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Everything posted by BigFootsSocks

  1. I love driving down Post Oak on this stretch. Feels like these towers dominate the entire sky. Almost like another downtown...
  2. "Technically" yes, but the marketing behind this was to "save the dome!"
  3. All valid points, I guess it just comes down to personal opinion.
  4. Yeah, that makes sense, but it just seems very out of place on a structure that has no other arches. As far as I can tell, at least
  5. Since the mods deleted my serious response to this I'll post it again. Quit blowing things out of proportion. There's no "last chance" to this just because it might not work out. with the amount of residential coming online, it's very naive to think that this doesn't have a shot. As for whether or not it's our "last attempt", well, that just sounds like another conspiracy.
  6. It would remove their ability to use ED, so oh no! They'll just have to do what we've been saying for the past 2 months! *gasp*! It's like we knew what we were talking about!
  7. Well yeah but that doesn't change what I said. We voted that we didn't want to spend money on restoring it. I'm sure people saw the pics but do you think they really cared about the details? I know the vote wasn't to demolish it, obviously. I do think it's time to knock the damn thing down though. In another 50 years, who's gonna care about it anyway?
  8. As long as they get crowds like these then I don't see this issue solving itself in an easy manner. Sure, they got a ridiculous crowd, but how many people in Houston actually care to see it live on? I think voters decided that last November. Demolish it. It's a glorified dome, nothing more.
  9. Man I'm gonna miss Mayor Parker's sass when she's gone. That's a perfect response
  10. I'm surprised they don't have an online database for all the archives and what not. What exactly are you looking for, if you don't mind me asking?
  11. I wouldn't mind if the whole building was like this, but instead have some "randomness" to the window places and sizes.
  12. On the dev map this is listed as finishing very soon. I guess most of the renovations are interior?
  13. Very true, although I hold the opinion that this is most definitely going to be successful without a doubt, because if the ridiculous amount of residential that's going up in the near vicinity. There's just too many living spaces downtown for there not to be any sort of CityCentre-type success.
  14. The "balcony" jettisons on each floor are awfully close to that garage...at least this is good support for there actually being something on that back side. Man, haif would flip shite if that ended up being a 40 story blank wall
  15. If it's a common occurrence then I doubt we'll see anyone pick up on it in the local media.
  16. I'm just curious how you know this without it ever actually happening and without any studies released.
  17. Why not provide better commuter rail options instead of throwing down more highways?
  18. I believe it has a much better chance, or at least the best so far. There will most likely beultiple stations initially.
  19. Please leave yalls bullsh!t outside this thread.
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