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The Water Took My Car

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Anyone see the idiot on tv with a BRAND NEW 2007 MERCEDES? He drove his NEW car into the water... How stupid can you be? A freaking brand new car and you act like a jackass. They then show him taking pictures for "insurance" purposes...I hope they don't give him a dime. :angry2:

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Anyone see the idiot on tv with a BRAND NEW 2007 MERCEDES? He drove his NEW car into the water... How stupid can you be? A freaking brand new car and you act like a jackass. They then show him taking pictures for "insurance" purposes...I hope they don't give him a dime. :angry2:

Probably why he drove it into the water.... for the insurance, after he realized what a lousy deal he got on it. I heard he almost didn't make it out.

Edited by TJones
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Yup. a bunch of us watched a moron in a pickup truck drive right into 4 ft of water at Studewood, and then calmly get out and wait for the wrecker to come get it out. it looked suspicios, but maybe people really are that dumb? We watched as a second car came right up to the edge, got on the curb, nudged forward, and then though better of it, FINALLY!

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Anyone see the idiot on tv with a BRAND NEW 2007 MERCEDES? He drove his NEW car into the water... How stupid can you be? A freaking brand new car and you act like a jackass. They then show him taking pictures for "insurance" purposes...I hope they don't give him a dime. :angry2:

That is so hilarious, because I saw almost the exact same scene play out LIVE during Tropical Storm Allison. I spent the night on the second floor of Katz's Deli, watching cars drive into the water. Most figured it out before it was too late, especially when their were people yelling at them from the windows of Katz's and waving from the sides at them to STOP. GO BACK. But this idiot in a brand new Mercedes kept right on driving, until his car stalled right in front of all of us. Got out swearing a blue streak. Karma, baby.

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I hope his insurance company saw this report. "You got a new Benz two months ago, AND U WERE STUPID ENOUGH TO DRIVE INTO THE WATER??? I got your game, Mistah. The pics don't mean s*** to us because of ppl like U premiums go up."

And here comes the announcement:

INSURANCE MONEY DENIED!!!! **stamps DENIED red stamp on claim**

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by DaTrain
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