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Everything posted by jb4647

  1. Thanks for the tips. I'll give them a try! Do you need to put any oil in the pan or coat the steak with oil?
  2. A station that plays all sorts of music at different times with plenty of talking and interruptions....like the rest of FM/AM you get what you pay for....
  3. This article for Mellencamp is a pretty good explanation of what's wrong with radio these days: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/john-mellenc...t_b_177836.html Never much cared for what's being done locally or what's a "hit" If I listen to a genre and/or song and like it then that's enough for me. What bothers me is all the damn commericals and the lack of diversity. I can't believe a city this size doesn't have one smooth jazz/classic jazz station. $12/a month is a bargain. Now if it was $100/month then THAT would be different.
  4. Yup, got an ipod with 30,000 mp3's....the XM is nice to have when I want to discover new artists or not fidget with the 'pod while driving.
  5. Tried to cook a New York Strip Steak last week in my condo using a stainless steel pan on the stove and filled my place full of smoke! What's the secret to making a steak at home? I've heard that I should use a cast-iron skillet instead.
  6. Won't do any good. Radio Stations are like tracks of land or storefronts. They are going to reconfigure to draw the largest audicence in the demographic that they want. If the burger joint isn't drawing customers, they'll shut it down and turn it into a Mexican resturant. It's all about the benjamins baby. The music is just a vehicle to get you to hear the commericals. Just move to Satallite Radio like I did. 170 commerical-free channels with music choices in each and every stripe! At only $12/month it's a steal! I havn't listend to FM since.... http://www.xmradio.com/onxm/index.xmc http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_XM_Sa..._Radio_channels
  7. I decided to make the XM plunge last month and I havn't listeded to terrestial radio every since. I just love "Watercolors" on Channel 71...just like 95.7 before the switch...but without the commericals!
  8. From what I understand, the most expensive part about putting out a daily newspaper is printing and distributing it. There still is a huge need/demand for news. I would think that the Chronicle would do well and follow the lead of The Seattle PI/Christian Science Monitor move to online exclusively & beef up their reporting staff rather than slashing them. Another good example is "The Politico" Some people will gripe about not getting the daily paper on their doorstep but they will just have to move to read the news online. Both my parents are 75 and look forward to their paper everyday so I know how hard this will be.
  9. Weird thing is that LA Fitness has no way to contact them via their website. Not even an email address! I drove up there last week and looked in the windows....there is nothing inside and no signage anywhere.
  10. I've been there and found them way overpriced for a mani/pedi....close to $60 when I went a couple of years ago. Instyle Nails at Richmond/Weslayan charged only $30 and is open till 7p Yes I get mani/pedi's too! I tell people if you havn't ever had them don't start because you'll never stop.
  11. [quote name='sevfiv' date='Thursday, March 12th, 2009 @ 12:59pm' post='311804' My employer does, however pay for a large percentage of my monthly premiums.. Just wait, your percentage will increase over time. Mine has since the late 90's. All of ours have.
  12. Great point. You always here the Canadian Health Care system attacked for "rationing" and long waits but that's exactly what happens here in our HMO/PPO-dominated system as well. I can't tell you how many times I've called to make an appointment with a specialist and was told that the earliest I could see them was a 2 months or more. If you do get "squeezed in" to see them, you wind up waiting in the waiting room for hours reading year-old magazines. I used to think our health care delivery system was the best when I was in my 20's and never used it. The older I get, the more I find myself using our HMO/PPO dominated health care delivery system and I'm finding all sorts of flaws. The US has the most advanced medical skills/knowledge in the world. Its the ACCESS to all of that medical know-now that's the problem.....unless you have loads of $$
  13. They say a Conservative is a liberal who's been mugged. I say a liberal is a conservative who gets sick and realizes his/her health insurance is inadequte. The older I get the more suspicious of any scheme whereby you pay a monthly fee for years and then expect it to kick in when you acutally need to use it. It's like anything, once they've cashed your check in advance, they screw you. I for one am tired of getting those little envelopes in the mail stating that "X isn't covered becasue of such and such." What the hell am I paying $300-$400 a month in premiums for???
  14. Time for the Chron to give up on printing and delivering the paper and move to online only. Some with bellache but that huge expense of printing and delivering should be devoted to beefing up the reporting staff. Time marches on.
  15. Has anyone heard when they are going to open the LA Fitness that was supposed to be above the new Costco at the corner of Richmond & Weslayan? I live just a few blocks from there and that would be very convient for me to workout. I havn't seen any signage indicating an opening date. I hope they havn't cancelled their plans to locate there due to the economy. I've loving the hell out of that Costco by the way!
  16. This is why I've been a proponent of Smart Meters. I think utilities like this should be able to be tracked in real time by the consumer like your cell phone minutes. It's too late to wait till your bill arrives by the middle of next month to do anything about today's usage.
  17. These are some really great photos! Pretty Cool! My Dad's father, Cecil Burdick Sr., worked for for the Humble Oil Company (later Exxon) from 1927 thru his death in 1972 at the age of 62. Much of that time was spent in Longview, TX. In 1960, Humble re-located him to Houston as they constructed the their new headquarters on Bell. This construction was well documented by both my father & grandfather. The first photo in the set is of the original Humble bld in 1958. It is now the Marriott Residence Inn. The rest of the photos were taken between 1960-63. I've put the link to the photos here: http://photobucket.com/humble
  18. My view is that anyone that gets "in the arena" and wants to give back has my respect. Always liked the Quote from TR: "It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
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