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Everything posted by rechlin

  1. AmyP, if that is the view from your apartment, I'd be willing to decommission one of my web cams (here: http://webcam.rechlin.net/garage/) for you to to setup to allow us to monitor the construction progress, if you are willing.
  2. Interestingly, the renderings are still online here: https://skyrisecities.com/database/projects/district https://skyrisecities.com/forum/threads/houston-the-district-192m-s-caydon-gensler.28817/
  3. Found on reddit, from /u/rudygardea, a short timelapse of them working: https://www.reddit.com/r/houston/comments/9bc5ba/watching_the_storms_roll_in/ Direct link: https://v.redd.it/af0npsmzx2j11/DASH_9_6_M
  4. If I am looking at that drawing right, it seems to be a suburban-style garden-style apartment complex with open-air parking of the type they are starting to tear down inside the loop now because of its very low density. I hope I'm missing something here, because this seems totally out of place for something that should have an urban feel.
  5. The address is on the top of this page. 3809 Main St. Here is a link to the exact location where I was sitting when taking the photo: https://www.google.com/maps/place/29°44'14.7"N+95°22'49.3"W/@29.73741,-95.3809012,284m/
  6. This is way behind schedule, but they finally broke ground this week. Sorry for the poor photo, but I took it from a moving train:
  7. It appears that it's called "401 Richmond LLC" rather than "411" because it's the same entity that owns the 401 property next door, which currently has a Shipley Donuts store on it. So Rice owns both properties.
  8. From Thursday, some of the façade is finally going on the garage:
  9. I think a big reason why the Catalyst is filling up is because of the insane concessions they are making on rent. A coworker of mine just moved in there and got 3 months free on a 1 year lease, making it a good value. But she said she'll move out after the year because the normal market rent is more than she's willing to pay.
  10. What exactly are they doing here? They removed the whole superstructure above the garage (the framework for it was still visible in the second photo in the top post here), but then work seems to have stopped. Are they rebuilding it? Or extending the garage taller? Or something else entirely?
  11. Some residential towers do do this. For example, One Park Place has parking for Phoenicia shoppers, and The Star leases out contract parking to non-residents.
  12. Thank you! Now if only I could "like" your post! This is the image I was referring to:
  13. If we could find a higher resolution version of the stack diagram (I can't post it here because image posting still seems to be broken; somehow ekdrm2d1 and blakevirgilio figured out how, but I've tried Chrome, Firefox, and Edge and none will post photos), we could know for sure, but the low resolution version posted by blakevirgilio appears to say something like 720 feet if you squint. Also, Block 42 looks like it says 520 feet on that same diagram. Wish we could get a better copy of the image!
  14. It hasn't really changed since that June 8 photo. I'll post a photo once HAIF fixes image posting (I'm not sure how some people have been able to get it to work, because it's totally broken for me), but it looks basically the same as a month ago. They've pushed a lot of dirt around, probably in preparation for pouring the foundation, though. I guess it won't have a basement since they haven't dug anything out.
  15. Interesting article on the height of the building, and some attempt at an explanation of the floor count disparities we've seen: http://product.costar.com/home/news/shared/192837
  16. They've now added another restaurant to Bravery called ATLAS. From their email to investors:
  17. A little hard to see in this photo, but they've gone above ground now with the rebar. Also, in the background it seem they are assembling another crane, behind the church. Is this related or another project? https://i.imgur.com/PAotpAn.jpg Sorry, you will have to click the link to see the photo. HAIF no longer seems to allow embedding images for me, and I've tried multiple browsers and multiple computers so it seems something is broken on their site.
  18. They are putting the finishing touches on the rooftop patio now: http://i.imgur.com/dsWpGhK.jpg
  19. Looks like the same design Urbannizer posted 2.5 years ago (see above), just a slightly higher-budget rendering. Agreed it's not as nice as the design from even earlier, though.
  20. $341 per square foot for timber construction in a still-gentrifying area sounds nuts. And those maintenance fees will surely increase as the building ages.
  21. I think it's a (largely) unaltered photo. A long zoom lens (say, 500mm) flattens the perspective like that, so making downtown appear that big is completely possible with the right lens.
  22. When the freeway is trenched below ground, perhaps even with a cap if the funds can be found, it will be much less intrusive.
  23. More cladding is off, exposing more places for windows. I think they could probably add a bunch more windows without compromising the architecture, too. Photo from last night:
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