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Everything posted by Jeebus

  1. Projects? Seriously? The ambulances are kept at the fire stations in this area.
  2. Now that I've had most of the week to calm down, the ending was okay. I'm still not happy with it, but I'll take it for what I paid for it. I have noticed though in the last week more and more blogs releasing start to finish guides that explain most of the mysteries that seemed unanswered. I'm sure if I started over watching the show now, many things would make more sense.
  3. EPIC! This is even better than the time Captain AWACS accused you of stealing his screenname!
  4. I saw it and was thoroughly disappointed. The producers took a show about something great and finished it with a cheeseball ending. Nothing was answered and all the assumptions of where they were in season one were wrong but right.
  5. No, they have a new executive director who was the former director of the Denver firefighter museum. She's currently in the process of renovating the existing museum before starting on the new one.
  6. Thanks! I still think we have a great downtown to photograph.
  7. Jeebus


    This is not a real movie. Its from one of the Grindhouse trailers that Rodriguez did, and then adapted for Cinco De Mayo and the new law in Arizona. The fact that Rodriguez did it is also why its in Austin.
  8. You know what I meant by my statement.
  9. Its a speed trap. You feel like you are driving the limit then the officer tells you that there's a 35mph sign behind you.
  10. I live outside the city, but work in the city, so I have no representation. I don't see how a council member is going to go against any program HPD has that generates money, unless perhaps HPD is only targeting a certain district or demographic. The speed traps and u-turn inspections are citywide though.
  11. I'm referring not to traffic officers who patrol, looking for moving violations, but the chicken-squad who gives tickets to those doing 50 in a 35, like along Westpark drive, where the speed limit feels more like 45. I'm all for increased traffic enforcement, but setting speed traps and u-turn inspection traps do about as much as red light cameras for preventing accidents and traffic fatalities.
  12. Citykid, what's not factored is how many of those kids transfer out of HISD. The stat they show is one of convienence for the story, to make it seem more doom and gloom. Also, not factored are the number of college graduates from other regions like LSU, ULL, Old Miss, Miss State, UT, A&M, OSU, and OU, that relocate here for jobs.
  13. In this forum that seems to be the position of most, which is why as much as I hate being hassled by the cops, I'll still take up for them until proof of their guilt is presented. I've never been in a town where the local police has had such a tough job (crime) with so many critics (media). Now, if this was a motorcycle cop, then they could blindly convict him before they even start an investigation. Yes, I hate motorcycle/mounted cops that much.
  14. I touched on this in the HPD thread, but HPD has two divisions, traffic and patrol. Traffic are the guys that run the speed traps. Patrol are the ones chasing down the bad guys in dark alleyways. Why not just move some of the traffic guys over to patrol if more are needed - besides the obvious answer of loss of revenue from fewer traffic cops to write fewer tickets.
  15. Everyone is making a stink about there being no camera. Your thoughts? Anything else missing that would make it the "perfect" device? EDIT: I sent that without even reading Puma's post. My quip about the camera wasn't aimed at you, but at all editorials and reviews trashing it for not having one!
  16. Was this a traffic officer or a patrol officer? The reason I ask is because if he was a traffic officer, then he doesn't patrol a beat, and would probably know little of whats in his district, beyond the best places to set his speed traps. If this was a patrol office stopping a suspicious vehicle in his patrol area, then sure he should know, as that is his beat and he should know as much about it as possible. There are just too many variables at this point, and I'm choosing to take the cops side since everyone else in here is one post short of accusing him of doing it because he's racist against Chinese people.
  17. What I'm wondering is how the officer got into the garage. Is there no security or gate? How did he identify his location when he called for back-up or to state that he had made an arrest. I'll concede all points if he purposely bypassed a guard or gate, and/or stated his location as the Chinese Consulate over the radio.
  18. Correct, hire new officers at a lower wage than what is paid to senior officers making overtime. Not sure what they're gonna do about the fire department. The news said something about changing shifts?
  19. Thats crap. I'd be willing to bet you don't know every facet of your job. No, an act of war is this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/US_bombing_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China_embassy_in_Belgrade Guess what? We didn't go to war over that, and we're not going to war over this. Stop being so melodramatic. Again with the drama. Who do you think would win in a shootout? The Houston Chinese Consulate or the historically "trigger-happy (and deadly accurate) HPD. I think even the Chinese Consulate knows to watch out for HPD in this town.
  20. I know where its at ONLY because of HAIF. You think a cop who spends his days off driving around looking for things in this city that affect him or his job? Sure, one in every hundred or so. If that's how it really happened, then shame on the diplomat. I think people here watch too many movies of people running past embassy gates and the host nation stopping cold in their tracks, powerless to pursue - and think that is reality. He broke the law, the fled from an officer, then attempted to give an officer orders counter to the officers job of law enforcement. How do we know that the officer really roughed him up and this is not just a claim to help his case of diplomatic immunity. People on this forum are so quick to throw HPD officers in the grease.
  21. So you're putting all your trust in a guy who when last tried to accuse HPD of abuse was found to be incorrect? If he has nothing to hide, then why not release the tape?
  22. The 4th Amendment: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." Well, "probable cause" seems to be the hang up, which could be argued indefinitely. Perhaps this would be a better question, as it seeks a resolution: If you don't agree with this law, then how should illegals be treated? Should they be allowed to continue to drain our resources indefinitely? Do you think that this is at least a small reason (where as us who are in favor of the bill see it as the main reason, with terrorism prevention as a close second) that this law has passed? Or are you going to stick to your guns that the 70% of polled voters in Arizona who approve this bill are all just racists? Since I asked the question, I'll volunteer to answer it. I think FEDERALLY we need a fence, on top of a wall, behind a moat, with armed guards, the entire length of the USA/Mexico border. Once that is done, I think we should offer amnesty one last time to all those here illegally who have no criminal record (felony offenses). Get your name on a list and get an ID card. One year after that, then we start enforcing the laws on the books, as Arizona is attempting to do. The reason I'm okay with Arizona skipping to the last step is because THEIR federal government has forgotten them for as long as this has been a problem - and this has been a problem since way before Obama, and they are ALL to blame. But just like a flat or fair tax, private investing for social security, real medicare/medicaide reform or bi-partisan patriotism based politics, it will never happen. We're just gonna keep putting bandaides on our blood soaked bandaides.
  23. Parker said that police and fire, which make up 60% of the overall budget, were gonna see the biggest cuts of 1% each.
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