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1100 Louisiana: Office Skyscraper At 1100 Louisiana St.


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Who knows. I'm remember growing up in the sugar cane areas of Louisiana and during the fall we would have black specs falling from the air like in Schindler's List. It was from the burn process on the sugar fields to burn off all the excess and leave the main portion of the cane for harvest

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Meanwhile I'm on a second floor in a suburban office in Northwest Crossing (290 and Hollister).

The only good views I get is when I go to the six floor to bother our accounting and marketing departments. I can see all the skylines of Houston except for the TMC since it falls behind Greeway in my view.

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  • 1 year later...
If so, they didn't do a very good job. Dallas' Lincoln Plaza looks more like SFO's BofA than does 1100 Louisiana.

I should have re-worded it differently... 1100 "pays homage" to BofA in San Francisco. They were both designed by Skidmore & Owings.

Lincoln Plaza doesn't look more like anything other then Marathon Tower. Yes, they have bay windows, but both Marathon's & Lincoln's Horizontal windows wrap around, without any seperations. And BofA doesn't have 3 angles in the bay windows, only 2. So in that sense, 1100, Marathon, and Lincoln do look like each other, more so then BofA.

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I just did this morning. Damn screen saver fooled me!

I like this building, but the dirty smokers are geting out of control. They look like a bunch of animals hiding in the bushes.


His excuse for not providing them, is "The Glass makes the pictures look funny".

I just got a new PC this weekend and am now offically back in the picture business. Intel

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

It was just announced that the sculpture at 1100 Louisiana by Jean Dubuffet is going to be moved over to Discovery Green! It's going to be interesting to see where they put it, but it can easily be a focal point within the park to meet. I mean how can you miss it?

Talk about a major splash of color in the park!

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It was just announced that the sculpture at 1100 Louisiana by Jean Dubuffet is going to be moved over to Discovery Green! It's going to be interesting to see where they put it, but it can easily be a focal point within the park to meet. I mean how can you miss it?

Talk about a major splash of color in the park!

I agree, this will be a great addition to Discovery Green

According to the article, it "will be moved to a plaza in the park along Avenida de las Americas, across from the convention center." The plan has always been for a plaza with a "monumental" art piece across the street from the center of the GRB, so I would imagine that's the location.

I work in this building. Can't say I'll really miss it. You actually hardly even notice it, but a lot of people do stop by and snap pictures.

They needs some plants and benches in its place.

What they have planned sounds even better: The plaza in front of the building will be redesigned with green space and water elements once the sculpture is removed later this year.

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We got this email today:

The building ownership and Hines are working with a large group of consultants to redevelop the plaza. The new plaza will include a large water feature, extensive landscaping and outdoor seating; construction should begin in late October and we expect it to be completed by the Spring of 2008. Renderings of the project will be on display in the main lobby later this summer. We will provide you with additional information and project schedule updates as the project progresses.

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