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Oprah Winfrey Show

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I was watching Oprah Winfery Show today, and I was wondering where is Angel Lane located in Houston? That's were she donated $10 million of her own money to build homes for 60-65 New Orleans families.

My concern is did she have the good foresight to get top notch inspectors and make sure those people are not going from one disaster to another.

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i wondered that too!! my friend in Trinidad (when I called her) got the show at 3 PM CST --it was 5 PM (Trinidad time) and told me that the show was in Houston (really I thought they were rebuilding New Orleans) but it was nice that the volunteers and people who live in their homes put in blood, sweat and tears!! :) and its so simply laid out too! Nothing like Extreme Makeover (which I think is a nice thing) but to give a new start in a newer city this is great!!!

I think if you contact Habitat For Humanity they may be able to help!

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I was watching Oprah Winfery Show today, and I was wondering where is Angel Lane located in Houston? That's were she donated $10 million of her own money to build homes for 60-65 New Orleans families.

I saw that too. Looked nice. Couldn't tell were they were though. Sure made the gov't look foolish. Oprah can get 60 houses built in 6 mos. and the feds can't get 300 million worth of trailers were they are needed. Sad, very sad. With all we pay in taxes this is disgusting.

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The 50 homes cost $2.5 million, according to the article. The other $7.5 million may be going to another project.

50K apiece? Pretty damn good. I'll bet those unused FEMA trailers cost that much or more. If we can just get the gov't to gets their heads out of their butts imagine how much more they could do with the money they are spending.

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50K apiece? Pretty damn good. I'll bet those unused FEMA trailers cost that much or more. If we can just get the gov't to gets their heads out of their butts imagine how much more they could do with the money they are spending.

Just imagine how many more homes could have been built that was instead spent on those trailers...

I'm watching the Oprah episode right now in Korea. It was very relieving. Last time I saw Oprah in Houston on tv, she was in the Astrodome. I'm honored as a Houstonian to see her open Angel Lane in Houston, and have the privilage of calling those 50 new families our neighbors. Still mad at the government for their response, but not as much as I am happy to see them finish those homes. Feels like the story of Katrina is almost finally complete and ready to go into our textbooks. I can't wait for us to talk about the after-effects in the past tense.

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The 50 homes cost $2.5 million, according to the article. The other $7.5 million may be going to another project.
Thanks for clearing that up, RS. I was about to make a post about my girlfriend who is a retired schoolteacher, and who can't afford a $150K home.
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There is a great Oprah on today about "women and sex addictions" do you think if I gave Oprah my number she would pass it on to these ladies on her show ?

Hey TJ, you ever hear the joke about the woman who went to the store and bought the magical sex frog?

..You're the guy that sold her the frog! :lol:

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One question. Why did Oprah built the homes in Houston instead of New Orleans?

An aversion to building homes below sea level protected by an inadequate levee system?

Just a guess...

[the woman got the houses build-a hell of a lot more than bush has done or ever will do. She can build them where she wants. They will come. And they have.]


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One question. Why did Oprah built the homes in Houston instead of New Orleans?

Maybe because New Orleans residents needed immediate help. For the homes to be rebuilt in New Orleans, New Orleans has to be functional first, and they're just now starting to reopen hospitals and schools there. There's still a lot of areas that haven't been cleaned up yet.

But in Houston, there were places available for homes to start being built immediately instead of having to wait at least 6 months to get started. Not to mention the fact that so many Houstonians, particularly the Houston sector of Habitat for Humanity, were available here to volunteer.

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Big deal! It's her money - she can spend it how she sees fit.

And who else have you seen spending their own money to build that many houses for people who lost everything in the hurricane?

Well, since the Federal government is spending money to rebuild from the hurricane, then I, as a taxpayer, am spending my own money for the rebuilding!

The reason I brought the figure up is that, at $75K per house, she could help twice as many families.

As to where to build, New Orleans isn't the only city in Louisiana. Why not Baton Rouge? Why not Lafayette?

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Well, since the Federal government is spending money to rebuild from the hurricane, then I, as a taxpayer, am spending my own money for the rebuilding!

The reason I brought the figure up is that, at $75K per house, she could help twice as many families.

As to where to build, New Orleans isn't the only city in Louisiana. Why not Baton Rouge? Why not Lafayette?

Why ask why? What have you done directly to contribute? Just give Oprah props for what she did and is doing and stop the freakin complaining. :angry2:

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Well, since the Federal government is spending money to rebuild from the hurricane, then I, as a taxpayer, am spending my own money for the rebuilding!

The reason I brought the figure up is that, at $75K per house, she could help twice as many families.

As to where to build, New Orleans isn't the only city in Louisiana. Why not Baton Rouge? Why not Lafayette?

Not sure I understand what being a taxpayer has to do with someone donating money for homes to people that need them. It's Oprah's 10 million. It's her choice as to if she want to builds the homes in Houston, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, or maybe even by another luxury house for herself, maybe even by a big boat or private jet...

Anyone here on HAIF that has 10 million to donate, feel free. You got to see on tv where your federal taxpayer dollars are going (FEMA, sinking unused trailers in Arkansas, "swift" response getting the people out in the first place, homes that are still in the planning phase). Oprah and the volunteers spent 75K on each house. They were worth every penny. Not a dollar wasted. New televisions, food, electricity, computers, beds, washers and dryers, etc. Oprah's not the type of lady that would want to waste money on low income housing (30K homes). Might as well be spent however she wants to spend it. What's there to complain about?

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Why ask why? What have you done directly to contribute? Just give Oprah props for what she did and is doing and stop the freakin complaining.
My comments were a reply to another post. And I haven't said a single word against Oprah. Why are you so defensive?

What I contribute to causes is my business and no one elses.

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My comments were a reply to another post. And I haven't said a single word against Oprah. Why are you so defensive?

...because you also said this...

The reason I brought the figure up is that, at $75K per house, she could help twice as many families.

Can you please clarify what you meant? I think some of us may have misinterpreted what you were really trying to say. If I did, my fault.

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If i bought bags of groceries(Kroger) for someone in need,you're the type of person that would complain because i didn't buy them from H-E-B or you would complain that i didn't use my Kroger Plus Card to get that extra bottle of milk.
You can kiss my butt, Houcajun. You
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