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Posts posted by Dallasboi

  1. Seems to me that Mardi Gras would work FAR better on Greenville Ave. Victory is a bit too sterile for a Mardi Gras (for my tastes, anyway). But, if Dallasites enjoyed it, more power to them. It's not like any Houstonians would go to a Mardi Gras in a largely Protestant city, when we have a 250,000 spectator one 50 miles away, and the granddaddy right down I-10. So, let 'em enjoy their Mardi Gras. Let 'em even brag about it. Doesn't hurt us any.
    Now that I think about it......This event probably would have a better feel on lower greenville considering the setup being the closest thing to a Bourbon Street atmosphere.....but since the city chose Victory park...I think that as the years go on it can develop its own personality...and it will have a different feel from the traditional Mardi Gras set up....therefore we create our own authentic cutural experience.
  2. No, this is a DFW SUBFORUM on a Houston based forum. Just keep it in perspective. And remember to be respectful when you visit someone's house. If not then you will get your ass handed to you. This thread has 'flame war' written all over it and should be closed immidiately.

    If it wasn't for you guys up there always feeling the need to glamorize the lamest and most ordinary buildings, things and events going on in DFW (things that could not possibly impress anyone that lives in a city with over 50,000 people in it or anyone over 21 years old) so that you can get Houstonians approval about whether it is good or bad, then I personally would never hear about anything going on in DFW. I mean this silly victory event didn't exactly make the national headlines, did it. Neither did the victory plaza New Year's Eve, BTW.

    We have our own local faux mardi gras event which is more established and looks like a lot more fun. It runs over several days and attracts about 250,000 visitors. Why would anyone in Houston care about dallas mardi gras. N.O. mardi gras, yes, Galveston, O.K., but dallas? Give me a break.

    So people in dallas can now congrigate and walk around in circles under a bunch of tacky jumbotrons near downtown and look stupid. How is this relevant to Houston? It isn't.

    Now go away.

    Hey Mister X! :huh: .....Im just curious about something.....If we are not allowed to talk about progress and updates about Dallas inthe "DFW SUBFORUM" :blink: ....then just what ARE we supposed to be discussing ?....And just what are all the other topics in the "DFW SUBFORUM" all about? :unsure: .........(drumroll).....................DALLAS! :wacko:

  3. Do you read your own posts? Let me help with this qoute: ......"no game to blame the crowd on this time!!!". That was a shot and you know it.

    Why do they "hate it" if someone is providing information, and why do they "automatically take it as a Houstononian trying to prove to them how great Houston is over Dallas"? I can certainly understand someone at DM getting upset if a Houston poster was providing info with an in your face attitude, but you seem to allude that they simply hate it because it's about Houston. That seems a little anal to me.

    Uhhh... :unsure: correct me if Im wrong,but I think the shot came from you guys when when that was said about New Years Eve.....Im just stating the obvious so we wont have to go down that road again B)
  4. As in: "Keep drivin' through cuz you ain't missin' much.."?

    Ok.......What rule am I breaking?.......what am I doin wrong....All I do is post the link...and whatever i write with the link,I make sure its not flame bait......so what is it!......Pleeease tell me....somebody!!!!! :angry2:

  5. It seems lame to me. A short parade, then standing around waiting for the news to start? At least 35,000 people!?

    If this were the Denton celebration, it might be newsworthy. But even the 10 o'clock news had to cut to footage of New Year's Eve to make their strange point of what this event was "like".

    Were there bands (besides marching)? Was there a lot of bar hopping between the three $20 martini lounges there? Did the parade have floats, or just marching bands? Were there any balls to attend? Or was it just a few thousand people showing up to shriek on a 2-minute local news segment?

    Is this what passes for "awesome" in Dallas?

    As crappy as the Galveston thing is, at least it has some of the flavor of the real thing.

    Gosh.......I think the video said they were expecting 5000 people to show up....so it wasnt planned on that big of a scale......with that being said.....It WAS awsome because it shows that Dallasites have began to open their eyes and minds to something different.and new...This is just the beggining.......Victory is really taking off...........PERIOD! ;)
  6. Why do you constantly feel the urge to tell those in Houston about how great Dallas is? Also, If you want to be taken somewhat seriously here, you might consider the attitude of your posts. This post was a turnoff as soon as I read your introduction. I wouldn't mind hearing stories of big-D's attempt at Mardi Gras if the poster was a little friendlier, and not so in your face. Of course by reading your signature I don't know why I'm suprised.

    Here's an idea fer ya. Log in under a different name, and post the Dallas stuff in a little more of a journalistic fashion. You understand the difference between Editorialism and journalism right? Anyway you might be suprised that your posts wouldn't be looked down on so much.

    By the way, this has nothing to do with your beloved Dallas.

    Im sorry if I offended you in any way.....But I really don't understand how my post was unfriendly.........And.........when I post stuff like this...its really just to keep you guys in houston informed on victory's status at becoming a non stop destination...true enuff there are alot of nay-sayers down in Houston,and I've always went by the sayin..."Seeing is Believing".....so I thought this would be interesting to display........and again...my intent is never to offend anyone :mellow: Im just so glad victory is creating its own buzz with creative Ideas.I think thats the concept ...to think of as many ways possible to draw people downtown. ;)

  7. I'm not gonna make this about Dallas or Houston but in response to what large TX said, if these develpoments are the urban snow globe disneylands, i'll take it. It beats the hell out three spanning eyesore parking lots where there's no activity or action. HP is also serving as a catalyst for newer developement. I could care less if it's too disneyland. Vegas is disneyland. People come from all over to see Vegas. People come from all over to visit disneyland in Orlando. As long as people are coming to see the place (even if its only locals), its real to me. I don't care if it looks plastic. Just my 2 pennies.

    This is ultimately my opinion also....... :rolleyes:

  8. Exciting to see all these peeps out! Maybe I'm dull, though, because I prefer places that are more, well, real. To me, Victory and HP are contrived, sterile, "urban" snow globes. In my mind, they're just updated malls. Stick some shops here, a hotel there, an ice skating rink - um - a private park there. These places aren't real. There's no freedom of assembly, no actual public realm. You'd get arrested for speaking your mind if it wasn't popular. These places are all about controlling one's experience and sterilizing it so it's only the pretty and shiny things about urbanism without the fuss or grit. That's not sustainable city-building!

    To me, a celebration in the Rice Village, lower Westheimer, or even amongst the strip centers on Hillcroft would be more fun and offer more authenticity than the Disneyland that is Victory or HP.

    I agree with u on most of this ......In todays world i think developers focus on having the right "CONCEPT"....They look at older cities that grew more organically and try to mock the success by recreating what is preceived to be the BEST urbanism...the thing that that makes me agree with you is the fact that those great places that they mock(New York,Chicago,ect.)took time to arrive at the point where they are.......Its mor History and culture accured within those districts....So...To think that you can create this overnight,would seem rediculous.....but my theory on that is.....Everything thats old started out new...with that being said....I feel that we are definitely planting the right seeds and infrastructure to grow into one of the great cities of the future..and thats why I don't take offense to insults to Dallas,Victory Park or anything else...because I know we are doing the right stuff.....and no matter how anybody point out the small lil nick and nacks and predict failure.....u cant deny that Dallas is really on the ball.

  9. Nobody ever denied the fact that victory is still somewhat on an event basis experience.....However..........New Years Eve was indeed an "EVENT".....and it turned out awsome!.....thats all Im pointing out......The atmosphere was indeed a small taste of what IS to come in the future when Victory becomes more of a non-stop destination..........I do recall noting that its still not quite built out yet........so...these early judgements,assumptions and gloomy predictions are expected and accepted because this is still a work in progress.......The Houston Pavillions will go through the same thing.....trust me.......Oh....accept the fact that everything will be built at once in the HP....so.....When you go once........you wont have to go for a while because it wont be anything new coming along for a while......Not the same case with VP........see.....we will still be building VP when HP is already old news....It will still be a reason to.....go down and see whats new.....Just an observation. ;)

  10. Note to Jason, Dave and dallasboy....I did not write the article. In fact, no one from Houston did. You might consider directing your comments to the Dallas Morning News writer who interviewed the police officers and wrote the story. But, I am glad you and the hockey fans enjoyed yourselves. Me, I was at a Russian restaurant, ogling Russian chicks till 5 in the morning. Great way to ring in the new year.

    Hey red I started a whole thread with the footage of that night.....Just look at the crowd at the start of the video..........Oka...Lets just say that they were Hockey fans......People are People...weather they came from a game a club or their houses...c'mon....be realistic......It was awsome!!!!

  11. Not according to the article on the evenet.


    The hockey fans came out of the arena that is a logical therat 10 and saved the day...or night. But, hey, a few thousand hockey fans is better than the Houston event, right?

    Hey Red...I do agree that this is a logical theory of assumption....but it is totally untrue.....I was there and I wacthed the video on-line the next day......Victory was bursting from the seams and it was incredible!!!!......Its no way you or anyone else for that matter,can dispute the magnitude of this event....To me ...This night.....Victory proved to be what it was built to be.....and its not even halfway built out...........Dallas is arriving...(if we havent already).........But just to give you and any other poster out there the benefit of the doubt.....I was drinking that night....so MAYBE......those thosands and thousands of people that was out ther was just an illussion and everyone did leave when the hockey game was over.....as you said in your earlier post....Bye Bye!

    P.S....Oh and I think you should log on to wfaa.com and watch the video yourself.......We all know that seeing is believing!!!


  12. Dallas does have plenty of great developments and progress. The issue is that Dallas just isn't the upscale neighborhoods around Uptown and the Victory Project itself. That is just a small fraction of the city. The rest of city has some real issues.

    I do agree with you to some degree,but I can say that alot of the more popular run down neighborhoods seem to be on the right track in regards to infrastructure and some key developments. So with this being said.......I really dont see a big difference between the status of Dallas as in any other U.S.Big city..........But I guess its because all news cant be good news and any city has and will always have room for improvement.......Trust me ....were getting it right...and if not....we'll just keep tryin until we do.......i mean....Isn't that what dallas has a reputation for?......go figure :rolleyes:

  13. Dallas Morning News: Dallas at the Tipping Point

    I found this special section to be quite interesting. What do you think can happen to Dallas as crime increases and education and quality of life decreases in many areas of that particular city?

    (please merge or delete if duplicate thread)

    To me.....Its all just a bunch of Papers.........Seeing is believing.....and if all of this development and progress thats been happening is a sign of decline,then I don't care if DTD ever turn around :rolleyes:

  14. No giddiness about the delay of the building. I fully expected it to be delayed and warned that Dallasites should prepare themselves for slippage in the earlier-scheduled Fall 2007 construction start. (I am, however, enjoying the opportunity to expose the apparent lies that some from Dallas attempted to foist on us regarding this building.)

    I too expect it will eventually built, or at least some high-rise structure will be built in its place. The tower structure doesn't actually include any retail, but it is a mix of office, hotel, and condos. The condos would be coming into an overbuilt high-end condo market; the office space would be coming into an overbuilt office market; the hotel would be coming into an overbuilt Dallas hotel market. The result: No surprise that they have delayed until autumn 2008. I would not be at all surprised if there are further delays.

    And whenever it gets built............u will have to be mopped up off the floor cause In know you are gonna melt....like the wicked witch of the west. :lol:
  15. I think he understands perfectly.

    What I meant when I said that was........I think thats the wrong way to look at it....He asked why should houston play dress up if thats not the true character of the city......and i disagree with the playing dress up part.....Playing dressup would be equivelent to sprucing a city up two week before the superbowl and pan it off as if it was a clean sparkling city 365 days a year and in reality it will go right back to being the same gritty city it was before the event....or renting a BMW for the weekend and drving it around showing people your new car ....The HP situation is very different........I think it is part of a foundation thats needed to create a natural feel of vibrancy that we all desire......for example....instead of renting the bmw...its more like starting a savings account to hold the money that u are saving to PURCHASE the BMW..so it will become a rightful part of you....you then wont have to PLAY DRESS UP like you have a BMW...it will really be yours..........To make a long story short.......Houston won't be playing dress up ...they would be setting a foundation to build a natural vibrancy that all us Texans dearly seek.......Thats what I meant.......Oh and REd I hope I didn't bore u wit this one..... :rolleyes:

  16. you don't have to agree with Redscare or with the facts but here they are;

    Overall office vacancy rates at the end of the 3rd quarter 2007

    10.8% Houston-Baytown-SugarLand

    17.8% Dallas-Ft Worth-Arlington

    Net absorption of office space in 3rd quarter

    1,200,000 square feet in greater Houston

    577,000 square feet in DFW

    Year to date absorption for 2007

    3,400,000 square feet in greater Houston

    822,000 square feet in DFW

    Overall movement of direct vacancy rates

    going down in Houston

    going up in DFW

    Third Quarter vacancy comparisons for close in office clusters

    10.4% downtown Houston

    19.5% downtown Dallas

    5.3% Texas Medical Center-Houston

    7.7% Uptown/Turtle Creek-Dallas

    10.9% Uptown/Galleria-Houston

    15.9% Central Expressway-Dallas

    11.5% Greenway Plaza/Upper Kirby- Houston

    27.2% Stemmons Freeway-Dallas

    In conclusion; the lights are on INSIDE Houston office towers while the lights are on OUTSIDE Dallas office towers.

    :lol::lol: ...lets face it...even if dallas had a 70% vacancy rate....Houstonians will still feel like they have to prove to the world that Dallas dosent add up to Houston....and that dallas is dying.......GET OVER IT......I mean anyone knows that Dallas has always and probably will for a long time have a HIGHER vacancy rate than houston.....But the GREEN eyes always seem to focus in on whats Going on and up in the Horrible city of Dallas... ;)

  17. And then what happens?Their crime rate is higher than ours. If you watch MTV, you would know that crime is very urban.

    C'mon REd....Crime is not a new thing in big cities.......Hell every big city has it.....Oh I forgot...thats just what Houstonians try to use against us to make us look worse off and them feel better....It perfectly ok wit me......any publicity is good publicity.....yep even wit crime statistics looking the way they look(its getting better now)The cranes are still flying everywhere.....And to me ..thats whats important right now. :P

  18. Really? When was the last time you were in Atlanta? Atlanta exceeds Dallas' urbanity on almost every level.

    As far as being ahead of Houston, I would ask in what way? Victory? Deep Ellum?

    I totaly disagree about atlanta.......... :rolleyes: And do you REALLY want me to tell u how we are ahead?..........its really no need to go thru all of that but I will if I have too............but u already know....its just so hard for you to swallow... B)

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