the easier access to the freeways that travel north, east. I however don't see this happening due to the efforts to rebuild the east side, or north side of the downtown area. The last thing those people want is the bad element the bus station brings with it. There is no real area that will want a bus station next to it in the downtown area because all areas of that part of houston are undergoing some type of redevelopment. I am afraid midtown is stuck with it for a while.
  3. Another update from my buddy. In his opinion this project is dead. They are anticipating the revised design in January, but the outlook is not good. If this project is ever to be built they will have to probably find a new Contractor, and start over from scratch. Shame, damn nice buildings, but I am glad I resigned.
  4. Does anyone know what is going on off Boudreax Road behind Gleannloch Farms? They have cut new roads, and cleared a tremendous amount of land right where the GP is suppossed to go through. I saw a map a few weeks ago that showed a neighborhood surface road going right down the path of the proposed GP, and it seems this is the direction that land is taking. When asking questions at the Info center all I get is "future development", no specifics given. I thought it was homes going in, but not according to sales people in the area, they are inthe dark like the rest of us. It has a Gleannloch properties sign on the area, but there is no information to be found. Anyone know?
  5. I have seen those signs up for over a year and have wondered what is going on with that myself. I didn't know there was much of a market for those in that immediate area. I was thinking the development would be more towards 249. However, if those condos do end up going up the traffic on Champions Forest Dr will get nasty as well as Cypresswood Dr. I remember when Memorial NW was the end of the world, now its in the middle of town practically, along with its 500 stop signs.
  6. Uh not quite. I used to be on the project team for this project myself until I resigned and went elsewhere. My friend heads up the Project team.
  7. Orion is currently on hold due to some of the 5000 sf units being split to make more 2500 sf units. However, the owners want to have a good number of 5000 sf units for sale so they are adding 3 floors to the building making it 40 stories total. The redesign will hopefully be complete in January.
  8. "In the intervening months, construction costs have gotten away from them which will push the cost of even the newly designed smaller units up. " How do you know about the Construction budget? Also there was no interview process for these buildings for a contractor. The budget was presented to Orion for tower one, and the clubhouse over a year ago. There was no sticker shock then.
  9. My sources are not "seceret", this is not spy games or something. It is just these are people, who I have professional relationships with, I refuse to give out a company name, or a persons name for information I have been privilidged to. Plus, you never know who else reads this board. And I was responding to midtown whoever his name is for snubbing my comments on the issue.
  10. I guess you should actually read my post before responding. I said Exxon has a plan for a new tower, HOWEVER, due to abatement issues it costs too much to tear down the old tower for the planned parking garage that is designed to go in the place where the Exxon building stands. And as for revealing a source you have to be nuts. This might be an anymous board but iam not selling out a source, which should tell you I didn't pick this up out of the newspaper.
  11. In order to get the Olympics here Houston needs to step it up in the bribe catagory. Our bribe skills are not up to par with the international community. Also the IOC said the City had no International Appeal. And I hate to say it but it's true, we are a business city, not a tourist destination. As much as I like the old Dome, if they don't figure out what to do with it soon, tear it down and get it over with.
  12. No I will not mention names from the School Board, but these are former, not current members of the board. And this is not just my opinion or heresay, it is common knowledge within he district, hence the title former members of the KISD School Board. And the board is not in trouble for aquiring the land. The owner is the only one who thinks this is not fair market value, which of course I an understand due to the the fact Klein had to impose imminent domain. From my understanding the owner of the land jacked up his "fair market value" price per acre after Kickerillo decided to move in the area. What Klein is offering is the market value for the land. I for one am looking forward to the New High School. I would rather that land be used for that than more homes going up. No I will not mention names from the School Board, but these are former, not current members of the board. And this is not just my opinion or heresay, it is common knowledge within he district, hence the title former members of the KISD School Board. And the board is not in trouble for aquiring the land. The owner is the only one who thinks this is not fair market value, which of course I an understand due to the the fact Klein had to impose imminent domain. From my understanding the owner of the land jacked up his "fair market value" price per acre after Kickerillo decided to move in the area. What Klein is offering is the market value for the land. I for one am looking forward to the New High School. I would rather that land be used for that than more homes going up.
  13. I live up anorth of the 1960 area off Spring Cypress and have lived in Greenwood Forest off 1960 most of my life growing up. I have watche that area go fro a nice Champions suburban area to overrun with junk. 1960 from Veterans to 45 is noting but cheap strip centers and signs. There is that littel gem area around Champions Forest Drive that has developed nicely. However the residents of Greenwood are losing money hand over fist on property values because of th declining Klein Forest High School, and the southern portion of the school district which is a lower income area populationg that school. NOrht of 1960 the neighborhoods seem to be stable and growing. Klein Oak which will become a 5A school again next year is a good school. Due to some Klein school board members who are now not on the board anymore having a self pleasing agenda keeping hteir own neighbothoods inthe Klein High zone have caused all the problems for the district, and have hurt some property values. Kickerillo is building a fantastic development on Louetta and 249 with High end gated community homes, a high end shopping center, and the park development. We could not be happier since all this does is increase the value of the homes around it. Also Klein is poised to build a 5th High School in this area, they are already aquiring the land for it, and Construction should start in 5-8 years. This will also be a great boost for the area. With the massive building of homes in the area, mid to high end, the new shopping developments, and a new High School the Spring Cypress, Louetta area along 249 is exploding in value.
  14. Oh, this project is definatly moving forward, there is to much already invested by the owners to get out. The deposit returns alone for the future condo owners would kill any development company. It is just not moving at the quickest pace possible. These condos start at $1.2 million with no finishes, and only go up from there. A deposit is required to secure a spot, $120,000 I believe. If you ever get the opportunity to take a look at the model condo over at the sales office I highly recommend it. Mind you, the model is not even the high end pad, and It is like a Rock Star house.
  15. Here is Manhattan's website. http://www.manhattanconstruction.com/index2.cfm They are one of the largest firms in Houston, and top 50 according to ENR. They were slated to be the GC for Orion from the get go. Manhattan resume includes: Reliant Stadium Hermann Hospital additions St Lukes Proffessional Tower IAH multiple Projects Criminal Justie Building Downtown Baker Street Jail La Berge Dulac Casino in Lake Charles Bayou Place They are a big time Contractor not only in Houston, but in the United States. Their next big thing is the new Cowboys Stadium, which was set in motion a long time ago.
  16. The Exxon building would cost more to renovate than for a new building due to abatement. Exxon owns the lot across the street and has a plan to build a new office, and tear down the original Exxon building to make way for a parkign garage. But like I said abatement before demolition would be incredibly costly.
  17. If you want an update on Orion I can give it. It is still in the works but on hold. This project has been faced with many difficulties since it began. Manhattan is to be the General Contractor on it. Currently the project is only under contract for the Foundation portion, the plans were not sufficient to meet ode but the owners wanted to get started. Manhattan is owed over $1 million fromthe owners and has decided to stop work after the Utility work goes in until they are paid. The original plan was one tower goes up, and the second 6 months after. Tower one last I heard was about 50% sold, and is probably more by now. This project has changed both owners, and architects. Having seen the plans myself I can understand why the original achitect was let go. Anyhow, the project is budgeted, and Manhattan is just waiting to pull the trigger, the owners are just having financial issues at the moment.
  18. New member here and i was just researching the Grand Parkway and ran across this site. This artile is good news. I live in Spring and do not want the Parkway coming through my backyard, and I mean that in the literal sense! My preference would be for this thing to go away totally, but it probably will not so there will have to a e medium that both the GP people, and hte Spring peole can live with. Right now segmetn F-2 is somethingI can't live with.
  19. This segment F2 is gong to have a difficult time getting through the area South of Boudreax Road. The development inthe area is moving faster than anyone can keep up with. However, in Gleannloch farms, they are starting to clear an area for what they call "future development" with no specifics. This area sits about 100 yds from the back property line of some existing homes. Is this 100yd area a window for the proposed Grand Parkway? I walked the area Sunday and could not see how the GP would thread through the existing, and now new area to be built. I also don't see how Gleannloch Farms wold let the GP bisect right through their neighborhood.
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