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Explain your HAIF username

Howard Huge

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I thought "Towerspotter" was a cool username and so I tried (and failed) at creating a similar username. I cringe at the "XD" it's so unnecessary and immature. 




Mine originally should of been Houston1an but because it was similar to one someone already had the admin ended up changing it to Towerspotter. I guess at the end we both didn't get what we wanted hehe. :P 

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I was on a tour bus with a metal band from Louisiana (the best band no one has ever heard of). We had a new tour manager who was brought in by the sound guy, so on the way to the first stop in Atlanta, we had a meeting. The TM said he was going to give us all nicknames until he learned all our names, all starting with the letter T.


No one else remembers what their nickname was, but when he pointed at me (I was last) and said 'Tumbleweed', we all died laughing, and it stuck


Eight years later, it's still funny.


and the little guy in my photo icon can be see at the House of Blues- he hangs from a light sitting on a rack in the cage in the middle of the floor

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