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Dallas vs. Houston

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I agree that it is not universal as you mention. But there does seem to be something there. How else could one explain the seemingly universal perception that Dallas has pompousness in it? I have heard it for over 35 years from people outside of this forum. It
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I think all this rivalry has to do with the media (and football). If you've noticed, a lot of this comes from statements like 'Big D', etc.

Everyone in the world knows about 'The Dallas Cowboys' and 'Dallas' the television show. What has Houston (media-wise) ... well let's see ... we have Katrina evacuees and a really long time ago (at least in Internet years) we had a great Astrodome and Space Center that was making news regularly.

I mean, Dallas even managed to kill an American president so they got even MORE coverage.

What I find amazing all the time is that the national weather ALWAYS lists Dallas on their weather maps but you never (well ... rarely) even see Houston.

I think we can safely blame the rivalry on ... the MEDIA.


Yeah, that's a big part of it

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Your opinion of Dallas is all well and fine, but earlier, I was disagreeing with your conclusion that most people would favor Houston over Dallas as WorldlyMan did.

My conclusion never alluded to anyone prefering one city over the other. I've got many friends in the Dallas area who prefer it over Houston. I also wasn't alluding to everyone in Big D being a jerk. My point was that the culture in general is that of "we're the best", and it has been that way for years. It's simply the culture of this city.

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"That's actually a good point. Dallas really is a poor, black city."

I as well find this very offensive. So you believe that Dallas is poor because of black people? I really am not looking for a response, just hoping you think before you speak. Well, in this case, post.

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"That's actually a good point. Dallas really is a poor, black city."

I as well find this very offensive. So you believe that Dallas is poor because of black people? I really am not looking for a response, just hoping you think before you speak. Well, in this case, post.

He was kidding guy's. :blink:

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I'm a sixth generation Texan from east Texas, who has lived in Houston for more than 50 years. I lived in the Dallas-Fort Worth area for about a year back in the 70s, and I have to say that I can't think of one positive thing to say about Dallas.

Houston is no walk in the park, and yes Houston has its own problems and warts, but it's a paradise compared to Dallas. I'll take Houston's warts over Dallas any day.

By whatever measuring sticks you use to gauge a city's liveability, Dallas -- in its arrogant self-centered smugness -- finishes dead last in every category. Anyone who pays even a little attention to Dallas politics -- at City Hall, the County Courthouse and on the School Board -- knows I'm right. The whole town is a zoo, with apologies to all zoos everywhere. It's not even a visually attractive city.

The greatest gift the state ever gave to the rest of Texas and the nation was to split Interstate 35 into two legs and give people an alternative to driving through Dallas.

It appears that the worst elements of Dallas rubbed off; it's a wonder that your fellow Houstonites tolerate your presence.

Thank you for staying away from Dallas.

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It appears that the worst elements of Dallas rubbed off; it's a wonder that your fellow Houstonites tolerate your presence.

Thank you for staying away from Dallas.

Filio is usually a "shoot from the lip" poster with little thought or facts to back up her rants. She is NOT indicative of most Houstonians or posters in this forum. I find it best not to enable her.

Edited by nmainguy
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That's actually a good point. Dallas really is a poor, black city.

I don't think the poor or the black residents are the source of Dallas' perceived pompousness and smugness. I think it is only the white population that gives the city this image, specifically, those that drive BMW 3-series automobiles, and make approximately $30,000 per annum...and shop at North Park Mall.

I doubt this segment of the population makes up more than 48% of the city, 49% max.

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Wow, this thread looked promising but I guess it's met the same fate as every other thread like it.

So, could it be said that it's maybe 50% pompous, and that that is why the perception seems to be somewhat common? That percentage seems a little high, doesn
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Wow, this thread looked promising but I guess it's met the same fate as every other thread like it.

I'm sorry but this post is ridiculous and sounds like it belongs with the rest of the trash at SSC. How about I say that 50% of Houstonians think that Dallas' pride is somehow stealing the lime light from Houston. I would only hope that at least the other 50% doesn't have this insecurity problem and realizes that there's nothing wrong with being proud of your home city. If it makes you feel better, figure out another way to build your self-esteem cause the only thing you're doing is making yourself sound like an idiot. This thread started with good intensions by lockmat...dont continue to make it go the same way as every frivolous "Dallas vs Houston" thread.

Why thank you. I wasnt trying to shoot for "ridiculous", but if I achieved that also, than thank you for noticing. I do appreciate your concern about my self-esteem, however. Really, I was just trying to have a little fun here - dont take things so seriously. I used to be that way too, and I wasnt nearly as much fun back than as I am now. So relax, I really dont think that the level of pompousness is really that high in Dallas. It's there, but maybe to assign 35% to it was a bit much. I'm sure it's much lower than 35%. And most of that really comes from the image machine that is well oiled up there - I mean you have to hand it to them, they can build an image, and Houston could learn a thing or two from them.

I'm sure the majority of the fine citizens of Dallas are down to earth, just like we are. ;)

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Dallas' hard working citizens are just like Houston's hard working citizens. We both go to work, come home with a paycheck. Neither city rules in any way other than we are fortunate to be the two largest megaplexes Dal & Hou in the state. But we are Texans and with that said, we are what we are. Let's wake up today and hope for the best for all Texas cities (even the little ones). Because the East coast ain't all that and the West coast (got a straw???) :lol:

Happy New Year HAIFers.

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Dallas' hard working citizens are just like Houston's hard working citizens. We both go to work, come home with a paycheck. Neither city rules in any way other than we are fortunate to be the two largest megaplexes Dal & Hou in the state. But we are Texans and with that said, we are what we are. Let's wake up today and hope for the best for all Texas cities (even the little ones). Because the East coast ain't all that and the West coast (got a straw???) :lol:

Happy New Year HAIFers.

Oh brother. ;)

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Why thank you. I wasnt trying to shoot for "ridiculous", but if I achieved that also, than thank you for noticing. I do appreciate your concern about my self-esteem, however. Really, I was just trying to have a little fun here - dont take things so seriously. I used to be that way too, and I wasnt nearly as much fun back than as I am now. So relax, I really dont think that the level of pompousness is really that high in Dallas. It's there, but maybe to assign 35% to it was a bit much. I'm sure it's much lower than 35%. And most of that really comes from the image machine that is well oiled up there - I mean you have to hand it to them, they can build an image, and Houston could learn a thing or two from them.

I'm sure the majority of the fine citizens of Dallas are down to earth, just like we are. ;)

Trust me, I did not take your post serious and I really did not take personal offense. However, there is a bit of true feelings behind all sarcasim, my posts included, and I sensed it in yours. My point is that I observe on the boards Skyscraper City, Skyscraper Page and also HAIF that there are constant flame wars between Dallas and Houston. Contrary to this trend is Dallasmetropolis.com which, like lockmat said, has only postive comments or at the very least, no reply to Houston issues. So then one has to ask, is it really Dallas that is trying so hard to defend itself and make itself appear better than other cities? Or is it Houston, with constant flame wars against Dallas on this and other forums, that can't stand the fact that Dallas may rank on the same level or higher than Houston on some aspects?

And always remember, like 2112 said, relax... <_<

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Trust me, I did not take your post serious and I really did not take personal offense. However, there is a bit of true feelings behind all sarcasim, my posts included, and I sensed it in yours. My point is that I observe on the boards Skyscraper City, Skyscraper Page and also HAIF that there are constant flame wars between Dallas and Houston. Contrary to this trend is Dallasmetropolis.com which, like lockmat said, has only postive comments or at the very least, no reply to Houston issues. So then one has to ask, is it really Dallas that is trying so hard to defend itself and make itself appear better than other cities? Or is it Houston, with constant flame wars against Dallas on this and other forums, that can't stand the fact that Dallas may rank on the same level or higher than Houston on some aspects?

And always remember, like 2112 said, relax... <_<

Sounds to me like your contradicting yourself. If the above was the case (and it's not), then why are you involved in this discussion?

I find it funny how you Dallasites continue to propel yourself as not caring about what Houstonians say, and then do the opposite by chiming in in your cities defense. Typical Dallas. <_< All hail the maturity of Dallasmetropolis!

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Sounds to me like your contradicting yourself. If the above was the case (and it's not), then why are you involved in this discussion?

I find it funny how you Dallasites continue to propel yourself as not caring about what Houstonians say, and then do the opposite by chiming in in your cities defense. Typical Dallas. <_< All hail the maturity of Dallasmetropolis!

....so......are we supposed to care what houston says? :unsure:

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Sounds to me like your contradicting yourself. If the above was the case (and it's not), then why are you involved in this discussion?

I find it funny how you Dallasites continue to propel yourself as not caring about what Houstonians say, and then do the opposite by chiming in in your cities defense. Typical Dallas. <_< All hail the maturity of Dallasmetropolis!

Do you care what Dallasites think of Houston?

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...on the boards Skyscraper City, Skyscraper Page and also HAIF that there are constant flame wars between Dallas and Houston. Contrary to this trend is Dallasmetropolis.com which, like lockmat said, has only postive comments or at the very least, no reply to Houston issues. ... Or is it Houston, with constant flame wars against Dallas on this and other forums, that can't stand the fact that Dallas may rank on the same level or higher than Houston on some aspects?

...mostly it's because the dallasmetropolis.com moderators are control freaks who douse flame war waggers with tight-assed, condescending sanctimony to discourage the incessant, unproductive chit-chat.

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...mostly it's because the dallasmetropolis.com moderators are control freaks who douse flame war waggers with tight-assed, condescending sanctimony to discourage the incessant, unproductive chit-chat.

So is this how the city of Dallas is in real life?

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What is read on this forum can be partly attributed to real-life experience from many who have live here a long time. So, sarcasm aside, yes, there is some reality to the whole Dallas is snooty thingy. And Houston is defensive to some degree because, whether good or bad, Houston does receive some negativity from the nice folks up there in the northern blue yonder known as Dallas. Be that as it may, it's all good. I kinda like the different personas between the two cities. Otherwise, it would be boring. This forum nicely fills a pent up demand for us to have a place to vent. And what better way of venting than to talk about Dallas.

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Do you care what Dallasites think of Houston?

Quite frankly, I couldn't care less. As I said, you and others are the ones contradicting yourselves, not the Houston posters.

....so......are we supposed to care what houston says? :unsure:

That's the point maynerd. You act as if you don't care what we say, yet you continually chime in on this forum where Houstonians are snubbing Dallas.

Edited by Gary
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I find it funny how you Dallasites continue to propel yourself as not caring about what Houstonians say, and then do the opposite by chiming in in your cities defense. Typical Dallas. <_< All hail the maturity of Dallasmetropolis!
Quite frankly, I couldn't care less. As I said, you and others are the ones contradicting yourselves, not the Houston posters.

Now that is funny.

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I lived in Dal/Worth and Houston there's really no difference in the two cities but the rose tinted glasses :wub:

That's the most honest statement in this entire thread. People in New York or Chicago would laugh at all the insecurity here. I wish we could think bigger....Texas vs. California, with all the cities of Texas being important parts of a larger economic engine.

Neither city will be "International" until we start looking beyond the 500 miles between us.

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After living in Dallas for over five years now, I can see the differneces in Dallas and Houston. The difference is one thing: perception.

I was fortunate enough to grow up in Memorial, attend private college and live in Europe for a year. I now live in a nicer part of Lakewood in East Dallas. Some might automatically have a negative perception by just reading what I just said. The fact is, I am happy in an old pair of jeans and flip flops, eating at some dive in no mans land, and relaxing in a bar with a leaky roof. I guess I am just trying to say that both cities are generally the same to me. You just take the good and bad of either, that is all. I love Houston and it will always be home, but Dallas is also a really great place to live.

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That's the most honest statement in this entire thread. People in New York or Chicago would laugh at all the insecurity here. I wish we could think bigger....Texas vs. California, with all the cities of Texas being important parts of a larger economic engine.

Neither city will be "International" until we start looking beyond the 500 miles between us.

Not sure why New York is even an issue here, because what we have here is nothing more than a long tradition of Houston versus Dallas rivalry. It has nothing to do with New York - excpet for the fact that Dallas likes to think they are "New York". While Houston likes to think they are, well, Houston. Further, anyone who knows Texas and Houston and Dallas knows that "insecurity" is the least of the problems. If anything, Texans think (as I) that we are in fact the center of the universe. Incidently, that title belongs to Houston and not Dallas because, as it turns out, we are the center of the planet when humans surveying the solar system is taken into account. So as long as everyone understands that when it comes to the larger picture that includes Earth and the immediate surrounding parts of the solar system, that humans can claim, then Houston becomes the center of all things. I'm not sure what Dallas is, but I know it's not that. So we dont worry about being "international", when we allready are "interplanetary".

Edited by 2112
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After living in Dallas for over five years now, I can see the differneces in Dallas and Houston. The difference is one thing: perception.

I was fortunate enough to grow up in Memorial, attend private college and live in Europe for a year. I now live in a nicer part of Lakewood in East Dallas. Some might automatically have a negative perception by just reading what I just said. The fact is, I am happy in an old pair of jeans and flip flops, eating at some dive in no mans land, and relaxing in a bar with a leaky roof. I guess I am just trying to say that both cities are generally the same to me. You just take the good and bad of either, that is all. I love Houston and it will always be home, but Dallas is also a really great place to live.

I don't understand.

If you had said you were more happy in a leather thong and a ball gag, tweaked to the tits at an S&M bar, with am ice cold terrazzo floor, would that have made your take more or less credible?

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