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Santorum? He's the genius that came to the conclusion that if you allow gay marriage people will want to marry their dogs next. One of the deep thinkers of our time.

i think it was more along the lines of relating sodomy to beastiality, saying there is not a huge gap between the two acts, or at least thats how i took it. he just didn't have the balls or freedom to say that

Edited by westguy76
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i think it was more along the lines of relating sodomy to beastiality, saying there is not a huge gap between the two acts, or at least thats how i took it. he just didn't have the balls or freedom to say that

It was along the line of equating gays to "man on dog" and pedophiles.

This is his not so subliminal message:

SANTORUM: Because society is based on one thing: that society is based on the future of the society. And that's what? Children. Monogamous relationships. In every society, the definition of marriage has not ever to my knowledge included homosexuality. That's not to pick on homosexuality. It's not, you know, man on child, man on dog, or whatever the case may be. It is one thing. And when you destroy that you have a dramatic impact on the quality

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It aint just the liberal biased media (so called). It isn't being covered ANYWHERE today. Got some coverage yesterday not today. They all must have realized there wasn't much to the story and what a political stunt this was on Santorum's part. I hope that loser gets spanked next November.

Back on track here....

Now there saying that these weapons seem to date back to the Iran/Iraq War. And that the Department of defense states that "these are not the weapons that we went to war for" that these "WMDs" are essentially harmless

It appears that Santorum is getting his butt spanked(poll wise) which does explain his claim about the WMDs

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Back on track here....

Now there saying that these weapons seem to date back to the Iran/Iraq War. And that the Department of defense states that "these are not the weapons that we went to war for" that these "WMDs" are essentially harmless

It appears that Santorum is getting his butt spanked(poll wise) which does explain his claim about the WMDs

Yep. The only thing they found was another way to embarrass the living hell out of the Republican party. You know they have egg on their face when Fox calls them on it! Santorum was PUNKED big time!

Someone is having a hell of a laugh.

But not the 2500+ families of those who died.

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Back on track here....

Now there saying that these weapons seem to date back to the Iran/Iraq War. And that the Department of defense states that "these are not the weapons that we went to war for" that these "WMDs" are essentially harmless

Told you there was a reason The White House wasn't chiming in,not exactly what they were looking for, but they were there, and Iraq claims to have "forgotten" about these. The Dems. are calling them "harmless". If you call dying form severe skin blisters and lungs exploding "harmless" allrightythen. I don't think anyone calling them "harmless" would want one as a souveneir of their visit to Iraq. Sarin gas doesn't degrade all that well, and the mustard gas has "turned to jelly".

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Yep. The only thing they found was another way to embarrass the living hell out of the Republican party. You know they have egg on their face when Fox calls them on it! Santorum was PUNKED big time!

Someone is having a hell of a laugh.

But not the 2500+ families of those who died.

I'm not sure you can embarrass Republicans. Reference the preceding post, bearing in mind that these are chemicals that the United States gave to Saddam. I've heard of "Indian Givers", but this is a bit much.

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Why not?

It wouldnt be the first time America hid events to influence public policy. Historians say the USA knew about the impeding attack on Pearl Harbor but they didnt do a thing. After Pearl Harbor was attacked, Public Policy favored going to war on the side of England.

Hey, witholding key information and sacrificing the lives of your countrymen to influence public policy!

I dont see why the US wouldnt plant WMDs in Iraq to save face.

Talk about having WMDs on his face. As well as all the premature postjaculation.

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