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Tampke Lumber Company On Lawndale St.


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I don't think there are any topics started on Lumber Yards in Houston?

There was a big lumber yard on far east Lawndale near 75th? I think. It was called Tampke Lumber Company.

It has pretty much been erased from any recent memory. The place was old even when we were kids. One day I want to research and find out what became of the family that started up the yard. We knew a relative of this family she owned acres and acres of land in Utopia, Texas near Del Rio? Ms Tampke was what they called a "spinster" in her day as she never married. Somehow my dad got to know them by going to hunt deer on her property.

So maybe though an ad or something. I should ask him. All we have are old photos of her on her ranch early 1980's. Anyway, she told us that Tamkpe Lumber Co in East End in Houston was her brother's business.

What a small world. I imagine they all died off as years passed and the place closed. One day we passed by and the whole place was incinerated. There is just a field of grass there now. So much for old historical lumber yards in Houston!

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