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Of those in power, who served?


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Fell right into my trap, MUWAHAHAHAHA............Where the hell have you been anyways west20th ? You damn Lurker you. :D

Before I answer who I think might be the one, let me ask you if you REALLY think that Algore and Hillary will be running mates ? If so, who's on top of the ticket ?

Oh no not running mates. Not in a million years. One or the other. Well maybe, only if both were convinced a Gore/Clinton ticket could win again. But I don't think Gore will be VP for a Clinton again. Most likely they would face each other in the primary. I would love to see a Clinton/Gore debate. The chess match type of debate where they would have to go after each other politically but would have to watch their step because attacking the other may reflect back on them. Also, I'm guessing they really dislike each other. A little hate and anger will make for an interesting race. I'm not seeing anything that interesting in the GOP race. George Allen.........snore........Actually, Rudy Guilliani would have the best chance of winning but the Republicans won't have the good sense to nominate him. And forget McCain, he's off of my list after making kissy kissy nice nice with a religious fanatic like Falwell.

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Oh no not running mates. Not in a million years. One or the other. Well maybe, only if both were convinced a Gore/Clinton ticket could win again. But I don't think Gore will be VP for a Clinton again. Most likely they would face each other in the primary. I would love to see a Clinton/Gore debate. The chess match type of debate where they would have to go after each other politically but would have to watch their step because attacking the other may reflect back on them. Also, I'm guessing they really dislike each other. A little hate and anger will make for an interesting race. I'm not seeing anything that interesting in the GOP race. George Allen.........snore........Actually, Rudy Guilliani would have the best chance of winning but the Republicans won't have the good sense to nominate him. And forget McCain, he's off of my list after making kissy kissy nice nice with a religious fanatic like Falwell.

.........and the Democratic party would never let her overshadow the possiblity of Hillary's husband becoming the Secretary General of the U.N., don't forget that.

I would venture that Gore would be on top anyways, even though the Dem. symbol is a donkey, there is no way the party would be Jackassed enough to let potshots rain about how they want the Clintons to rule the world. :D

Guilliani and Powell, nice ticket there. Red, would that be ok, or would I be thinking that Powell is too "uppity" for the White House ? :P

Nmain, not ONE mention that "Bush knew" about what was found in the investigation. I am sure he was briefed of the real story before the parents found out, but it is not the President's job to tell the family what happened to their sons and daughters in War, no matter how FAMOUS or not they are. And, Tilman is NOT the only one to have been killed by friendly fire, it is THE LAST thing the military wants to have to tell a grieving family, and it is the ONE thing they investigate the hardest to disprove.

Edited by TJones
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I'm curious as to just how many who post here have served in the military.

Not me. I never even thought about it. I was lucky to have most of my college paid for. I also never got the patriotic bug hard enought to enlist. Now I am too old and fat to make it through 2 hours of basic training. SO I have that going for me.

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I'm curious as to just how many who post here have served in the military.

I'm curious if anyone here is a chicken hawk in power leading our kids to a senseless war? I'm betting none-unless Cheney is lurking with Bush tagging along behind.

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This entire thread is tired and misguided. It reminds me of those who claim that soldiers died so I can have the freedom to say "(insert statement that they oppose here)".

The military has a specific function. It is to fight and defend against foreign adversaries. It is not to be deployed domestically, and it has NO political agenda or component. This is a Constitutional requirement, by design.

Many former officers have gone on to political careers, especially those who served during World War II. This is to be expected, since WWII required a huge commitment of American citizens. However, military service does not always guarentee good political sense. And, conversely, non-military service does not equate to being a moron.

Having two grandfathers pound the ground in WWI, a father who flew C-47s in WWII, a brother who kept Navy jets flying throughout the 80s, and having come within an eye exam (astigmatism) of flying F-16s myself, I am unwilling to concede that my lack of military service disqualifies my opinions on the proper use of the US military. By the same token, a good soldier's ability to follow orders does not automatically make him or her an authority on the proper use of the military. It merely makes them an expert on military discipline.

I don't use Rumsfeld's lack of service against him. I use his refusal to listen to his own experts against him. Likewise, Cheney and Wolfowicz' desire to control Middle East oil supplies led them to adopt an overly optimistic view of attacking Iraq, not lack of military service.

So, I'll make a deal. I won't use your service, or lack of it, as a basis of attacking your political views. In return, don't tell me who died so that I can spout opinions that you disagree with. Then, maybe we can debate what is actually important.

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The military has a specific function. It is to fight and defend against foreign adversaries. It is not to be deployed domestically, and it has NO political agenda or component. This is a Constitutional requirement, by design.

Amen. Was leading up to this very statement! The military, in my opinion, is becoming too much of a mouth piece. Too many of the brass is after political offices upon retirement. Some of which begin laying the ground work for that long before leaving military command. I personally DO NOT see that as a good move. Im suspect of any general/admiral that advocates anything other than a clear cut kill kill policy. To me, thats the function of the military. Anything other than that should be left to the civilian leaders who are elected to public office and are charged with that function. The US military is not a democracy, America is. Im personally glad to know that it isnt a requirement to be in the military in order to hold public office and if it ever came to that, I WILL NOT SUPPORT IT!!!!

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as much as i don't like the chicken hawks, if you included republicans who did serve, this list may not appear so lop-sided.

rumsfeld - retired navy captain

alberto gonzales - USAF

tom ridge - army

john beohner (majority leader...delay's old gig) - USN but discharged becuase of back

i wish i was able to join the military but apparently they frown on folks with depression...don't want anyone freaking out and rolling a grenade into the mess hell.

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i wish i was able to join the military but apparently they frown on folks with depression...don't want anyone freaking out and rolling a grenade into the mess hell.


Jmancuso; I laughed so hard I slaped my knee... inbetween clapping aimlessly in the air. And I have never slaped my knee before.

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as much as i don't like the chicken hawks, if you included republicans who did serve, this list may not appear so lop-sided.

rumsfeld - retired navy captain

alberto gonzales - USAF

tom ridge - army

john beohner (majority leader...delay's old gig) - USN but discharged becuase of back

i wish i was able to join the military but apparently they frown on folks with depression...don't want anyone freaking out and rolling a grenade into the mess hell.

Beohner got back? :rolleyes:

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In light of the almost 3 thousand men and women sent to die for the lies of Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush...of those in power, who served?
Since so many Democrats also voted to invade Iraq, I assume you are referring to them as well. SO, why aren
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So, just exactly what is your point? Or is there one? Perhaps there is no point, rather just another biased slam against Bush and the Republicans.

If, as you claim, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld sent

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Wouldn't it be great if the above-mentioned politicians would do the same?

Why do you assume that they don't? Do you follow each of these people around 24 hours a day and read their bank statements?

Oh, wait. That's right. Without your supposition and implication that they don't, it doesn't support your pre-defined political views. Right. Forgot about that.

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Why do you assume that they don't? Do you follow each of these people around 24 hours a day and read their bank statements?

Oh, wait. That's right. Without your supposition and implication that they don't, it doesn't support your pre-defined political views. Right. Forgot about that.

Because as politicians and government officials, they havn't. If they had, we wouldn't be talking about the men and women in power denying the protection our guys need.


Cheney and bush are running the show. Do you have any doubt that they would listen to anyone else?

Do you have any doubt they would have sent those kids to die regardless of what someone from the powerless minority had to say? They didn't need any Democrats to do that. Cheney and bush are in POWER. They clearly don't care about anyone else's approval or permission. History proves it. Ask Colin Powell.

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Since you brought it up... here is the status of some people who are in ACTUAL LEADERSHIP positions.

Democrat Senators who served (11 or 33%)*

Daniel Kahikina Akaka

Robert Byrd

Tom Carper

Chris Dodd

Tom Harkin

Daniel K. Inouye

Edward M. Kennedy

John Kerry

Herb Kohl

Frank R. Lautenberg

Jack Reed

Democrat Senators who did not serve (33)*

Max Baucus

Evan Bayh

Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

Jeff Bingaman

Barbara Boxer

Maria Cantwell

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Kent Conrad (best news anchor name!)

Mark Dayton

Byron L. Dorgan

Dick Durbin

Russ Feingold

Dianne Feinstein**

Tim Johnson

Mary L. Landrieu

Patrick Leahy

Carl Levin

Joe Lieberman

Blanche L. Lincoln

Bob Menendez

Barbara Mikulski

Patty Murray

Bill Nelson***

Ben Nelson

Barack Obama

Mark Lunsford Pryor

Harry Reid

Jay Rockefeller

Ken Salazar

Paul Spyros Sarbanes

Charles E. “Chuck” Schumer

Debbie Stabenow

Ron Wyden

*I got the information by going to each senator's web page and clicking on their biography. Politicians love to tout their time in service, even Alaska's Senator Daniel Akara who served as a clerk for the Army Corps of Engineers, so if military service is not listed in their biography, it's 99% certain they didn't serve.

** Dianne Feinstein's web page wasn't working when I tried, but I feel pretty confident in putting her under "did not serve."

*** Bill Nelson doesn't mention military service, but does say he spent time in space. Don't you need to be in the military to do that?

I'll do a Republican version next, unless someone else wants to do it for me.

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Since you brought it up... here is the status of some people who are in ACTUAL LEADERSHIP positions.

Democrat Senators who served (11 or 33%)*

Daniel Kahikina Akaka

Robert Byrd

Tom Carper

Chris Dodd

Tom Harkin

Daniel K. Inouye

Edward M. Kennedy

John Kerry

Herb Kohl

Frank R. Lautenberg

Jack Reed

Democrat Senators who did not serve (33)*

Max Baucus

Evan Bayh

Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

Jeff Bingaman

Barbara Boxer

Maria Cantwell

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Kent Conrad (best news anchor name!)

Mark Dayton

Byron L. Dorgan

Dick Durbin

Russ Feingold

Dianne Feinstein**

Tim Johnson

Mary L. Landrieu

Patrick Leahy

Carl Levin

Joe Lieberman

Blanche L. Lincoln

Bob Menendez

Barbara Mikulski

Patty Murray

Bill Nelson***

Ben Nelson

Barack Obama

Mark Lunsford Pryor

Harry Reid

Jay Rockefeller

Ken Salazar

Paul Spyros Sarbanes

Charles E.

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Republican senators who served (9 - 19%)

Conrad Burns

Thad Cochran

Lindsey O. Graham (it's a dude)

Chuck Hagel

James Mountain Inhofe**

John McCain

Pat Roberts

Ted Stevens

Craig Thomas

Republican senators who did not serve (47)

Lamar Alexander

Wayne Allard

George Allen

Bob Bennett

Christopher S. "Kit" Bond

Sam Brownback

Jim Bunning

Richard Burr

Lincoln Chafee

Saxby Chambliss (it's a dude!)

Tom A. Coburn, M.D.

Norm Coleman

John Cornyn

Susan M. Collins

Larry Craig

Mike Crapo (only senator with a pronouncer next to his name on his web site [cray-poe])

Jim DeMint

Mike DeWine

Elizabeth Dole

Pete Domenici

John Ensign

Michael B. Enzi

Dr. Bill Frist

Chuck Grassley

Judd Gregg

Orrin Grant Hatch

Kay Bailey Hutchison

Johnny Isakson

Jon Kyl

Trent Lott

Dick Lugar


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[Thank you for that note. I appreciate corrections to both the Democrat and Republican list. And before you attack me by telling me to do a Google search, I explained earlier the methods I used. If you're not happy with the results, make your own list.

Some general observations after skimming all of those biographies:

- The Republicans seem to be younger than the Democrats, which surprised me.

- The Republican list seemed to turn up far more farmers and small business owners than the Democrat list.

- Democrats seemed to have more lawyer backgrounds, while Republicans seemed to have more prosecutors and law-enforcement types.

- Republicans tended to mention their parents histories of military service, even if they had none of their own.

- I only saw one biography that mentioned God. It was a Republican.

- One of the senators ran a Dairy Queen.

- Democrats seemed to have more Masters degrees.

- Those who served in the military tended to begin their biographies with a telling of their early lives. The others tended to start their biographies hyping what they've done since becoming senators.

I encourage everyone to read a few of these Senators' biographies at random. Some of them have had pretty interesting or unusual lives, and a lot of the biographies make them seem less evil than we all presume.

Farmers, lawyers, gods, master degrees and dairy queens...it's all about power. Apparently Republican farmers who use a god on their websites have mastered the art of power by catering to the lowest common denominator. Good for them. Bad for the rest of us. There's no glory in dumbing down to the voters. But the Republicans are in power so you get what you vote for.

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Farmers, lawyers, gods, master degrees and dairy queens...it's all about power. Apparently Republican farmers who use a god on their websites have mastered the art of power by catering to the lowest common denominator. Good for them. Bad for the rest of us. There's no glory in dumbing down to the voters. But the Republicans are in power so you get what you vote for.

Well, now I'd say you're the one who's off topic. At the beginning of the thread your rants were at least coherent. Now it sounds like you've missed your medication.

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Did Michael Moore ever serve?

No. But he was an Eagle Scout. So he got a lot farther than I did with that whole scouting thing.

Al Franken didn't serve, either. If that matters. Or rather, if he matters.

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