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Everything posted by Lestat

  1. It was a dream, right guys? Guys!?

  2. A girl just left the library yelling. Yup, the stress of finals season is definitely in full swing.

  3. @EddiePappii lol but seriously

  4. @lessvegetables Hahaha I think I'm actually gonna continue to call you gabby snow until this season is over ☺️

  5. @MissAquino_ haha oh I'm sure!

  6. RT @aspillane: MSNBC: Can Hillary Clinton really pick a woman as her VP? Anita Dunn: There is some precedent for having a running mate of t…

  7. RT @Local_Houston: Hope everyone is safe and dry! #DoLocal2016 https://t.co/pkFe6hZ5tD

  8. I have this horrible habit of: I’ll just give my beard a short trim

  9. Houston, I love you, I really do, but we need to talk about this damn humidity!

  10. @lessvegetables jealous! Mines like more than 365 days always

  11. @hotdogsladies well there would be a good argument made for any president that was in the military before becoming president.

  12. More like Sunday Napday

  13. The majority of people on FaceBook seem to have read this book in preparation for this year’s election. https://t.co/Lmhf98AWU0

  14. I’m always amazed when FaceBook recommends me someone who has 200+ mutual friends and I’ve never heard of the person before, like how??

  15. RT @ow: 95% of all iPhones encrypted. Just 2% of Android devices. https://t.co/Kf4R8D4m7I https://t.co/cP5UWn1Mwx

  16. You know things are bad when being a proponent for legal immigration makes you a racist somehow.

  17. Glad to see Chicago could take a moment from killing each other to get together and protest.

  18. San Antonio moves at a completely different pace compared to Houston.

  19. Between youth and wisdom lies a chasm that words alone can never cross.

  20. RT @LawkwardLady: "We need another woman on the Supreme Court so they're almost even with the men!"Noooo we need the best candidate regar…

  21. If you feel like everyone else is a shit driver or everyone else is an asshole, it’s likely YOU who is the problem, not everyone else.

  22. Ready for finals to be over

  23. Just finished my last class for the semester. Once I’m done with finals I’ll be officially half way done with law school

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