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  • 4 weeks later...
Some changes but not much of course. Still, you also have to remember that they probably lost 3-4 days over the last week-plus due to the heavy rains.

And building a 500-footer isn't done in just a few weeks. They won't be finish for another year-plus.

I know hizzy, I just looks like the cranes havn't moved, or the concrete up the pillars.

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I know hizzy, I just looks like the cranes havn't moved, or the concrete up the pillars.

I am not so sure that the 35 story building is going up. The cranes that are in place are only for 8-10 stories. Perhaps they will be replaced once the lower stories are in place.

The size of the pillars that are in place look too small for a 35 story building.

There is a rendering of the building under construction on a sign along Gessner and it looks like an 8-10 story building to me. Anyone out there know more?

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One of the other threads has the rendering of an 8-9 floor condo building going up as part of the Memorial City renovation.

That's on the other side of Memorial City Mall.

I didn't see the sign of what building is being built at the hospital site. I'll check it out the next time I'm in the area.

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I am not so sure that the 35 story building is going up. The cranes that are in place are only for 8-10 stories. Perhaps they will be replaced once the lower stories are in place.

The size of the pillars that are in place look too small for a 35 story building.

There is a rendering of the building under construction on a sign along Gessner and it looks like an 8-10 story building to me. Anyone out there know more?

Not sure about the rendering, but the cranes are telescopic in design. That means that the crane will extend as the structure get's higher. It's fairly common.

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Not sure about the rendering, but the cranes are telescopic in design. That means that the crane will extend as the structure get's higher. It's fairly common.

This is the Herman Memorial Building going up. The cranes are telescopic, for example the crane for the new residential building on Post Oak has aready increased in height since it was put up last month. The crane on Bellaire @ the Beltway constructing the Chinese owned bank (13 stories) has increased its height as well over the past month. You wouldn't try to consruct the first floors from 500 feet above.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
Drove passed it yesterday, cranes up and building in progress. Should be a nice change to see the growth in the next few months.

The mall was packed btw. Parking was impossible.

Attached photo shows the crew a week and a half ago, working on the eighth floor. It was a beautiful day.

My parents and I went and had lunch at Triple A on Airline in the Heights, bought fruit at the wholesale market there, and checked out the new Houston Architecture Center in Bayou Place downtown - and the wondrous live oak out front. Enjoy [the picture]. I urge you to, when you can, partake of all of the above as well.


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