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Breast feeding moms, please be discreet


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Woman kicked off plane for breast-feeding baby

Files complaint saying she was being discreet, airline disagrees

BURLINGTON, Vt. - A woman who claims she was kicked off an airplane because she was breast-feeding her baby has filed a complaint against two airlines, her attorney said.

Emily Gillette, 27, of Santa Fe, N.M., filed the complaint with the Vermont Human Rights Commission late last week against Delta Air Lines and Freedom Airlines, said her attorney, Elizabeth Boepple. Freedom was operating the Delta flight between Burlington and New York City.

Gillette said she was discreetly breast-feeding her 22-month-old daughter on Oct. 13 as their flight prepared to leave Burlington International Airport. She said she was seated by the window in the next-to-last row, her husband was seated between her and the aisle and no part of her breast was showing.

A flight attendant tried to hand her a blanket and told her to cover up, Gillette said. She declined, telling the flight attendant she had a legal right to breast-feed her baby................


If she was asked to use a blanket, she wasnt being discreet as she stated she was.

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Woman kicked off plane for breast-feeding baby

Files complaint saying she was being discreet, airline disagrees

BURLINGTON, Vt. - A woman who claims she was kicked off an airplane because she was breast-feeding her baby has filed a complaint against two airlines, her attorney said.

Emily Gillette, 27, of Santa Fe, N.M., filed the complaint with the Vermont Human Rights Commission late last week against Delta Air Lines and Freedom Airlines, said her attorney, Elizabeth Boepple. Freedom was operating the Delta flight between Burlington and New York City.

Gillette said she was discreetly breast-feeding her 22-month-old daughter on Oct. 13 as their flight prepared to leave Burlington International Airport. She said she was seated by the window in the next-to-last row, her husband was seated between her and the aisle and no part of her breast was showing.

A flight attendant tried to hand her a blanket and told her to cover up, Gillette said. She declined, telling the flight attendant she had a legal right to breast-feed her baby................


If she was asked to use a blanket, she wasnt being discreet as she stated she was.

22-month-old? Don't they usually start using years to describe a child's age by that time? That girl's gonna have one hell of an oral fixation. I'd hate to see her lungs in 50 years...excuse me...600 months.

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The kid hasn't reached two years of age, TheNiche (2 years = 24 months)

Childrens' ages are no longer put in months by their third birthdays.

22-month-old? Don't they usually start using years to describe a child's age by that time? That girl's gonna have one hell of an oral fixation. I'd hate to see her lungs in 50 years...excuse me...600 months.
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The kid hasn't reached two years of age, TheNiche (2 years = 24 months)

Childrens' ages are no longer put in months by their third birthdays.

For some reason, my family doesn't use months after 17 months. After that, its all mixed fractions. I didn't think that we were unique in that regard, but oh well...you learn something new every day, right?

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...............or at least offer a little cream for my coffee when I am sitting next to you at Starbuck's. It is just soooooooo rude not to share.

Why on Earth would you kick the woman off ? She is keeping the kid quiet. I for one would much rather see a bare breast than have to hear a hungry infant going nuts at altitude.

Edited by TJones
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When did it become a problem for a mother to feed her child? I don't understand why people get their panties in a bunch when they witness this natural phenomenon. Get over it, there is nothing more natural than breast feeding. Not to mention the fact that it's been going on for thousands of years and will continue to do so.

Furthermore, if she was in the window seat of the back row of a plane, who was she bothering? The flight attendent? Get over it, it's not your child and therefore not your decision how the child is fed.

I just don't see how feeding a child is so controversial. It's not like she's at the Super Bowl with a starburst on her nipple.

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When did it become a problem for a mother to feed her child? I don't understand why people get their panties in a bunch when they witness this natural phenomenon. Get over it, there is nothing more natural than breast feeding. Not to mention the fact that it's been going on for thousands of years and will continue to do so.

Furthermore, if she was in the window seat of the back row of a plane, who was she bothering? The flight attendent? Get over it, it's not your child and therefore not your decision how the child is fed.

I just don't see how feeding a child is so controversial. It's not like she's at the Super Bowl with a starburst on her nipple.

Well on the other hand, why can't breast feeders just throw a blanket over the child and breast instead of having to prove a point? For pities sake, its on plane with ZERO inches between people, can't they show a little respect for those they are sitting next to ? Why do they have to whip out a boob while touching arms with stranger.

Tent a blanket, feed the child in calm and privacy and EVERONE benefits.

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Breastfeeding is one of the most natural and basic human life support functions. It's ridiculous how squeamish people are about it...likely people who've never reproduced. Get over it.

Absolutely, I think children should all be breast fed until about 80 years of age. A 2 year old is really pushin' it though. That toddler should be weened by now. All she would have to do is slap a bottle in his/her mouth.

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It has nothing to do with being squeamish. If someone was STARING at her tit, she would have sued too. It is called courtesy. Cover up, that isn't asking too much.

Reproducing, urinating, pooping and vomiting are all very natural, but they are encouraged to be done in private.

Edited by gwilson
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Breastfeeding is one of the most natural and basic human life support functions. It's ridiculous how squeamish people are about it...likely people who've never reproduced. Get over it.

I cannot agree more. My daughter had half breastmilk and half formula during her first year, so I am the last person in the world to be a breastfeeding nazi, but really--why should a mother cover up the head of her child while he/she is EATING?!?! :rolleyes: No one can see what she is doing for crying out loud unless one STARES at her. Ridiculous! It is also well known that breastfeeding during takeoff and landing is a natural way to stop pressure building in the ears. Anyone that has ever traveled with a child knows what that is like--now would you rather have that child screaming her fool head off or quietly breastfed and happy? IMHO, people are far too prudish. Talk to a few breastfeeding moms and you'll find out the last thing they really wants to do is draw attention to their boobs, for God's sake. :lol: Almost all clothing today made for nursing mothers are so discreet you would never know what is going on.

It is my understanding that she sat in a window seat so as not to attract a lot of attention. I think she was well within her rights and it was foolish for them to kick her off the plane.

gwilson=It has nothing to do with being squeamish. If someone was STARING at her tit, she would have sued too. It is called courtesy. Cover up, that isn't asking too much.

Reproducing, urinating, pooping and vomiting are all very natural, but they are encouraged to be done in private.

Ridiculous argument and unbelievably ignorant!

BTW, she WAS COVERED! She didn't have her tits sticking out--have you ever seen a woman breastfeed a baby? You can't see much!

Edited by Parrothead
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now that we have established that breastfeeding, as well as pooping, is private...:rolleyes:

and the size of a blanket that would be needed to cover up the exposed area would be so small it's ridiculous (a doily, perhaps?) - unless you're talking about smothering the baby while feeding, too

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There was a court case a few year ago about a mother breastfeeding her six year old. The milk keeps coming unless you stop.

At any rate, did y'all see the Mom and kid on ABC News last night? She definetly looked like a kook with an agenda. And the kid had marked all over her face with red markers while on TV.

Further proof that the fruit does not fall far from the tree.

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I honestly don't see what the big deal is other than that the kid is still breastfeeding at 22 months.

A tit is a tit. They're good things. If anything, we need more of them in full public view...suckled or not.

Especially not. :P

Yep, you're right, nothing like going to The Galleria for a day of fun-filled shopping and seeing a 5 year old telling Mom it's time for lunch, and she whips out a breast for him. Aaaahhhhhhhh, Good Times !

I just had a revelation, to cutdown on ticket prices for mothers breastfeeding up to 4 year olds, they will get a discount but they have to be part of the concession cart also or be an option on the in-flight meal.

Edited by TJones
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Either way: 1 year & ten months, or 22 months - is way to old to be sucking on the teet. Especially in public.

Just an opinion.

I was worried that this topic was going to get off track regarding using months versus years to decribe age of babies. :rolleyes:

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Of the many things in this world that bother me, breastfeeding isn't one of them.


As far as I'm concerned, if they're still breastfeeding..

if they're too young to talk..

if they're too young to reason...

they're too young to be on a plane.

That just doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. :huh:

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The La Leche League promotes breast feeding beyond toddlerhood... up to 4 years old I've heard. Personally, anything beyond 18 months seems excessive unless its an economic/nutritional decision.

That reminds me of that barfly from Mars w/three breasts in that Arnold Schwarznegger movie "Total Recall". Did she belong to the "Tres Leche League"? :rolleyes:

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The La Leche League promotes breast feeding beyond toddlerhood... up to 4 years old I've heard. Personally, anything beyond 18 months seems excessive unless its an economic/nutritional decision.

This is why GOD invented the breast pump. La Leche League needs to invest in a few and hand them out to potential members, then they can feed the world for all I care. Nobody wants to see a 4 yr. old being breast fed, that kid is gonna be scarred for life. I can see MOM breakin' out the breastfeeding pics during their Sweet 16 party, or perhaps a few memories spill out at a bachelor party. Yeah, that'll be wonderful.

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This is why GOD invented the breast pump. La Leche League needs to invest in a few and hand them out to potential members, then they can feed the world for all I care. Nobody wants to see a 4 yr. old being breast fed, that kid is gonna be scarred for life. I can see MOM breakin' out the breastfeeding pics during their Sweet 16 party, or perhaps a few memories spill out at a bachelor party. Yeah, that'll be wonderful.

there was a woman i worked with who's nanny would drive her child to

work twice daily to "feed". we would tell clients she was in a meeting and

she would usually take an empty conference room to do it. as the kiddo

got a little older, we all chipped in for a breast pump. after that, only the

woman at the head desk would have to deal with it --- because the nanny

would pick up the pumpings from the front desk.

i'm under the opinion that it is a part of life but so are other things that

are done in private. like diaper changes. iv'e been in a restaurant were

someone changed their baby in the travel seat at the table... it was not

smelling but --- not appetizing. i've seen that one other time where a

parent changed a very dirty diaper under the table at a work function.

caring for babies in a family setting is different than in a public setting.

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there was a woman i worked with who's nanny would drive her child to

work twice daily to "feed". we would tell clients she was in a meeting and

she would usually take an empty conference room to do it.

Sounds like this woman didn't need a nanny -- she needed a wet nurse.

Amazingly, they still exist. I know a few people who are shopping for nannies these days and the same agencies sometimes handle wet nurses.

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If you look at womens fashions, designers have exposed just about every part of the breast except the nipple. Wearing pasties makes the female breast legal in public - why shouldn't a baby? A fat-faced kid covers a lot more area. I'm willing to bet that J-Lo has exposed more flesh on the red carpet than that passenger did in a discreet airline seat.

Our society has such a weird double standard about breasts. They're to be leered at or regarded with alarm and horror. They're to be padded or enlarged, and then covered, but emphasized. I wonder how women keep their sanity.

That being said, I'm among those who believe that anything regarding excretions or secretions should be dealt with in private whenever possible. If that's not an option, discretion is called for.

An aside: it's my understanding that breast feeding discourages weight gain in the mother. Could this be a reason women might delay weaning their children?

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Gillette said she was discreetly breast-feeding her 22-month-old daughter on Oct. 13 as their flight prepared to leave Burlington International Airport.

Man, that sucks. Alright, Giggidy Giggidy :lol:

Nah seriously, is this breast-feeding plane hiatus a result of a crackdown from Homeland Security? Can a plane be hijacked with breast-milk as a weapon?

I am 444 months old and have been known to practice breast feeding.

Glad to see that the members of HAIF are all well-fed. Rizpekt, rizpekt :P

I am 432 months, and I got some practice in last night. We were using a blanket to cover up though.

What plane was this on?! :unsure:

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If you look at womens fashions, designers have exposed just about every part of the breast except the nipple. Wearing pasties makes the female breast legal in public - why shouldn't a baby? A fat-faced kid covers a lot more area. I'm willing to bet that J-Lo has exposed more flesh on the red carpet than that passenger did in a discreet airline seat.

It's about context. Yes, you see a lot more skin on the beach. But it's still inappropriate for someone to wear a bikini in a fine restaurant.

Also, you're watching J-Lo through tens of thousands of miles of electronic transmission. You're not sitting next to her on a plane.

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