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Posts posted by Naviguessor

  1. Going to be The Dunlavy, Pavilion at Lost Lake. Event space and Café (I think) and will have Kayak/Canoe Rental. Went in last weekend to explore. Its really going to be great! Love the Water Feature which leads from the Street level to the lake itself.

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  2. Pity. And the timing is weird for me. I was downtown on Sunday and I stopped to admire this building, surprised that I'd never really noticed it before. I even wondered if it was one of Nicolas Clayton's structures. You can really tell that it is. So, I'm happy that I spotted it and Identified it. But, really sad to hear that it is going.

    Always surprised at some decisions the Catholic Church, and other catholic organizations, make regarding their Architectural Assets (They were very close to demolishing Sacrad Heart on Broadway in Galveston, just a few years back.) And, their "efforts" to preserve and protect Bishops Palace were barely adequate, if that. They made the Galveston Historical Foundation pay a pretty price for the place, to boot. The Foundation is having to raise a huge sum of cash it just to bring it up to respectable and stable condition. What the Diocese could've done is to have given it to the Foundation, to ensure that the Palace would be taken care of properly, and open to the public...Rather than sell to the highest bidder.

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  3. Soooo many of our streets, and streetscapes, are of Third World quality.  Open drainage ditches instead of gutters. Ridiculous and intrusive utility infrastructure. Overgrown and uncared for and polluted medians and surroundings.   Let's not even talk about the sidewalks.  I know the city is trying to remedy this with "Complete Streets". But, it's hard to see much progress.  If Houston really wants to be considered A "World Class City" (whatever that means), and inspire more civic pride, we've got to figure out a way to address and solve these issues.  It's frankly embarrassing.  All cities have their troubled areas.  But, we (bless our heart) have more than our share.  It's practically universal. 

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