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Terror Plot Foiled


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The worst part of this whole fiasco? I now have to drink my baby's formula & breat milk if I want to bring it on the plane.


No, the worst part is now I won't be able to turn on the TV for a week without watching breathless reporters show aerial views of airplanes taxiing down tarmacs around the world.

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Iraq is just one of many, 77017. Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan, take your pick buddy--they're probably all gonna get nailed eventually by the US and their allies until the hate/war rhetoric against non-Muslims is stopped in schools and churches. This is a long-term issue, not one that's going to get solved in a week by many of the instant-gratification liberals.

Did they find the other missing Egyptian students? Just wondering.

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This is the sort of stuff that happens when you dont enact the "end all solution". I have said before and will say again, we need to stop coddling these bastards and start killing them. The stupid bleeding heart politicians in DC and around the nation are doing a complete disservice to America by not killing these people before they kill us. If i hear one more time how Islam is a religion of peace, im gonna puke!

By the way, they were British citizens of Pakistani origin.

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This is the sort of stuff that happens when you dont enact the "end all solution". I have said before and will say again, we need to stop coddling these bastards and start killing them. The stupid bleeding heart politicians in DC and around the nation are doing a complete disservice to America by not killing these people before they kill us. If i hear one more time how Islam is a religion of peace, im gonna puke!

By the way, they were British citizens of Pakistani origin.


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This is the sort of stuff that happens when you dont enact the "end all solution". I have said before and will say again, we need to stop coddling these bastards and start killing them. The stupid bleeding heart politicians in DC and around the nation are doing a complete disservice to America by not killing these people before they kill us. If i hear one more time how Islam is a religion of peace, im gonna puke!

We've pretty much been killing 'em for 5 years. When will we be done?

By the way, they were British citizens of Pakistani origin.

So, you're saying we need to nuke Great Britain and Pakistan? Give me some of that Black and White foreign policy, Moonman!

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This is the sort of stuff that happens when you dont enact the "end all solution". I have said before and will say again, we need to stop coddling these bastards and start killing them. The stupid bleeding heart politicians in DC and around the nation are doing a complete disservice to America by not killing these people before they kill us. If i hear one more time how Islam is a religion of peace, im gonna puke!

By the way, they were British citizens of Pakistani origin.

So what you're saying is that the few hundred Islamic terrorists are the voice of reason to the other millions of Muslims that want nothing to do with Al Qaida? Gimme a break. You're asking for a holy war...the same thing Bin Laden wants, and the reason why September 11th happened in the first place.

Terrorist groups like that are not in it for the good of Islam. They're in it for the money. That's it. And MANIPULATE a religion in the process (Remember David Corresh/Waco? He's not a rational representation of Christianity. How is Bin Laden for Islam?) Tell men with a need of a job that they will get paid mad money to attack a country that's full of people that's more well off than them, and if they die, they'll be sent to a heaven where they get to sleep with countless beautiful women and live in a beautiful home for eternity. Once again, MANIPULATION of religion. How do you think you hire a suicide bomber? Tell them they will be paid in the afterlife as if they lived in the Playboy Mansion. Cheesy, but true. Check out the Palestinian 17-year old who was strapped up with explosives in the name of Islam last year, but changed his mind before pulling the string to blow himself up. That's what he said convinced him to strap up. By the way, I bet Bin Laden someplace has an investment on the arms race, and that's why he's always pushing for war. I wonder if Bush or Cheney have an investment as well?

To fight terrorists, you've got to figure out how to qoil their funding. Or their decision making. They are not nations, but they try to make themselves out as if they are. Don't be fooled, brotha

Edited by DJ V Lawrence
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So what you're saying is that the few hundred Islamic terrorists are the voice of reason to the other millions of Muslims that want nothing to do with Al Qaida? Gimme a break. You're asking for a holy war...the same thing Bin Laden wants, and the reason why September 11th happened in the first place.

Terrorist groups like that are not in it for the good of Islam. They're in it for the money. That's it. And MANIPULATE a religion in the process (Remember David Corresh/Waco? He's not a rational representation of Christianity. How is Bin Laden for Islam?) Tell men with a need of a job that they will get paid mad money to attack a country that's full of people that's more well off than them, and if they die, they'll be sent to a heaven where they get to sleep with countless beautiful women and live in a beautiful home for eternity. Once again, MANIPULATION of religion. How do you think you hire a suicide bomber? Tell them they will be paid in the afterlife as if they lived in the Playboy Mansion. Cheesy, but true. Check out the Palestinian 17-year old who was strapped up with explosives in the name of Islam last year, but changed his mind before pulling the string to blow himself up. That's what he said convinced him to strap up. By the way, I bet Bin Laden someplace has an investment on the arms race, and that's why he's always pushing for war. I wonder if Bush or Cheney have an investment as well?

To fight terrorists, you've got to figure out how to qoil their funding. Or their decision making. They are not nations, but they try to make themselves out as if they are. Don't be fooled, brotha

Stuff like this will get us killed. Too many people trying to rationalize the acts of people that have one agenda only, to kill Americans. We have been coddling these bastards for years and it needs to end. The stuff thats going on now is a direct result of a dedicated group of individuals that are more interested in finding out why "they" hate us and trying to stop the funding. Thats a BS, lip wristed way of uneffectively dealing with the problem. If the bastards are dead, theres no need to find out why they hate us or to stop the funding. A dead, terrorist jackass cannot use money or monies to harm and or kill us. I dont give a merry damn who has investments in arms. All i need to know is when how soon and how many of these bastards are we going to kill. Come up with something better than Koresh, that dog doesnt hunt.

Islam, the religion of peace... That statement is sickening!

Edited by Houston1stWordOnTheMoon
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Stuff like this will get us killed. Too many people trying to rationalize the acts of people that have one agenda only, to kill Americans. We have been coddling these bastards for years and it needs to end. The stuff thats going on now is a direct result of a dedicated group of individuals that are more interested in finding out why "they" hate us and trying to stop the funding. Thats a BS, lip wristed way of uneffectively dealing with the problem. If the bastards are dead, theres no need to find out why they hate us or to stop the funding. A dead, terrorist jackass cannot use money or monies to harm and or kill us. I dont give a merry damn who has investments in arms. All i need to know is when how soon and how many of these bastards are we going to kill. Come up with something better than Koresh, that dog doesnt hunt.

Islam, the religion of peace... That statement is sickening!

Clarify for me right quick: Are you saying terrorists are the ones that should be killed, or Islam? And aren't our soilders out there trying to hunt Bin Laden down? Lastly, what's YOUR solution? A nuke? Where?

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Actually, a simplistic approach to complex issues will get us killed. But, you're a black and white guy, so I won't waste my time.

However, I asked 4 posts ago, who ya gonna nuke? Can you even get THAT far? Or is that too complex?

I didnt answer your question because its nonsensical. Absurd to suggest attacking the UK, the closest ally the US has ever known............

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I didnt answer your question because its nonsensical. Absurd to suggest attacking the UK, the closest ally the US has ever known............

I understand you're responding to Redscare there, but I'm asking my questions because I'm trying to figure out how my state of thinking will get us killed.

Also, no one's trying to rationalize the terrorist. What I said is that their motives are blatantly obvious. $$$$$

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Clarify for me right quick: Are you saying terrorists are the ones that should be killed, or Islam? And aren't our soilders out there trying to hunt Bin Laden down? Lastly, what's YOUR solution? A nuke? Where?

When you have people trying to sit down and explain how things are so complicated and why they are so complicated, you end up with a society that is completely blinded.

First thing that should be done is to shove the United Nations into the ocean. Kick that jackassed group of individuals out of America. Its nothing more than a habitat for extremist Islamic nations that do not have the best interest of America in mind. Incase you have forgotten or dont remember, i dont give a damn about the world. Im not a citizen of the world i am a citizen of America. The best interest of America is and always will be paramount to me.

Second, turn the radar towards nations that are known to habor and provide aid in some form or another to terrorist.

To say that the terrorist are not a nation, and radical Islam doesnt play a roll in it, is a bunch of BS.

A very effective method would be to blanket these countries with images of rotting bodies and chard bodies. Bodies that are burned and blistered from the effects of a nuclear blast. A message to accompany these images would be-"To support terrorism against the USA and its interest is an open invitation to this..."

Next, move all strategic assets to highest level.

Recall American Ambassadors to these nations and shut off all communication to the countries other than dialogue that points out the terrorist and thier supporters.

Make it absolutely clear that silence and misinformation will result in death. Death on a wide scale.

I will stop there to give you sometime to digest that, i know its hard for some people.

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Countries advocated for nuclear destruction by Moonman's Black and White Nukes:

Algeria, Morocco, Turkey, Egypt, Syria, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Burma, Lebanon, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Kenya, Tanzania, Azerbaijan, Dagestan, Uganda, Ethiopia, Syria, Tunisia, Bahrain, Yemen, Bosnia as well as the West Bank [and China]." Other countries where al Qaeda is known to have covert operational cells include Pakistan, the Philippines, Malaysia, the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Spain and Canada...among others.

After the dust settles, we'll see who else needs to go.

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When you have people trying to sit down and explain how things are so complicated and why they are so complicated, you end up with a society that is completely blinded.

First thing that should be done is to shove the United Nations into the ocean. Kick that jackassed group of individuals out of America. Its nothing more than a habitat for extremist Islamic nations that do not have the best interest of America in mind. Incase you have forgotten or dont remember, i dont give a damn about the world. Im not a citizen of the world i am a citizen of America. The best interest of America is and always will be paramount to me.

Second, turn the radar towards nations that are known to habor and provide aid in some form or another to terrorist.

To say that the terrorist are not a nation, and radical Islam doesnt play a roll in it, is a bunch of BS.

A very effective method would be to blanket these countries with images of rotting bodies and chard bodies. Bodies that are burned and blistered from the effects of a nuclear blast. A message to accompany these images would be-"To support terrorism against the USA and its interest is an open invitation to this..."

Next, move all strategic assets to highest level.

Recall American Ambassadors to these nations and shut off all communication to the countries other than dialogue that points out the terrorist and thier supporters.

Make it absolutely clear that silence and misinformation will result in death. Death on a wide scale.

I will stop there to give you sometime to digest that, i know its hard for some people.

You already know we strongly disagree on the U.N.'s importance, so I won't respond to that at this time unless you'd like me to.

What you're describing sounds to me like turning America into an isolationist nation (don't listen to the U.N., threaten the world with nukes, not giving the damn about the world's interests and being self-sufficient.) That doesn't work. Look at North Korea. They're doing just that, and I'd say we're in a much better state as a diplomatic nation. I'd rather be an American in a nation like ours than a nation that's isoated to ourselves.

Second, as I stated before, we are no longer the only nation that has a nuclear weapon. We show another countries pictures of nuclear victims, and they'll fax them right back at us. We point a WMD at another nation, and they'll point it right back at us. The idea is to PROTECT America from a nuclear war, not start one. How is a nuclear missile headed towards America protecting Americans?

Lastly, think about that sentence you wrote...

To say that the terrorist are not a nation, and radical Islam doesnt play a roll in it, is a bunch of BS.

RADICAL Islam. THAT'S the issue. Radical Islam is a manipulation of what the Quran is all about. That's why I used Corresh as an example earlier. He was a RADICAL Christian, who manipulated Christianity to lure people into his cult. I also gotta point out that Islam's not the only religion with religious fanatics. Radicalism is a dangerous thing. You need to stop mistaking the radicals for the real deal, 'cause they're anything but. And Al Qaida is NOT a nation. It's a terrorist organization. No one recognizes them as a nation. Hezbollah is not a nation either. And I never once said that radical religion didn't play a role.

Show me where I'm wrong, brotha

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The only thing that was foiled was a plot by the equally evil Democratic party to take over in the 2006 mid-term elections.

This whole story was cooked up by Karl Rove and his cronies who have things set up so their manipulative creations can easily be distributed to the consolidated media outlets like CNN and Fox News, and then onto the syndicated local networks.

Joe Lieberman's defeat sent a message to the Republicans that everyone is sick of war and want to get all these incompetents out of Congress. That means lots of Republicans will lose their seats. It's just a cheap political trick, just like the times they raised the Terror Alert Level to Orange or Red in 2004 and when they uncovered a plot to hijack a plane from France to U.S. back in Dec. 2003.

Bush said "this is a stark reminder". More like a stark reminder that Karl Rove thinks Americans are idiots. Seriously, it's obvious by that comment that the only way to keep the masses under control and keep his party in power is to keep throwing scare tactics at us. It doesn't work on me. I'd happily board a plane right now from England to U.S. and not even feel nervous.

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The only thing that was foiled was a plot by the equally evil Democratic party to take over in the 2006 mid-term elections.

This whole story was cooked up by Karl Rove and his cronies who have things set up so their manipulative creations can easily be distributed to the consolidated media outlets like CNN and Fox News, and then onto the syndicated local networks.

Joe Lieberman's defeat sent a message to the Republicans that everyone is sick of war and want to get all these incompetents out of Congress. That means lots of Republicans will lose their seats. It's just a cheap political trick, just like the times they raised the Terror Alert Level to Orange or Red in 2004 and when they uncovered a plot to hijack a plane from France to U.S. back in Dec. 2003.

Bush said "this is a stark reminder". More like a stark reminder that Karl Rove thinks Americans are idiots. Seriously, it's obvious by that comment that the only way to keep the masses under control and keep his party in power is to keep throwing scare tactics at us. It doesn't work on me. I'd happily board a plane right now from England to U.S. and not even feel nervous.


You already know we strongly disagree on the U.N.'s importance, so I won't respond to that at this time unless you'd like me to.

What you're describing sounds to me like turning America into an isolationist nation (don't listen to the U.N., threaten the world with nukes, not giving the damn about the world's interests and being self-sufficient.) That doesn't work. Look at North Korea. They're doing just that, and I'd say we're in a much better state as a diplomatic nation. I'd rather be an American in a nation like ours than a nation that's isoated to ourselves.

Second, as I stated before, we are no longer the only nation that has a nuclear weapon. We show another countries pictures of nuclear victims, and they'll fax them right back at us. We point a WMD at another nation, and they'll point it right back at us. The idea is to PROTECT America from a nuclear war, not start one. How is a nuclear missile headed towards America protecting Americans?

Lastly, think about that sentence you wrote...

RADICAL Islam. THAT'S the issue. Radical Islam is a manipulation of what the Quran is all about. That's why I used Corresh as an example earlier. He was a RADICAL Christian, who manipulated Christianity to lure people into his cult. I also gotta point out that Islam's not the only religion with religious fanatics. Radicalism is a dangerous thing. You need to stop mistaking the radicals for the real deal, 'cause they're anything but. And Al Qaida is NOT a nation. It's a terrorist organization. No one recognizes them as a nation. Hezbollah is not a nation either. And I never once said that radical religion didn't play a role.

Show me where I'm wrong, brotha

Are you thinking this stuff up on your own or do you have help?

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