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God, gays, genetics, and airlines


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Since 'The Editor' and several others have wanted the previous discussion to stay on topic, I created this topic so we could continue the discussion (off-topic).

I don't really care if it gets off-topic and evolves into another discussion or threads --but maybe 'The Editor' will again.

Go for it!

God: I'm agnostic and was/is a former catholic. I believe in a higher being, but I don't subscribe to a particular religion.

Gays: I'm a male version of a Fag hag, I seem to attract them. Thank god, they help me with my dressing choices and they attract cute chicks.

Genetics: I'm all for genetics and look forward to see how the human race will fare over the next few hundred years (if we make it that long).

Airlines: Scared silly of flying. Will fly drunk, so airline is irrelevant, but I'm partial to Jet Blue because they seem to hold themselves to a higher standards than the others out there.

As far as Pedophilia being compared to Gays, just remember, most pedophiles are Straight men.

in regards to what someone is turned on to: "One man's kink is another's missionary position."

That's all I have got to say in that matter.

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I tried to lighten things up with the poop references, no? ;):lol:

Alas, the tone on this thread had nowhere to go but serious, unfortunately.

Well, I guess my point would be that he wasn't referencing to any type of illegal acts, and although, I wouldn't know if playing with "poop" in the bedroom is illegal, it just sounds WRONG ! ! ! How does someone even come up with that ???

Female: "Honey, stop, all this tantric stuff is getting boring. I GOT IT, I was at the zoo with little Jimmy the other day and we saw the Chimps throwing fecal matter at each other. All I could do was think of YOU when I saw it baby!"

Male: "Gosh sweety, I don't know, that sounds pretty gross. I mean, didn't you like, have Taco Bell today? I just don't know honey."

Female: "C'mon monkeyboy, we are doin' THIS, and you are gonna like it !"

Male: "Yes dear."

Edited by TJones
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Well, I guess my point would be that he wasn't referencing to any type of illegal acts, and although, I wouldn't know if playing with "poop" in the bedroom is illegal, it just sounds WRONG ! ! ! How does someone even come up with that ???

Female: "Honey, stop, all this tantric stuff is getting boring. I GOT IT, I was at the zoo with little Jimmy the other day and we saw the Chimps throwing fecal matter at each other. All I could do was think of YOU when I saw it baby!"

Male: "Gosh sweety, I don't know, that sounds pretty gross. I mean, didn't you like, have Taco Bell today? I just don't know honey."

Female: "C'mon monkeyboy, we are doin' THIS, and you are gonna like it !"

Male: "Yes dear."

You know, I will remember the discussion whenever someone says, "Hot Monkey Sex". now.

You ruined it for me.

"Let's have some hot monkey sex, baby!"


"'scuse me, I think I'm just going to go throw up a bit, then how about some spooning?"

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You know, I will remember the discussion whenever someone says, "Hot Monkey Sex". now.

You ruined it for me.

"Let's have some hot monkey sex, baby!"


"'scuse me, I think I'm just going to go throw up a bit, then how about some spooning?"

My job here is done. You know it is sooooo important to me, that if I can change just ONE life on this forum, I know I am doing my part. ;)

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One question.

In your opinion, why is America's Christians more religious then their European counterparts?

America isnt as far along as Europe is in throwing G-D out of everyday life and taxing churches. There are many here that would wrongfully like to see that happen in our country.

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Are you Jewish? I know Jews spell YHWH, leaving the vowels aside.

Im not too familiar with Judeo-Christian Ethical Principles/Moral Principles. I only know a certain amount of History and Social dynamics.

ALSO, id love to ask you how much of the US Military believes itself to be a 'Christian Army'. Meaning, how many of them believe they are fighting for Christianity, or fighting along Christian principles, etc. How many high-ups in the military believe they are 'doing God's work' so to speak.

It peaks my interest. Thanks.

my officemate was in iraq for 2 yrs and i've known him for 10. i don't think i've ever heard him say christian army. As in past wars, i hear phrases like i'm fighting for my country, etc. maybe a few do think that but i don't believe it is predominant in anyway.

My age, but I could pull some from the 20's. :lol:

Book 'em Dano!

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Are you Jewish? I know Jews spell YHWH, leaving the vowels aside.

Im not too familiar with Judeo-Christian Ethical Principles/Moral Principles. I only know a certain amount of History and Social dynamics.

ALSO, id love to ask you how much of the US Military believes itself to be a 'Christian Army'. Meaning, how many of them believe they are fighting for Christianity, or fighting along Christian principles, etc. How many high-ups in the military believe they are 'doing God's work' so to speak.

It peaks my interest. Thanks.

You didnt let me down. Im impressed ;);)

I dont know about now, but in my days most of the higher ups were Christian. It was the one thing that factored into planning/strategy which gave the planners a moment of pause, to keep from going too far with war plans and executions. If they didnt have a belief in G-D, things would be and would have been very very different.

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America isnt as far along as Europe is in throwing G-D out of everyday life and taxing churches. There are many here that would wrongfully like to see that happen in our country.

Whether they be Wiccan, Muslim, Hindu or Jewish-all tax exempt-I would welcome the tax revenue. Wouldn't you? I mean, a smart guy like you who struggled through the process of getting his G_D [GED] must realize that all these non-Christian denominations aren't paying taxes?

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Whether they be Wiccan, Muslim, Hindu or Jewish-all tax exempt-I would welcome the tax revenue. Wouldn't you? I mean, a smart guy like you who struggled through the process of getting his G_D [GED] must realize that all these non-Christian denominations aren't paying taxes?


The more you speak, the deeper your grave gets :lol::lol::lol:

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Gays: I'm a male version of a Fag hag, I seem to attract them. Thank god, they help me with my dressing choices and they attract cute chicks.

So are you a dyke tyke or a fag hag? :lol:

Instead of bashing parrothead, I should probibly fix nmainguy's REAL problem..

I'll be second to tell you to kill yourself! Ha! Where's the welcoming committee to that boat? whoo whoo. (I'm joking nmainguy, you shouldn't let what moon man said get to you... I mean, come on. Look who was saying it!)

God - can't possibly exsist on the terms of some of the nut jobs on here, that god is a cruel god to make it so easy to laugh at some of the belief systems. Well all you can do is laugh, at how ridiculous it can get.

Gays - Anyone named after a street (usually attached with "guy"), puma...

Genetics - So a cajun and a jew get married and have me.

Airlines - Brittish Airways & Continental.

Edited by Montrose1100
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You didnt let me down. Im impressed ;);)

I dont know about now, but in my days most of the higher ups were Christian. It was the one thing that factored into planning/strategy which gave the planners a moment of pause, to keep from going too far with war plans and executions. If they didnt have a belief in G-D, things would be and would have been very very different.

That's part of the problem.

When you make war, you don't throw hugs and kisses afterwards. You beat them into submission and let them know who's boss and put the fear of whatever god they pray to.

this PC crap got on my nerves when it comes to fighting wars.

If god is on our side, he will understand a little massacre here and there might be necessary to produce long term peace. It's worked in the past, so I'm sure it's written in his handbook somewhere.

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That's part of the problem.

When you make war, you don't throw hugs and kisses afterwards. You beat them into submission and let them know who's boss and put the fear of whatever god they pray to.

this PC crap got on my nerves when it comes to fighting wars.

If god is on our side, he will understand a little massacre here and there might be necessary to produce long term peace. It's worked in the past, so I'm sure it's written in his handbook somewhere.

The problem isnt the military members' belief in G-D. The problem you are speaking of comes from limp wrist Admirals and Generals that have moved away from kill kill, and a civilian leadership that has exercised too much control in military planning and execution. Political correctness has in many ways harmfully influenced the military. I listen to the briefings and the hearings from the military leadership and i am very disturbed at what i see and hear. There are obvious things said by some of these clowns, which raises a red flag, but the average American doesnt pick up on it :(:(:(

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The problem isnt the military members' belief in G-D. The problem you are speaking of comes from limp wrist Admirals and Generals that have moved away from kill kill, and a civilian leadership that has exercised too much control in military planning and execution. Political correctness has in many ways harmfully influenced the military. I listen to the briefings and the hearings from the military leadership and i am very disturbed at what i see and hear. There are obvious things said by some of these clowns, which raises a red flag, but the average American doesnt pick up on it :(:( :(


I mean, I'm sure it's written in the gospels somewhere about how there are just some people that needing killing.

Or was that clint eastwood?

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God - can't possibly exsist on the terms of some of the nut jobs on here, that god is a cruel god to make it so easy to laugh at some of the belief systems. Well all you can do is laugh, at how ridiculous it can get.

No Montrose.............God has an EXCELLENT sense of humor, just look around while you go through your everyday life away from HAIF. God is the original prankster, that is the only explanation for the Platypus, and Kevin Federline's "fame", not to mention Paris Hilton.

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God - can't possibly exsist on the terms of some of the nut jobs on here, that god is a cruel god to make it so easy to laugh at some of the belief systems. Well all you can do is laugh, at how ridiculous it can get.

Really...any nut jobs in particular? Care to elaborate? I'm very interested as to what you consider a "nut job". :blink:

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I have the unmitigated gall to tell you as a gay man that I am indeed a second-class citizen until I am afforded the same rights as straight folks.

Educate us that are don't seem to know: What rights do you not have? I know you can't get married, but what other ones are still out there? Military? Adoption?

For what its worth, I agree with you about church taxation. There's no reason a church of any religion should be tax-exempt. Just go look at Lakewood's payroll for proof.

Edited by Jeebus
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For what its worth, I agree with you about church taxation. There's no reason a church of any religion should be tax-exempt. Just go look at Lakewood's payroll for proof.

If you agree with him in support of his "cause", in support of gay people in general, you shouldnt. That sort of stuff will spell doom for the gays. This isnt Europe. The churchs here are not bankrupt in attendance. The people that attend the churchs are not usually screaming idiots without direction. They are very focussed and very determined. To tax the churches is to give the members of said churches a bigger say in the direction of life and policy within the nation. I assure you that is a large and powerful voting block which isnt jaded in thier beliefs. Forget about the seperation of church and state, it would no longer apply. I guarantee you and anyone that may be dillusional here, that the interest they support, with an even louder more powerful force, will not be that of nmainguy or any gays. They will not look to support gays who are productive members of society. Gays who pay taxes. Gays who care about thier neighborhoods, or the gays that are a positive inclusive force in everyday society. They will focus on the scum and most rabid of the gays and lump all gays in the same group. They will focus on the gays that spout out garbage such as people that believe in G-D are cult members. They will focus on gays that lend support to beliefs that everyday tax paying citizens and people that dont support all gay causes and agendas are automatically bad-cult members. That is the sort of stuff that will shine. Lending blind support to radical gay people doesnt help the cause of the gays, it dooms it! Theres nothing wrong in having an open mind, just be selective at the types of causes you lend support to. Education is a wonderful thing ;)

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The more you speak, the deeper your grave gets :lol::lol::lol:

I don't think it's funny making fun of a man that in a battle for his life.

I am in a personal battle my self it's called the demon alcohol. I may be losing the fight but i am still on my two feet. One day i will defeat my demons and reclaim myself but some of the things you are saying is not right Houston1Word.

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I don't think it's funny making fun of a man that in a battle for his life.

I am in a personal battle my self it's called the demon alcohol. I may be losing the fight but i am still on my two feet. One day i will defeat my demons and reclaim myself but some of the things you are saying is not right Houston1Word.

Fine. If you follow this board close enough, you would know the big guns dont come out unless theres a catalist for it. Again, education is a wonderful thing.

If you dont want your dog to get kicked, keep it on a shorter leash. Dont fall prey to one ridiculous comment without knowing the facts, meaning consider the source..........

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