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Everything posted by cloud713

  1. you did get it in the shot. you can barely see the rendering in the lower right.. has any of the building come down yet or are they still gutting it? kind of hard to tell from this angle if they have removed any of the roof.
  2. lets get one thing straight. i never said uptown was urban in its current state. i said it may have some slight resemblance of urbanism after the road is expanded (and the transit is in place).. and especially with developments like BLVD Place coming to the area. if redevelopment like that happens with the 3 large shopping centers i mentioned along Post Oak then the area could become somewhat urban, but they have a lot of work to do...
  3. Well the roads in downtown aren't expanding. All i'm saying is uptown will be more urban (if "urban" means building along the edge of streets) when the road is expanded, since the buildings will be closer to the edge of the street, but I agree much of it was basically built as suburban office parks..
  4. Alright so they arent on the immediate edge of post oak, but when it gets widened they will be pretty damn close.. What's to argue? They are currently about as close to post oak as they could be while still allowing room to widen post oak and the sidewalks in the area, without having to knock down the buildings when the time comes to expand post oak.
  5. I agree the uptown of the 1980s was designed like a bunch of suburban office parks, but fortunately that mindset is changing. There are currently 8 towers that line the edges of post oak. (When the road gets widened they will be even closer to the road).. Not counting the 2 u/c and at least two planned which will all line the road. Just imagine in a decade or two when the 2 large shopping centers at the corners of westheimer and the one at San Felipe get re developed into large urban mixed use developments.. Aren't they widening the sidewalks when they widen post oak? Or did I just make that up?
  6. The list is for structures over 10 stories. Where did the speculation of a 4th Andarko tower come from? I knew a third was planned..
  7. Alley theater is finally getting renoed? That place needs a pressure washing bad. And Andarko tower 4?
  8. damn.. kwtx just updated their facebook.. the guy is still missing. not looking good... my thoughts go out to the worker and his family, unfortunately i have a feeling the dive team will find his body still strapped onto the scissor lift. :/ Have they named the pedestrian bridge after anyone yet? Maybe they can name it after the worker who gave his life for Baylor..
  9. oh.. i thought i remembered hearing something about a possible Richmond BRT. i guess it was just speculation or something.. so why the hell dont they figure out a way to (without federal funding, or w/e Culberson is against) build a BRT down the Richmond/Westpark corridor METRO wants to eventually use for light rail, for the time being to connect the Uptown line to the Main St line?
  10. im not sure, were they seeking federal funds for Richmond BRT? i know the Uptown BRT is fine because the local TIRZ funds will pay for it, not the feds.
  11. Well I lied. I drove by again and they just installed 2 beams but something big just went down at the bridge site.. There were cops everywhere and a few fire trucks and what not. We got shooed away by the cops but as we were leaving we passed what looked like a media photographer (had 2 large cameras with him) walking back towards the site. I presume we'll hear something about it on the local news..
  12. Yep.. That's all I was disappointed in. It should still be nice.. Just won't be as cohesive with things like gated town home developments in the middle of them..
  13. Haha sorry man.. I was searching for a Waco development thread abs stumbled across this. If posts like this are why your in the red I'm surprised I'm not in the red.. I come up with and post a good bit of far fetched/ unlikely ideas, especially when it comes to transit. Ha
  14. Doesnt Greenway have its own tunnel system? i was thinking a trenched station at Greenway (if the line had to come down Westpark, ideally this idea is for a commuter rail line going down Westpark from the Main Street line to the suburbs though) with a tunnel under 59 to connect into the Greenway tunnel system. interesting.. so we would be able to move forward with rail plans on those lines before 2025 or whenever they said it would be before we got federal funding again? though i would much rather just see them run BRT down the currently planned Richmond and Uptown lines until we can get funding or Culberson is out of office.. shifting the whole thing to Westpark helps nothing when it comes to the Uptown line north of Richmond..
  15. alright, you have a point. they are much more urban than suburban homes with large yards.. but they arent urban compared to say condos or high (even mid) rise apartments (which was more along the lines of the residential components i expected in this development).
  16. why do they have the SkyHouse site listed as "townhome development"? wait NVM.. i just noticed there are two plots on the Building D site.. are they seriously going to put townhouses in WestCreek? thats not urban at all.. where are the hotels? i was excited about Westcreek.. but now it seems like a mish mash of developments that wont form one singular cohesive development. kind of a bummer.. hopefully that W comes to one of the available plots and the office component is nice. being not much larger in sq footage than SkyHouse though and a lot wider, im guessing the office component wont be much taller than 12-15 stories. i hope im wrong and its taller..
  17. yes your correct. the Afton Oaks oposition forced METRO to change the route to cross 59 at Cummins St. but Culbersons district extends east all the way to Shepherd, and he doesnt want it on Richmond at all in his district, which would force metro to switch it from Richmond across 59 to Westpark before/at Shepherd.
  18. i have no idea when the last time you were in Waco was, but sometime in the 2000s i believe, they redeveloped the warehouses between University Parks and 3rd streets into a large mixed use development with shops, restaurants, bars, and residential (Holiday-Hammond), which all back up right to the old rail line. also Behrens Lofts are right on the rail line, the Dr Pepper Museum, and the new Franklin Place apartments, along with the numerous other residential conversions and developments that have gone up recently or are going currently up around downtown. there are at least a few thousand people living downtown now.. not to mention the Brazos Commons project if that ever gets off the ground. the rail line runs right by that, and the new planned hotel for the convention center on the corner of Franklin and U.P. backs right up to the rail line. im not saying its needed 24/7.. but maybe on friday evenings, and saturday and sundays or something.. at least to start.
  19. gotta love Culberson... http://houston.culturemap.com/news/city-life/01-28-14-light-rail-on-richmond-dead-forever-congressmen-crows-over-saving-post-oak-from-metro-destruction/
  20. woah.. when i was searching trying to find out what those sand pit looking things were i found these plans for campus.. everything from the SLC being doubled in size to new trail systems and an island in the Waco Creek, to the Music and Arts buildings being conjoined by a new large building, the Engineering building doubling in size, new pedestrian malls and road layouts, and a much expanded East Village.
  21. uptown is doing a great job of this by moving forward with their BRT lanes on Post Oak since they didnt get funding for rail. and like SlickVic was saying, whenever funding does eventually materialize for rail then it will be very easy for Uptown to convert the BRT to LRT since the ROW is already there.
  22. unfortunately my estimate of the bridge span completion was wrong. they have gotten two segments in since the last update (the two that run parallel to the newest two in the last update), and the barge cranes have been parked near the track and field stadium site since the weekend. we have had some high wind advisories and of course the freezing weather. my reasoning for updating though was because i saw a truck taking soil samples today at the site for the new Athletics Nutrition Center.. "What Baylor football coaches are calling the “next step” in the program’s development arrived Friday, as the school announced plans for the Beauchamp Athletics Nutrition Center. The 12,000 to 14,000-square foot athletic dining hall will be located adjacent to the Baylor Marina, just across the parking lot from the Simpson Academic Center and the Allison Indoor Practice Facility. Essentially, Baylor’s football players will be able to practice, visit their tutors and grab a bite to eat all within a short walk of each other, “one-stop shopping,” as Baylor strength coach Kaz Kazadi put it." and of course the Nutrition Center.. Bonus.. a recent close up interior shot of the stadium i found.
  23. your s***ing me right? ive been thinking that abandoned line along Mary Ave. would make an awesome streetcar line since i first came to Baylor. even before i lived downtown. it runs right by the Waco Transit Center (or w/e its called) on 8th street, and at least half of the rail line is still in the ground. between the transit station and the bridge across the Brazos. i didnt envision the line being nearly as long though (to Hewitt and Woodway, though that would be interesting).. i was envisioning it from the 8th street transit center north, across the Brazos, and then going up a ramp, turning right to run on the bridge on MLK, continuing along the side of MLK straight to the front entrance of the new football stadium.
  24. yes i agree the energy corridor is doing better than ever but you cannot continue destroying all the developments that line the highways to widen the ROW.. there were only a few obstacles for the last katy freeway expansion. just imagine all the obstacles along the edges of the freeway that are in the way of a future expansion. eventually that corridor needs a commuter rail or as David suggest a full fledged BRT system to accommodate for the increase in population/traffic. David, the more i think about your system using BRT, the more it makes sense. while i (and countless others im sure) would love rail, you are right.. its too expensive to put all over the city and not flexible enough for changing demands. admittedly i still hope to see commuter rail along certain corridors though. heh
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