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Lisa Foronda is Leaving KHOU


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  • 3 weeks later...
She used to work in Tampa's CBS affiliate prior to going to Houston.

Filipinas magazine once did a substantial article on her. But the ignorant writer of the piece made some text saying that it was a surprise that Foronda was in Houston because Texas is not thought of as being an Asian place or is lacking Asians, something along those lines. Oh, if she were aware that Texas only has the 3rd largest Asian population of the 50 states.

Well, it is true what you said. However, Houston is not an Asian friendly kind of city. Maybe the writer was meaning that Houston was not Asian friendly, which is so true.

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  • 1 year later...

It's about damn time I can talk about why I got the hell out of TV news. Now that I'm not some public figure or whatever-the-hell that is, some background first:

1. I pursued TV reporting in college, where I figured I wouldn't become "famous" ... or whatever. I just wanted to be a lowly news reporter.

2. Then, someone asked me to anchor tv newscasts.

3. I found out I was halfway decent at that job and made some pretty decent money, and I kept doing that, up to Houston.

4. Problem was, I hated being in the public eye to that extent, so I spent several years FAKING IT. Trust me, you would if you knew the kind of money that was thrown around.

For the guy on this board who got his panties in a wad and was so upset (hold on, let's pause to wipe that tear out of his eye)

that I hadn't smiled at him at Kroger - dear GOD! I didn't smile! Did you ever think I might have had more crap going on in my life than to worry about saying hello to you"??" Get the hell over it. Grow some cajones. Try to put yourself in my shoes: I'm sure there are people you've seen in one location, and when seeing them somewhere else, you have no idea who they are. Suffice it to say I was sick of trying to be the perfectly coiffed anchor who knew everyone and everything. Plus, I had to deal with your petulant crybaby letter-writing to my boss, whining that I did not acknowledge your existence.

Hold on - let's all throw a temper tantrum in solidarity!


Well, that's pretty damn sad. Says a great deal about the mentality of the viewing public. Whatever.

People need to find their own personal "heroes/superstars/whatever without making "celebrities" those things. I hated the celebrity crap, so I left it. No sugar daddy, no secret deal, no crazy inheritance. I just left and started over. How hard is that to believe?

I appreciate those of you who've been supportive. For the rest of you whose "gentle sensibilites" I've offended.... get over it.

Edited by lisaleese
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It's about damn time I can talk about why I got the hell out of TV news. Now that I'm not some public figure or whatever-the-hell that is, some background first:

1. I pursued TV reporting in college, where I figured I wouldn't become "famous" ... or whatever. I just wanted to be a lowly news reporter.

2. Then, someone asked me to anchor tv newscasts.

3. I found out I was halfway decent at that job and made some pretty decent money, and I kept doing that, up to Houston.

4. Problem was, I hated being in the public eye to that extent, so I spent several years FAKING IT. Trust me, you would if you knew the kind of money that was thrown around.

For the guy on this board who got his panties in a wad and was so upset (hold on, let's pause to wipe that tear out of his eye)

that I hadn't smiled at him at Kroger - dear GOD! I didn't smile! Did you ever think I might have had more crap going on in my life than to worry about saying hello to you"??" Get the hell over it. Grow some cajones. Try to put yourself in my shoes: I'm sure there are people you've seen in one location, and when seeing them somewhere else, you have no idea who they are. Suffice it to say I was sick of trying to be the perfectly coiffed bimbo who knew everyone and everything. Plus, I had to deal with your petulatnt crybaby letter-writing to my boss, whining that I did not acknowledge his existence.

Hold on - let's all throw a temper tantrum in solidarity!


Well, that's pretty damn sad. Says a great deal about the mentality of the viewing public. Whatever.

People need to find their own personal "heroes/superstars/whatever without making "celebrities" those things. I hated the celebrity crap, so I left it. No sugar daddy, no secret deal, no crazy inheritance. I just left and started over. How hard is that to believe?

I appreciate those of you who've been supportive. For the rest of you whose "gentle sensibilites" I've offended.... F*(*CK off and get a life.

Welcome to the forum, Lisa...and one hell of a first post. Somehow, I'll bet writing that was therapeutic. :D

Unlike the upset guy at Kroger, you always smiled at me (I lived a few blocks away when you lived on Feagan) when I walked my dog by your house, as well as when I saw you on jury duty. As much as many of us miss your intelligent delivery of the news, we're glad to hear you haven't regretted leaving.

Now that you have found the forum, feel free to stop by and vent, opine, or whatever makes you happy, anytime.

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Welcome to the forum, Lisa...and one hell of a first post. Somehow, I'll bet writing that was therapeutic. :D

Some how I don't think that was her, why would she even bother. Looks like someone pretending to be her. We will never know, but it seems odd that she'd even respond to this in such a candid/blunt manner.

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Some how I don't think that was her, why would she even bother. Looks like someone pretending to be her. We will never know, but it seems odd that she'd even respond to this in such a candid/blunt manner.

I hope that's not her. I understand the pov, but still.

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Some how I don't think that was her, why would she even bother.

Unless she logs in from KHOU we have no way of knowing whether she is who she claims to be. Although it is possible. There are quite a few Houston media types on HAIF.

If it is her, it seems strange that she would suddenly vent right now. Is she finally off the air?

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Unless she logs in from KHOU we have no way of knowing whether she is who she claims to be. Although it is possible. There are quite a few Houston media types on HAIF.

If it is her, it seems strange that she would suddenly vent right now. Is she finally off the air?

Yeah, I believe she left sometime last year, don't quite remember. I was PM'd and followed up on it. It is 99% true it's her, with the 1% doubt with someone clever enough to impersonate her.

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Yeah, I believe she left sometime last year, don't quite remember. I was PM'd and followed up on it. It is 99% true it's her, with the 1% doubt with someone clever enough to impersonate her.

I don't think it's her. The person who wrote that is too angry to be Lisa. I don't know Lisa personally, but I know people who do. I never heard anything about her that even hinted that she was as angry and bitter as this person we just met.

One thing in that posting did ring true though, which makes me think this person works in TV or did at one time.

"...I hated being in the public eye to that extent, so I spent several years FAKING IT. Trust me, you would if you knew the kind of money that was thrown around....I hated the celebrity crap, so I left it..."

I worked as a TV news anchor in a small market in east Texas about 30 years ago, and let me tell you that being recognized and fawned over everywhere you go gets very old very quick. People come up to you in public and talk like you're a member of their family. When my wife and I would try to go out for dinner, people would actually come sit at our table -- uninvited -- and tell us all about themselves and how much they like seeing me on TV. One guy even brought his kids to our table.

It was charming at first, but I got sick of it after a while and just stopped going out. Not even to the supermarket. After about a year of that I quit and never went back to TV. So I can identify with that person's view of working in TV. I know a lot of TV people hang in there because of the six and seven figure salaries and have long fruitful careers as TV news anchors. Ron Stone and Dave Ward come to mind, and God bless them, but I couldn't do it.

I still don't think Lisa Foronda wrote that though. Wherever she is now, and whatever she's doing, I have to believe she's a lot happier now than she was when she quit KHOU, and a lot happier than whomever wrote the posting here on HAIF.

Edited by FilioScotia
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It's about damn time I can talk about why I got the hell out of TV news. Now that I'm not some public figure or whatever-the-hell that is, some background first:

1. I pursued TV reporting in college, where I figured I wouldn't become "famous" ... or whatever. I just wanted to be a lowly news reporter.

2. Then, someone asked me to anchor tv newscasts.

3. I found out I was halfway decent at that job and made some pretty decent money, and I kept doing that, up to Houston.

4. Problem was, I hated being in the public eye to that extent, so I spent several years FAKING IT. Trust me, you would if you knew the kind of money that was thrown around.

For the guy on this board who got his panties in a wad and was so upset (hold on, let's pause to wipe that tear out of his eye)

that I hadn't smiled at him at Kroger - dear GOD! I didn't smile! Did you ever think I might have had more crap going on in my life than to worry about saying hello to you"??" Get the hell over it. Grow some cajones. Try to put yourself in my shoes: I'm sure there are people you've seen in one location, and when seeing them somewhere else, you have no idea who they are. Suffice it to say I was sick of trying to be the perfectly coiffed anchor who knew everyone and everything. Plus, I had to deal with your petulant crybaby letter-writing to my boss, whining that I did not acknowledge your existence.

Hold on - let's all throw a temper tantrum in solidarity!


Well, that's pretty damn sad. Says a great deal about the mentality of the viewing public. Whatever.

People need to find their own personal "heroes/superstars/whatever without making "celebrities" those things. I hated the celebrity crap, so I left it. No sugar daddy, no secret deal, no crazy inheritance. I just left and started over. How hard is that to believe?

I appreciate those of you who've been supportive. For the rest of you whose "gentle sensibilites" I've offended.... get over it.

Beautiful Post.....Lisa, I hope it is indeed you. ^_^

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What, "beautiful post?", I think she made a fool of herself and actually brought more attention to her nasty attitude than we ever knew. I get that she did not HAVE to say hello at Kroger, but really, there is a much better way to deliver a response. She has the mouth of a sailer.

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I don't think it's her. The person who wrote that is too angry to be Lisa. I don't know Lisa personally, but I know people who do. I never heard anything about her that even hinted that she was as angry and bitter as this person we just met.

One thing in that posting did ring true though, which makes me think this person works in TV or did at one time.

"...I hated being in the public eye to that extent, so I spent several years FAKING IT. Trust me, you would if you knew the kind of money that was thrown around....I hated the celebrity crap, so I left it..."

I worked as a TV news anchor in a small market in east Texas about 30 years ago, and let me tell you that being recognized and fawned over everywhere you go gets very old very quick. People come up to you in public and talk like you're a member of their family. When my wife and I would try to go out for dinner, people would actually come sit at our table -- uninvited -- and tell us all about themselves and how much they like seeing me on TV. One guy even brought his kids to our table.

It was charming at first, but I got sick of it after a while and just stopped going out. Not even to the supermarket. After about a year of that I quit and never went back to TV. So I can identify with that person's view of working in TV. I know a lot of TV people hang in there because of the six figure salaries and have long fruitful careers as TV news anchors. Ron Stone and Dave Ward come to mind, and God bless them, but I couldn't do it.

I still don't think Lisa Foronda wrote that though. Wherever she is now, and whatever she's doing, I have to believe she's a lot happier now than she was when she quit KHOU, and a lot happier than whomever wrote the posting here on HAIF.

Is that kinda like a lot of people thought they knew Ed Brandon or Jon Mathews, and so on and so forth. I'd bet up until his arrest, people would have sworn on the lives of their children what an upstanding guy Jon Mathews was. You really never know.

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Is that kinda like a lot of people thought they knew Ed Brandon or Jon Mathews, and so on and so forth. I'd bet up until his arrest, people would have sworn on the lives of their children what an upstanding guy Jon Mathews was. You really never know.

Mark -- you make sense most of the time, but I'm still trying to figure out what you're trying to say with this one. Help me out here.

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even though you think you know a person, you really don't.

You're right of course. But -- like Hillary Clinton and her Bobby Kennedy assassination comment -- Mark could have chosen better examples to make his point.

We see people on TV every day and we think we know them, but we don't. It's always disappointing to learn that some of them aren't the "nice, charming and friendly" people they seem to be on the tube, and the radio.

Having said that, I still don't think the person pretending to be Lisa Foronda in that earlier posting was really Lisa F. There's a lot of anger in that posting, and I've never heard anything about the real Lisa that hinted she had that problem.

She just wanted out of TV. So she signed off, made a graceful exit, got another job and moved on with her life. TV has disappeared in the distance in her rear view mirror. End of story.

I think the real Lisa has more important things to do than air her dirty laundry on a public message board.

Edited by FilioScotia
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You're right of course. But -- like Hillary Clinton and her Bobby Kennedy assassination comment -- Mark could have chosen better examples to make his point.

We see people on TV every day and we think we know them, but we don't. It's always disappointing to learn that some of them aren't the "nice, charming and friendly" people they seem to be on the tube, and the radio.

Having said that, I still don't think the person pretending to be Lisa Foronda in that earlier posting was really Lisa F. There's a lot of anger in that posting, and I've never heard anything about the real Lisa that hinted she had that problem.

She just wanted out of TV. So she signed off, made a graceful exit, got another job and moved on with her life. TV has disappeared in the distance in her rear view mirror. End of story.

I think the real Lisa has more important things to do than air her dirty laundry on a public message board.

Well since she was a local News Person, I just used two other local News People that turned out to be not what everybody seemed they were. Thought it made a great point. Foronda could have had a few too many and let it fly. Problem with you thinking it's not her, the reference to the Kroger sounded more from the person actually involved that some third party pretending. Sure people move on, but hurt feelings linger until the guard is down and then sometimes just pop out. The reference to "faking it", who's to say that's only limited to in front of the camera. Women are great at it. (and I am not referring to between the sheets, however if you want to go there, be careful, because it's a double edge sword), my wife will run into someone when we are out somewhere, and be sweet as pie and polite, and just as soon as they walk off tell me, "I can't stand that delicate flower!" I am like, WTF. So I ask why in the world you act all nice and huggy kissie, and she'll say, it's just the way you have to be these days, I don't want to make a scene. Now me on the other hand, I have permanent scars one both wrists, from her nails digging nails into me, reminding me not to embarrass her or say exactly the way I feel when we run into someone she knows I detest. Hell I might as well be wearing a choke chain when I am out in public with her, because she knows I will sat whatever the hell is on my mind, good bad or indifferent. That's just the way the world is, in lots of cases. There are people that won't admit it, but they are just fooling themselves or are just in complete denial. I thought I made perfect sense before, I'll try to do a little better next time.

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Well since she was a local News Person, I just used two other local News People that turned out to be not what everybody seemed they were. Thought it made a great point. Foronda could have had a few too many and let it fly.


I'm getting information that leads me to think I am wrong and that Lisa F really did file that angry posting we're all talking about. Google "lisaleese" and check out what comes up.

Up to now I was ready to believe the angry person who wrote the posting couldn't be the Lisa of the sunny disposition we all knew and loved when she was on KHOU. I thought she left TV to do something else with her life and wouldn't stoop to revealing her anger in a public message board, but maybe I was wrong.

It now appears she's glad to be out of TV, but she's still angry about the circumstances of her departure from KHOU, and I'm willing to bet we weren't told the whole story when that was all going down.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Something is going on at KHOU that's driving women anchors and the good reporters away, and I'd give anything to be a fly on the wall in those executive offices. Recall Marlene McClinton quit in an angry huff right there on the air one night, over the way KHOU had treated her and Sam Saucedo, one of their best reporters.

Edited by FilioScotia
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