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Everything posted by Lestat

  1. That amount of friends I have in law school with serious drinking problems is kinda weird. Idk if its law school or I just attract those ppl

  2. RT @LawSchoolHumor: "Syllabus week" in law school is harder than all of my prior schooling combined.

  3. RT @runolgarun: "milennials don't even know how to set a formal dinner table," they said. well check out THIS DIAGRAM I MADE http://t.co/1k…

  4. RT @RealLennayKekua: I can't wait til we stop making news of waiters posting their receipts and bitching about not being left enough of a t…

  5. Uber drive from Kenya last night said he likes Houston better to work in than when he worked in Paris.

  6. RT @ABC11_WTVD: No, we were not hacked. 'Deez Nuts' is the legal name of the candidate and he is polling at 9 percent in NC: http://t.co/Hn…

  7. Empty study cubicles everywhere in the lib. yet two people have chosen to sit next to me. Must be my beautiful ginger physique

  8. I feel like I want a dog or a cat, but I know there's no way I would have time for that

  9. Officially starting my second year of law school today, and all I wanna do is stay in bed and sleeeeeep

  10. RT @rands: If a dating Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran dumped each other badly at the same time — THINK OF THE MUSIC.

  11. Idk what it is about I-10 between San Antonio and Houston but there is always so many damn car wrecks

  12. Very minimal and clean, great to see this going up in this part of midtown!
  13. RT @chartier: Colorado tries free birth control for six years, teen pregnancy drops by 40%. http://t.co/oeZgbGuFwzWho.would.have.th…

  14. Wait, did the Spurs add a new player yesterday or something?

  15. RT @CBSSports: Sounds like LaMarcus Aldridge has narrowed his choice down to the following teams: http://t.co/YvvsqAyr6v

  16. I swear, the only people who regularly post things on FB are all the people that never went to college.

  17. Client has had 3 different baby daddies in 5 years and wants a divorce cause husband has been cheating. Well I wonder why??

  18. Reason 1000 on why taking advice from a celebrity is always a bad idea. http://t.co/RQhLiR5dwT

  19. Just stepped into a foot deep puddle downtown. If I wake up with a disease tomorrow. That will be why.

  20. I’ve actually seen like 0 anti-gay marrage posts on FB. Soooo I’m not really sure what all these ppl are tlking about.

  21. Gay marriage 5-4 ruling. Media: "yay"Lethal injection 5-4 ruling. Media: "clearly a divided court and issue"Yeah, there's no media bias.

  22. And the race is on the be the first person in the office to divorce a same sex couple!

  23. Slept 9hrs last night, just had a redbull and all I wanna do is take a nap.

  24. Lol all for equality but the amount of people that took their little kids to the parade last night was a bit weird.

  25. RT @Things4WhitePpl: Changing their views to get more votes http://t.co/9s4uv4NHRp

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