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Posts posted by Naviguessor

  1. Monarch,

    I liked your observation about the building appearing to "Breath".  Below is Steven Holl's water color "vision" that his team had to follow...or do something with.  Mmmmkay...


    So, the design does not seem to be a huge statement, but it is gorgeous.  MFAH is a fantastic museum with a very impressive collection.  The art is what should steal the show...and this collection can do it (Unlike the Getty in LA).  The interior/gallery spaces are what will count. Tintow knows his stuff.  He will make this one of the Best museums to view the art, that there is.  I am impressed by the restraint and elegance of the renderings/design.  Like many of the very fine museums in Texas, by which it will be gauged.   It will really showcase at night, which is one of Holl's trademarks.   


    Was expecting more about the Landscaping concept.  I guess we now have that, also, to look forward to. 



    Can't wait to see more renderings. 


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  2. Bobruss.  The 73 townhomes will roughly be where "Live Oak Place" is located.  That conceptual plan by BBP is from 2002.  It would be amazing if the whole bayou could be "restored" like the concept.  But...let's be realistic. That is mostly private commercial/industrial property.  Some of it will be converted to public green space, like where is Silos are.  But,unless, whole hell of a lot of money as added to the BBP partnership's budget the entirety of the concept cannot expected to come true.  At least not in the foreseeable future anway. 


    DNA - Have you been over to the Bayou around there?  It is really nice.  BBP has been working on it for a long time and continues to do so. 

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  3. Very interesting, wild, beautiful yet area with urban/industrial elements. The Bayou along there is amazing. Very excited about this one. I think that Navigation at Jensen and possibly York will have traffic circles installed soon too. I hope that the developers work sensitively with the Latin neighborhood leaders of the 2nd Ward. This are could continue to have a very unique atmosphere.

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