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Everything posted by ENGcons

  1. Klein ISD spent $70,000 on this updated 81 page report that we could have done? The report is actually much longer, about 3 inches thick. However, the Board allocated $70,000 to have the report made, whether they spent the entire $70K is something I don't know.
  2. My concern with this report that I am not impressed with is this. The intent of the PASA report wa to be a third party study of the district. It is very clear that the District has had some influence on the outcome of theis report. I think KISD just threw $70,000 in the trash on this.
  3. Well I was trying to give some insight to a project that I know about since the board was asking. I now wish I had never said a word and let you guys keep playing pin the tail on the donkey. I'm done filling in the board on the W development. You guys can just guess on your own from now on.
  4. And I am not going to answer questions about it. This is a project that NONE of you have come close to knowing anything about. I know a great deal about this project, yet cannot discuss it.
  5. No problem. Sorry guys, no more updates until ground is broken. Send your complaints to talltexan83 if you have any.
  6. I would really like to see this report, yet the link does not work. Does it include projections for enrollments next year?
  7. And your vote would be incorrect. BLVD Place is an entirely different development.
  8. Just another W update. The project consist of 3 towers, Hotels and Condo. It is a whale of a project. The more I get to know about it the bigger it seems to get. The W is 26 floors I believe.
  9. No offense taken. The reason for the Hush Hush is the company I work for is in negotiations with the W people to build the thing. I do not want to jeopordize the process.
  10. Sorry due to confidentiality agreements I cannot talk about the location. But if you just think about it where it should go then you can figure it out. Also I am getting a red X on the image posted so I can't say. I know the W is pretty cool news coming to Houston, but there is another project that is in the works is going to be even more awesome if it goes through.
  11. I will also be very interested in the new PASA report. With KISD screwing up the latest numbers so bad, maybe on purpose to create a certain outcome for zoning, but I am just saying. Anyhow, I understand that withthe new Frank Elementary School which was built to relive both Hassler and Khorville, it will have T- buildings onthe first day due to overcrowding on day one. No room for expansion which was originally intended. Where Hassler will be under capacity by 100-120 kids. Way to go Klein!!! I fully expect another rezoning next year since this part of the district is so screwed up.
  12. Just spoke to someone about the W this morning. The W is a done deal and will be in Houston with construction starting within the next 2 years. Location is finalized, but the design is still in the works, in fact drawings have not yet begun as far as I know.
  13. That staement is incorrect. That is not a W Hotel. As I stated before, the W hotel is already in the works and the land is being aquired as we speak, and the land is not inthe woodlands. Due to a confidentiality clause that is all that can be said by those involved.
  14. It's missing alot of the work in the energy corridor like the BP work, Trammill Crow's new buildings, and others.
  15. The W is already in the works, in fact the property is already being aquired.
  16. I agree. I use this road everyday and it is a constant backup in the morning commute that could be resolved by extending the freeway portion of the road all the way to I-45, and expanding the interchange at the tollway to include a westbound access ramp.. The Aggie highway is just another uneccessary road project that burns me up with the aggie gov that somehow got re-elected. There is no reason that road needs to be built other than a more direct route to gomerville. To Hell what what is needed, we need to make sure we can get to the stadium to watch our mediocre football team.
  17. That is almost correct. From this point forward Klein ISD will be allocating money to purchase playground equipment for any new Elementary School. In March Klein did a study/inventory off all Elementary Schools in the District on Playground equipment finding out which ones were up to standards, and which ones were not. 5 campuses were found lacking and awarded money from the District via direction from the School Board to purchase new or additional playground equipment. And all future campuses will be funded. Frank Elementary Parents are raising money to purchase equipment for the fall and part of that fund raising is a Golf Tournament this June. GOLFERS ARE NEEDED!!!
  18. In Klein ISD a new Elementary School is going to open in the Fall by the name of Frank Elementary. It will be located in Gleannloch Farms and will have kids from Hassler, and Khorville (sp) that will make up its population. The Klein policy, until recently was that they did not provide any playground equipment for any new schools built. That policy has fortunatly changed, and Klein has also made this retroactive for other schools in the district that were lacking in what would be considered standard playground equipment. This action has been led by a group of parents in Klein and Klein Board Member Larry Allen. The District, meaning Dr. Cain to their credit has now revised its policy and will be funding a portion of money to certain area campuses for Playground equipment. Now, playground equipment is very expensive and Klein has done a great job getting this process off the ground. But help is needed. The parents at Frank Elementary School have put together a fund raising campaign to raise money for Frank Elementary for playground equipment to be installed for the kids on the first day of school. Right now a Golf Tournament has been organized on June 11, 2007 at Augusta Pines Golf Club to help raise money for this new equipment. We need Golfers! Please if you have a business, would like to play, donate, get information or do anything to help out this cause which will have nothing but a positive impact on the District and the Community please send me a PM and I will get information to you about helping. This is for a good casue and hope that you decide to participate in some way.
  19. Can't believe nobody has posted this link to the article on this. I wonder how it will affect the TTC, and the Grand Parkway? http://chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/4704230.html
  20. Actually th e GPA is doing this very thing in the F-2 segment. There are some neighborhoods that have been there for 30 years that the road is going to cut right through. These people will be forced to move, and the neighborhoods destroyed. The reason they will not use 2920 as the ROW is because there is more money to be made on the current plan, by either people who own the land to be sold to the GPA, or developers who stands to increase property values of commercial land along the current path.
  21. Klein will do nothing. They would be idiots to even address the issue. If forced to address the issue they will unanimously shoot it down as well. then the issue is over. However, if for some odd reason the Northgate folks get what they want the chances they go to Klein Collins will be slim. Klein just finished proving they have no idea how to zone a school district.
  22. I disagree with this logic. The current location also does nto have sufficient ROW, it condems established neighborhoods to create it especially in the F2 segment. Not to mention the neighborhoods that will now have this road 100 feet from their homes, thus destrying propoerty value. But apparantly developers have more say thatn home owners. And as far as cost prohibitive this project is by no means the poster boy for efficient spending, and it will only get worse. That plenty of empty land you speak of is mostly owned by other developers, KISD, or people who intend to build on it, or land owners who intend on making money off the sale to the GPA. The location not being furhter north is striclty because the people in the Woodlands apparantly have more political stout than the people in Spring who also don't want it. Follow the money and you will see why the road is being built where it is being built.
  23. H-town that is a one sided question that is geared towards achieving an outcome that you desire. But I guess you can enjoy life in good old 1955 with that attitude. I mean why change with the world when you can remain in the same decade forever. Enjoy being left behind in the real world H-town. Your "theories" on how a book is more informative than information online is nothing more than your opnion, which we all know by now is outdated. I tell you what, lets both start a business, any kind of business, Hell even a bookstore. You run yours on the dewey decimal system and spend all your time researching at the library looking up things in books on how the business should be run. I'll buy one laptop with a high speed line and we can see who gets more done, faster, and more efficiently, and who is able to communicate in the real world. I hear that if you tie a string between two soup cans it is just like a phone, good luck with that. And by the way I have read three books so far this year, I usually read about one a month. Of all the irony, we have a library in our house. Ghost Rider, Travels on the Healing Road - Neil Peart Roadshow - Neil Peart Freakonomics - Steven D. Levitt
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