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Everything posted by BigFootsSocks

  1. Was riding the Red Line back on Saturday and noticed a crane base installed. ...and just realized two posts above me was that crane base. This is what I get for not reading threads
  2. I'm gonna take the structural engineer's words as fact and totally not because he said I was right.. Fernz you are right though, 2929 did take awhile but I think that's because of the point Purdue made; taller buildings require more foundation work. Sovereign also took longer because, and I'm pulling this out of my ass, it was a tower combined with a mid-rise apartment building on a full block. There has to be a lot more work done to complete something on that scale, correct? I guess a good way to find out is to see how long Catalyst takes as I believe it has a same basic structure as Sovereign.
  3. I can't tell which comment section I love more; Chron's or Yahoo's
  4. I highly highly doubt they're "abandoning" their rail plans. Like is throw some hella scrilla that they're not.
  5. What a surprisingly unbiased and impartial response from Southwest Airlines back then...
  6. SpaceX's rocket was a modified version that had significantly reduced power and was designed to go into a fail-safe mode Orbital Science and Virgin Galactic were actual mistakes but it's not like NASA hasn't had a few mistakes either. All this to say, don't knock on the private aerospace industry because Elon Musk is leading the way while NASA gets screwed over by a military hungry congress. Also I have no idea the purpose of these posts. Whatever.
  7. Why? Because it won't be made up entirely of the richest of the rich who seclude themselves in their gentrified utopia? Oh no, it won't be pretty to look at! Get over it, this project helps benefit ALL Houstonians.
  8. Umm yeah logic dictates that Murphy's law can correspond to your statement. If it's possible, it can happen.
  9. Wait I only know of the one in front of Cinemark. I thought that one closed awhile ago
  10. Bridges are built to last +50 years, especially something like this but yeah it could use an overhaul. Probably would cost a fortune tho, maybe the County could strike a deal with the Port Authority.
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