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Everything posted by TexasGeneral

  1. By the way - Phase II of this project has been postponed indefinitely. Kiran's was scheduled to move out of their space to allow for the demo of the low slung office buildings abutting Westheimer, but just had their lease extended for 2 years, so they are staying.
  2. That pool is the best thing going for this project....
  3. There is a construction fence going up and demolition has begun. Several bulldozers on site. Parking lot is all ripped up.
  4. These places are mostly for people who work downtown. If I work downtown and wanted to live in a high-rise, I would live downtown. I go shopping about 3 times per year, I go to work 5 days a week. For people who work in the Galleria, living in the Galleria makes more sense. It's all about the commute.
  5. This project is a prime candidate to be scratched. Too many high-rise MF going up, equity harder to come by, all other high-rise MF projects are over budget, oil prices are in freefall, weakening economic growth, etc. etc. etc.
  6. I think we will start to see more projects get canceled or delayed, especially so given the dramatic decline in oil prices. Probably a good thing that MF development takes a deep breath.
  7. This site, combined with the vacant building and parking lot at the NW corner of Buffalo Speedway and Richmond, have the potential to be developed into something really great. He is right when he says this tract is one of the largest and most desirable in-fill locations left in Houston.
  8. I would imagine their "exploring alternatives for its downtown facility" would involve a sale to an office or MF developer.
  9. That is an amazing looking residential building. I love the floor to ceiling glass on the end units.
  10. This has been a staging and parking site for the construction of the new Jonathan's Rub behind the Nexen building. The Hotel ZaZa project has not begun, although it looks like the building that housed the seafood restaurant and tanning salon is now being demo'ed.
  11. Only one of the buildings proposed is nearly six times as large as the existing building. I guess it depends on the scale and type of hotel + resi components. Access is bad - Waugh is only one way at the site and is right before the merge onto Memorial. Feagan is a narrow, tiny street with drainage issues.
  12. I don't see how a project of this magnitude can fit on that site. Access would be a real issue.
  13. The JLL 2Q report says that this tower has broken ground. Don't know how accurate this is given the report's blurb on 609 Main is clearly out of date. "22 Waugh Drive is a development by Stream Realty and is scheduled to deliver mid-2015. They have broken ground on the 220,000 square foot tower" http://www.joneslanglasalle.com/ResearchLevel1/Houston-Office-Highlights-Q2-2014-JLL.pdf
  14. Developers are all using drones now to capture views from specific floors as marketing tools.
  15. I like the last picture with the market square tower included as well. Based on these renderings, it looks like this tower will be as tall as One Shell and First City Tower, if not taller.
  16. That stone obelisk thing is just awful. Terrible. Horrible.
  17. I don't have a picture, but a tower crane is now up on what appears to be the site of the 10-story Town Center 1.
  18. The construction site immediately to the south of the WF site is going to be the new home of Jonathan's The Rub restaurant and catering business. There is a sign out front.
  19. Update on this...the entire Bally's complex has been completely demo'ed and there is a sign out front with a picture of two glass towers that says "630,000 square feet Class A office Coming Soon." I don't have a picture but the towers are all glass and look different (in my opinion, much better) than the other three office buildings across the street. One looks to be in the 10-15 floor range and the other maybe up to 20 floors.
  20. I think the most sensible place for a Ritz would be Blvd Place or some other location in Uptown. Either that, or in the Upper Kirby/Greenway Plaza area. I could also see a W in those locations as well.
  21. When does groundbreaking start? Do they have all financing in place?
  22. Any info you can provide? Is the tenant in professional services (i.e. accounting, legal firm) or is an energy company, or neither? How many sf are they looking at?
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