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Everything posted by Chi-Char-Hou-Dal

  1. Wow - this board has been pretty hard on long construction projects. This thread was started in 2013, they need to call one of those express funding places and get a predatory loan to get this built and delivered. Certainly renters will help drive some ROI as it sits 70% done it's insane.
  2. next to the holiday inn / days inn & the metro bus station, what neighbors to have!
  3. Drive past the garage everyday on way to Creme - it's looking better! I'll try to post pic later
  4. Does anyone know if the major underground work at Elgin & Travis was planned or came about due to new construction on Whole Foods? There is a gigantic excavator on site and it's a huge inconvenience at rush hour.
  5. Checked out the park last night, security was out in force doing a great job, keeping people with dogs off the hill and no bums to be found. Park is very well done , you can't help think about the Aussie Tower across the street and how different it will feel once completed. I remember when it was just that field that free press was in for a few years, big change!
  6. @KinkaidAlum I will back down on HACS and I really didn't mean to single it out. I do agree it's all about the location location location. To me it seems every page on this post is a new outreach, medical or service building a new headquarters. I'm officially hoping off my soap box. I believe in both sides of Midtown - here's to praying for our Aussie getting financed and Central Market taking over the WF on Elgin and Smith if WF did pull out.
  7. I DO have an issue with the aforementioned clustering of services and was just questioning if it will serve as a deterrent for growth in my hood. I encourage any of you who feel like I was picking on the homeless to go to this location where I saw a homeless person shitting on Caroline on my way home from work yesterday and see if you would want to develop something across the street . https://www.google.com/maps/@29.7435384,-95.3717346,3a,75y,263.72h,78.27t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFmXd6ch2Pj7Ar9ArC6PS2g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 This is what I am afraid of in this area - maybe some of these new service/buildings can offer public restrooms.
  8. If someone would count up the number of new projects/buildings that serve our homeless populations East of Main St. I think the number would be pretty high. The cynic in me has to wonder how are they making/raising that much money that they can afford new buildings ? I know this is a sensitive subject but worthy of discussion IMO for the future of Midtown which I am directly affected by.
  9. Here's to hoping it's a legal thing where WF didn't want their name plastered all over the Morgan Group's signage. Fingers Crossed - although a Central Market would kill here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I've seen this being cleared when you take the flyover from 59 to 10 - wow this is pretty big for this area even if it's just condos. I like this little area!
  11. planting today - couldn't get pic - will get on way home.
  12. What the mole people want is a DRESS BARN !! Tatget would be cool, it would be nice to speed up the eventual natural progression and get a city target through tax breaks and monies. Make it happen Sylvester .
  13. I feel like a troll - people will see Midtown Sears comments and hope for the best - stuck with her for a little while longer. I'd like to see art deco back on the buildling and make it a Alamo Draft House and attach a large outdoor beergarden
  14. http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2017/01/05/sears-kmart-stores-closing/96195504/ Damn - immediately looked and was disapointed the Midtown Sears didn't get the AXE
  15. Have been wondering what this was - wait Laurenzo's _ El Tiempo ?
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