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Do you have kids?


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2 girls 4yr. and 4mos., and they WILL cost me 18 to 19 times, not kidding :lol:

UH OH, they are babies!!! Precious at this point, enjoy them daddy while you can. For thier teenage years, invest heavily in a good shot gun to shoot the hormone Harry's that will come a knocking on your door for them ;);)

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Something to look forward to when your kids reach high-school age! HA!

This is Homecoming Season for all Texas high schools right now, and this is a big part of the Homecoming tradition; it's called a Texas Homecoming Mum. And, yes, bigger is better when it comes to mums! :D

This humongous one belongs to my daughter, a junior at Klein Oak, whose Homecoming is next weekend. Her date also wears one on his arm ( a garter ) that is only slightly smaller. If the student is not going with a date to the Homecoming Dance that everyone goes to, their parents will buy them a mum to wear. Sometimes, parents will buy a mum, the date will buy one too, and sometimes girls give each other mums, so these little high school girls sometimes show up almost camouflaged by all the mums! Usually, freshmen get one mum, sophomores get two, juniors get three, and seniors get four ( or more ) mums. The seniors mums are sometimes in the shape of a Texas star, ( six mums, one at each point and one in the center ) or in the shape of a heart. Senior mums are usually in the colors of white & gold, not the traditional school colors. Sometimes the whole contraption lights up, plays the school song, etc. The mums are usually worn to school on the day of the game, but not to the dance the following night. Our Homecoming Dance is usually "Theme", not "Formal", as most of them are. Some kids go all out and rent limos and eat at very expensive restaurants, but most don't, at least not at Klein Oak. When you go "Formal", this also involves expensive hair and nail appointments and sometimes "faux tans". It can get pretty out there, but it's the only big "thing" they'll be going to all year, unless they're seniors and go to Prom. Sometimes the mums are taken off at the game and hung on the chain link fence in front of the stands during the game. It's really something to see. I know our Homecoming is next weekend against Klein Collins. I think The Woodlands has their Homecoming next weekend, too. Bach, do you know? I heard yesterday that The Woodlands College Park is celebrating their Newcoming, not Homecoming. I was told that it's called a Newcoming because it's a new school, and until the school has a class that goes all the way from freshmen to senior, that they won't have a Homecoming. If you're able to go sometime, you should. It's a lot of fun! BTW, I never knew about any of this until my daughter was actually in high school, so I hope I haven't scared of any of you with little ones still! Of course, this is nothing compared to getting them ready for college... :P

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Pineda, did you not grow up in Texas. Homecoming and Homecoming MUMS are a tradition. That monstrosity of your daughter's is a little over the top and I think she is trying to pull one over on you. I bought 4 MUMS while in highschool, and they were big, but that thing is Gaudy girl. I'll concede there is supposed to be a little "cheesy side" when it comes to MUMS, they are to be LARGE, but there is a limit. The only thing I am "scared" about is how your daughter is gonna be able to see over that thing and walk. :lol: As far as the whole 6 MUM thing, I grew up here in Texas, and that is a new one on me. I have never even seen anyone wear 6 MUMS. Are these young ladies trying to become Rose Parade floats, or are they just going to Homecoming ?

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I did go to high school in Houton, and our mums (never real ones, BTW) were NEVER this big! But, this is 2006 and this is the norm now. I can't wait to see what they look like when your kids reach high school! :P

I know, I know. Isn't it incredible that what we thought was cool growing up is soooooooo NOT cool now ? I guess by the time my girls get to Highschool, they will either be going to a hand corsage or they will have to have one of those bouquets that you hang around "Derby Winners." :lol:

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"Derby Winners"! :P

I think when I was in high school, the mums were real back then, and only seniors got two. Usually only the girls dating football players had one, and they gave their dates garter ones for their arms. But, nowadays, they're all silk mums so they can be used as room decorations later on. I saw one last year that blew bubbles when you pressed a button, and one that was lit up and twinkled like a Christmas tree! And, most of them seem to have either little bells or cow bells dangling from curling ribbons, so you can hear them coming down the hall from quite a ways off. Usually the school mascot is placed in the center of the mum(s), and sometimes you'll see some pretty wild looking mascots on top of those mums! :D

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You had to chime in on that one huh? <_<

:D Montrose I said the same thing up until 4 yrs. ago. I was 31 and my wife was 32 and we figured it was gettin' too late for us. Then she got pregnant, and now we don't have a clue what we would do without our girls. We laugh together when we realize that we are both just watching the girls together, do their thing, and we just get entranced by them.

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I have none.

Too expensive for me realistically right now to raise one, maybe when my income goes up, hopefully in the next 5 years, I can consider.

I am just not ready now.

But at least I can live vicariously with my niece in the mean time.

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hmmmm, i wasn't ready until one thirteen year old dropped in my life. it has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. it isn't about money or being ready. for me, it is about taking care of kids who don't have parents available to them. don't wait till your ready. if you're a good person and want to make a difference, just make yourself available. being ready will work itself out. i promise.

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:D Montrose I said the same thing up until 4 yrs. ago. I was 31 and my wife was 32 and we figured it was gettin' too late for us. Then she got pregnant, and now we don't have a clue what we would do without our girls. We laugh together when we realize that we are both just watching the girls together, do their thing, and we just get entranced by them.

Same story here except I was 36 when my first came around. I truly can't imagine my life woithout them. I guess the best thing about having them around is the humor, it's better than watching Bill Murray.

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I am not saying that kids are for everyone. Some people just aren't meant to be parents, nor should they be. I didn't consider myself really as parent material until I actually had my own anklebiter. Now, I expect my "Father of the Century" trophy anyday. :huh::lol:

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I am not saying that kids are for everyone. Some people just aren't meant to be parents, nor should they be. I didn't consider myself really as parent material until I actually had my own anklebiter. Now, I expect my "Father of the Century" trophy anyday. :huh::lol:

That's the thing, I to had no plans for kids in my life, let alone raising them. Funny thing is that God put's a new tolerance and wisdom in you once the old rug rats come into the picture.

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