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New Orleans Doesn't Want Some Of Their Residents Back

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Too many people are pointing fingers, and no one is acknowledging they did anything wrong. MANY people made mistakes in leadership, and each one should being saying "this is what I did wrong, what I could have done to prepare, and this is what I can do next time", and expect everyone else to do the same. Now their pointing their fingers at those milking the system? Not everyone that's poor is lazy. There's some, but not all.

From an Houstonian point of view, yes it is. Because you can expect that most of the former residents would want steady and good, jobs. The workforce is trying to rebuild just as the residents are. You can't expect them to find work while homeless. Houston has offered each resident so much more. Decent housing, job searches, immediate AND long term relief. What message are you sending Houston when you say if you don't want to work, stay in Houston? Do they think Houstonians would want more freeloading residents that live off the system purposely and don't work? Why didn't they take Houston's previous relief efforts for them under consideration?

These city council people are not concerned with Houston. They're simply saying that they don't want a repeat of the old NO and, now with a chance to start fresh, they want establish barriers of some kind to keep that from happening. Councilman Thomas was bold enough to point fingers at the welfare class, not the entire poor class. Poor doesn't have to mean criminal, lazy, dirty or promiscuous but when it does, he's saying he doesn't want any of that in his city.

People have become way too tolerant out of fear of offending certain groups. Compassion is one thing, tolerance of evil is another. We need to start distinguishing between the two so that we can be generous with the former and tough and discriminatory with the latter.

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People have become way too tolerant out of fear of offending certain groups. Compassion is one thing, tolerance of evil is another. We need to start distinguishing between the two so that we can be generous with the former and tough and discriminatory with the latter.

well said!

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People have become way too tolerant out of fear of offending certain groups. Compassion is one thing, tolerance of evil is another. We need to start distinguishing between the two so that we can be generous with the former and tough and discriminatory with the latter.

I agree with you. In this case though, how does Houston protect itself from the latter without hurting the people that are really trying to rebuild their lives?

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I agree with you. In this case though, how does Houston protect itself from the latter without hurting the people that are really trying to rebuild their lives?

The ones who are trying will have likely secured employment, transportation etc. once the year of assistance is up, especially since their rent's been paid during that period, so no problem there.

Those that haven't gotten it together once the year ends will probably apply for welfare. Some will get it and some won't, but either way, we're back to the same situation the old NO had, and there's very little we can do about it. It's not like we can revoke their visas. I think the ones with legitimate handicaps should continue to get assistance like welfare, but I'm inclined to let all of the others sink or swim on their own, including single moms.

It's going to end up costing us, but we all knew that going in.

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I am curious. What evil is being tolerated? Certainly not the criminal element that floated in with the true victims of the hurricane. They are being hunted down and arrested, along with our home-grown thugs who feel their turf has been invaded.

As for welfare, some have forgotten the new rules for welfare. There are now deadlines for attaining education or work skills attached. Those who do not meet the deadlines are unceremoniously dumped from the welfare rolls. Texas is not known as a liberal hotbed, in case you haven't been paying attention. There is no pot of gold in the Texas welfare system. The able-bodied will be nudged (or forced) to get to work as benefits run out.

There is a lot to be said for the attitude of the neighborhood one lives in as well. New Orleans may well have drfited into a welfare mentality over the years. Houston decidedly has not. The evacuees have consistently been told that we are here to help, not give. While there may be a small percentage of people who misinterperet that message, the majority will appreciate the help and make the most of it.

Finally, for all of the culture and history New Orleans has been known for, good governance has never been one of them. The fact is, for all of the tough talk coming out of New Orleans, what they are really saying is that their ability to take care of their own citizens, ALL of them, is weak or non-existent. Most New Orleanians will be better off in Houston, and Houston will be better having them. The few criminals that came with them will eventually find our Criminal Justice system is better than New Orleans' system, as well.

Just as Houston has accomodated each previous group that has arrived here, Houston will accomodate this group, and thrive on it.

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Oprah doesn't want them going back either, she is building houses here for them. Thanks alot Oafra ! Thought they were trying to rebuild New Orleans, not bring down the property values around here. I know that's harsh, but that's reality.

Edited by TJones
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Thought they were trying to rebuild New Orleans, not bring down the property values around here. I know that's harsh, but that's reality.

Sorry to hear you live in a crappy apartment on the SW side, TJ. My property values are just fine here in the Heights.

I know that's harsh, but that's MY reality.

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Oprah doesn't want them going back either, she is building houses here for them. Thanks alot Oafra ! Thought they were trying to rebuild New Orleans, not bring down the property values around here. I know that's harsh, but that's reality.


How exactly was Oprah going to succeed in opening 50 new homes in New Orleans within 6 months after the storm hit, when most of the volunteers live over a 5 hours drive away? (25.5 minutes drive for street racers)

Secondly, how does opening a neighborhood lower property value for an entire big city? The location was a vacant field before. Now, there's houses that were all funded by donations, and look decent. Didn't that RAISE the value of that land? And why should that be the priority over people rebuilding their lives?

To RedScare, I understand EXACTLY what he's talking about. My family and I have seen others that have cheated the welfare system. You know, had 4 kids, drove a Mercedes Benz, rented a house for $900 a month, all with government money. The whole shibangabang. It was because of people like those that the welfare laws in Texas came about a few years back. There's a certain time limit now on how long you can live off welfare, but I can't remember how long that is. Perhaps someone on HAIF knows.

I was offended by the article because it sounded like the N.O. council members felt ALL lower class citizens were cheating the system the way some people do. And after all the work Houstonians did, I think some in N.O. leadership need to get their priorities straight. Biggest being the fact that a lot of those homes destroyed in the storm were under or uninsured. How does N.O. plan on rebuilding the houses where the uninsured once lived? And if they don't, do they just plan on leaving those buildings the way they are? The people that want to restart their lives with good jobs will probably want to move back to their old homes. And the levees being obsolete by 30 years isn't necesarily their fault.

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Sorry to hear you live in a crappy apartment on the SW side, TJ. My property values are just fine here in the Heights.

I know that's harsh, but that's MY reality.

Nice try, House in Nottingham for me. Those houses Oprah built are by you Red ? Wow, sorry to hear that.

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I never said it lowered MY property, I am saying that the project will have a negative affect on that area.

But how would it have a negative effect? How is it going to lower property value? What kind of property is surrounding Angel Lane? And wouldn't Angel Lane help spur retail like supermarkets to open up around it?

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It is my OPINION, that the reality will be an adverse effect on that community. Can you tell me how many of the homes that Oprah built were for people who had jobs BEFORE Katrina. I don't believe that 50 homes will spur any new Retail business in that area. These are a little less than HUD homes , and they just don't inspire commerce. Maybe a pawn shop and a quikie mart with a liquor store attached. That's about it. I hope that I am wrong, for Red's and your sakes.

BTW DJ, the city and state governments will probably claim eminent domain and destroy all houses, clear it and make it ready for new high rises and better 3000 to 4000 sq. ft. homes for middle to high income families. The people that lived in the 9th ward will most likely NOT be getting their homes back, if they are underinsured or uninsured and the home is unliveable, they will be getting a buyout check form FEMA.

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It is my OPINION, that the reality will be an adverse effect on that community. Can you tell me how many of the homes that Oprah built were for people who had jobs BEFORE Katrina. I don't believe that 50 homes will spur any new Retail business in that area. These are a little less than HUD homes , and they just don't inspire commerce. Maybe a pawn shop and a quikie mart with a liquor store attached. That's about it. I hope that I am wrong, for Red's and your sakes.

BTW DJ, the city and state governments will probably claim eminent domain and destroy all houses, clear it and make it ready for new high rises and better 3000 to 4000 sq. ft. homes for middle to high income families. The people that lived in the 9th ward will most likely NOT be getting their homes back, if they are underinsured or uninsured and the home is unliveable, they will be getting a buyout check form FEMA.

TJ, you sound like a Klansman!

We are all trying our best to present you with the benefit of the doubt.......but what gives? Somehow, you have inserted your size 18' into your mouth so far, that you will need a heavy dose of W2-40 to inch it out step by step.......

Just what do you really know about HUD? I have lived in Houston for 27 years and I have seen HUD homes/townhomes/apartments everywhere........and I can assure you that they come in all variations.....bricked, wood, you name it, they cometh......

I have seen HUD homes even in the FM 1960 area, and I assure you again that commerce is everywhere.....all over the place....you better start checking around Nottingham, because noone is safe you know.....

But what really get's me, is that the day that I viewed the segment on Oprah regarding ANGEL LANE and viewed with tears the looks upon the faces of the new homeowners and their families, I just did not think of pawnshops or liquor stores, or even quickiemarts for that matter......for at that point, I was so filled with compassion as well as good will, that I could barely see straight.....for those families were oh so thankful not only to Oprah, but to GOD for their blessings upon humanity........for I openly saw GOOD TRIUMPH OVER EVIL!

Who told you that there would be only 50 homes being built within ANGEL LANE? For as I recall, 65 families was just a start or the FIRST PHASE of the overall project. And by the way great pal, 50 homes is indeed enough to spur some form of retail......for we are not necessarily speaking of another Galleria developement......

You do not necessarily have to "hope that you are wrong" for RS or DJ's sake......upon any cause. For whenever you are able to finally dislodge that size 18' from your mouth.........just speak with your heart.


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We clearly agree to disagree. Just because my view of it is different from yours doesn't make YOU right or ME for that matter. We can come back to this in 5 years and see who's wrong or right. I assure you chief, that I am the first to admit when I am wrong. Will you be able to claim the same if I am right ? You can have all the compassion and blinders you want on this, I'll be the realist, not a racist. I have plenty of compassion for people who have lost everything, I did alot afterwards, and wish I could have done more, but I have my own family to work for and take care of.

You claim to have seen the show, did you happen to see the size of the houses ? Tell the nice folks here just how enormous they were.

What do I know about HUD, I was only in construction for a few years, and I have been in Houston for about 36 years, so does that mean I know more about HUD ? I don't claim to, I'm sure it's a nice hobby for you, but yes, I know what a HUD is, and how it works, if that is what you are asking.

Oh......and it is only a size 15.

edit) I have been trying to remember the show, as I remember, Oprah actually chose some of the people to live in this community, an artist, a woman who worked for the IRS and had some kids. I feel confident that a few bad apples got in also, and as soon as the artist and the IRS woman, and people of the like have a chance to move, they are out like a light. Just remember you saw it here first.

So, just when is that new Wal-Mart going in next to Inwood, Metro ?

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Gee, TJ...

I am not exactly comprehending your argument of right vs wrong here, for when all is said and done, this was a total act of GOOD WILL on behalf of Oprah and company, and nothing else really doesn't matter. Also, I openly applaud your acts of graciousness on behalf of the hurricane victims in lieu of your family, but I find it strange indeed, how you tend to contradict your acts of good will with bloated and unfair statements on behalf of the very victims that you helped.....

In this very case SIZE DOES NOT MATTER TJ....... The very key word within your statement is "houses".....these were newly built HOUSES/HOMES not doublewides......From the very looks upon the faces of some of the new homeowners, were clearly awe inspiring.......for they were just happy to be the new owners of their very own homes loaded with beautiful furniture, linens, washer/dryer, new landscaping the works.......especially since they probably have been lodging at some hotel or shelter.

Well, if you didn't know anything about HUD, you probably do now......Why would it be a nice hobby for me? For I claim to live in the very same city that you do......and we are all grown-ups right?

Size 15', DAMN! Still big enough, especially in light of my 10.5....

If Oprah chose upon any account, it was due to the very fact that her company along with Habitat for Humanity carefully prepared a monetary budget and followed it.....by means of home size, landscaping, furnishings the works......as well as how many people to put into each home to make sure that they were not too crowded. Which makes perfect sense to me.......

I would be somewhat surprised that there wasn't already a Wal-Mart within the Inwood Forest community TJ. Especially since the community of Inwood Forest has a significant patronage for shopping at whatever store that would venture forth......But I for one live in downtown Houston, and whenever I yearn for the big box discount shopping, I head over to Super Target on South Main.......pretty good store...Metro

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You claim to have seen the show, did you happen to see the size of the houses ? Tell the nice folks here just how enormous they were.

The houses were emormous? Well good for Oprah then! If you do the math these houses cost 50-60K. If she can get a good house built for that price she deserves a pat on the back. She's being a lot more efficient with $$$ than our wonderful gov't. And if she is doing this for publicity, as some of the more cynical of this forum have implied, so what! Results. Thats what matters.

I realized by "enormous" you may have meant "small", sorry I'm a little slow today. Still, 50K per house, damn good, even w/a lot of donations.

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I wasn't trying to debate good vs. evil. in your analogy, I guess that HurricanE Katrina is the evil doer ? It's nature, it wasn't summoned by Satan.

You don't think that Oprah could have found a partial of land in Slidell , or somewhere a little bit closer to "home" for these folks. I totally agree that what Oprah did was out of the kindness of her heart, she is indeed what I would call a nice person. She contradicts herself though, by jumping on the "we need to rebuild New Orleans" bandwagon, and builds new homes here, which was also a publicity stunt mixed-in with a good deed, don't kid yourself. I wish I could do the same. If I had Oprah money, you bet I'd get 100 companies also to donate funds and materials to build some houses. I wonder if she ever thought to ask if the people she picked wanted to stay here or go back closer to home. I just have a bad feeling about what this neighborhood will become. Can you say Mission Bend ?

From what I remember it wasn't just a house for $50k, it was pot and pans, furniture, TV. The Whole Nine Yards !

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You don't think that Oprah could have found a partial of land in Slidell , or somewhere a little bit closer to "home" for these folks. I totally agree that what Oprah did was out of the kindness of her heart, she is indeed what I would call a nice person. She contradicts herself though, by jumping on the "we need to rebuild New Orleans" bandwagon, and builds new homes here, which was also a publicity stunt mixed-in with a good deed, don't kid yourself. I wish I could do the same. If I had Oprah money, you bet I'd get 100 companies also to donate funds and materials to build some houses. I wonder if she ever thought to ask if the people she picked wanted to stay here or go back closer to home. I just have a bad feeling about what this neighborhood will become. Can you say Mission Bend ?

From what I remember it wasn't just a house for $50k, it was pot and pans, furniture, TV. The Whole Nine Yards !

Build homes in Slidell? Why? Would you rather live in Slidell or Houston? Where's most of the jobs, and more importantly, where are most of the volunteers building the homes living in? It made perfect sense building them here. They're nice homes built in a great city, and the 50-60k price range to build and worth every penny. Compare that to some 100k homes you see that looks subpar.

Every person that moved into Oprah's houses REQUESTED to move there, and were selected out of thousands of families. They weren't forced to Angel Lane. Also, from what I hear, most or all the residents there had jobs in N.O. before the storm, or were retired, and lost everything after the storm hit. It wasn't like all the people living on Angel Lane were depending on the government for money. They had steady income before the storm, and some were showcased on the Oprah show in Houston. Thanks to the housing, they'll be able to use their time working on making the neighborhood better than it is now. Oprah purposely chose people that she thought wouldn't take the houses for granted.

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Tons of jobs to be had in New Orleans DJ, none of the ex-residents of the city wanted them. I only know of one N.O. resident who WAS displaced, who DID live in 9th ward, who IS actually there working the HazMat crews, @ $20 an hour, and they need more help, alot more help. Were alot of the people that got displaced making $20 or more an hour BEFORE Katrina hit ? Were they working at all ? Oprah could have built the houses closer to N.O. gotten those jobs filled, $20 an hour will pay the bills, and will get you more money than the Gov. check. Won't it ? I, fortunately do not know. There is a golden opportunity for strong young men too help rebuild their own community, and they scawf at the chance, rather get the FEMA check for awhile instead of put a little work in, and then when a council member speaks out about it, he becomes an "Uncle Tom" doesn't he Metro ?

"These people lost everything, where's the compassion?" reporters cry. "Here is an opportunity to make the money you have been wishing you were making." the business owners and Govt. tells the displaced "victims". Will they seize the opportunity Metro? Doubtful, as long as hard working people like you and me keep paying our taxes and footin' the bill, and Oprah can sprinkle a few houses on them.

BTW, you can definately give me the benefit of the doubt Metro, I understand my views sometimes seem a bit skewed, but I am in a business and have always been in a business where I could not afford to be a racist. I just play Devil's advocate sometimes, but I stand behind everything I say unless I feel proven that I was wrong. I never mean to offend, but you say "speak from the heart". You can always count on that from me, but I can tell you I have no hatred in it for my fellow American, regardless of ethnicity, or ridiculous donkey symbol party affiliation they may be in.

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Tons of jobs to be had in New Orleans DJ, none of the ex-residents of the city wanted them. I only know of one N.O. resident who WAS displaced, who DID live in 9th ward, who IS actually there working the HazMat crews, @ $20 an hour, and they need more help, alot more help. Were alot of the people that got displaced making $20 or more an hour BEFORE Katrina hit ? Were they working at all ? Oprah could have built the houses closer to N.O. gotten those jobs filled, $20 an hour will pay the bills, and will get you more money than the Gov. check. Won't it ? I, fortunately do not know. There is a golden opportunity for strong young men too help rebuild their own community, and they scawf at the chance, rather get the FEMA check for awhile instead of put a little work in, and then when a council member speaks out about it, he becomes an "Uncle Tom" doesn't he Metro ?

"These people lost everything, where's the compassion?" reporters cry. "Here is an opportunity to make the money you have been wishing you were making." the business owners and Govt. tells the displaced "victims". Will they seize the opportunity Metro? Doubtful, as long as hard working people like you and me keep paying our taxes and footin' the bill, and Oprah can sprinkle a few houses on them.

BTW, you can definately give me the benefit of the doubt Metro, I understand my views sometimes seem a bit skewed, but I am in a business and have always been in a business where I could not afford to be a racist. I just play Devil's advocate sometimes, but I stand behind everything I say unless I feel proven that I was wrong. I never mean to offend, but you say "speak from the heart". You can always count on that from me, but I can tell you I have no hatred in it for my fellow American, regardless of ethnicity, or ridiculous donkey symbol party affiliation they may be in.

TJ, I know you're speaking practically. No doubt there. I disagree though.

Oprah donated $10 million to the Houston sector of Habitat for Humanity (lets call them H4H). Many other people donated amounts as well. The citizens of New Orleans now have Houston's Angel Lane as Habitat for Humanity as an OPTION, with rebuilding their homes as another. I think it's great. Both options are different ways for citizens to work and rebuild their lives, possibly making it even better. You gotta understand that regardless of if Oprah donated the money or not, we already had over 100,000 evacuees in Houston making the decision of if they'd move to Houston permantly or move to New Orleans. And H4H knew building the houses in Houston, where many evacuees already are, would finish faster if built here than in Louisiana. I'm sure H4H are building in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama with whatever means they have.

Also remember that FEMA has already given out thousands of first-class trailers to be placed in New Orleans and the Gulf coast for the residents to live in when they come back, so they can get back on their feet. Oh wait, they're sinking in Arkansas as we speak. How can you rag on Oprah and other people donating money and housing in Houston, when our taxpayer dollars that were alloted to do the same thing is all being wasted? Shouldn't you be questioning more about our money than Oprah's?

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I am curious. What evil is being tolerated? Certainly not the criminal element that floated in with the true victims of the hurricane. They are being hunted down and arrested, along with our home-grown thugs who feel their turf has been invaded.

As for welfare, some have forgotten the new rules for welfare. There are now deadlines for attaining education or work skills attached. Those who do not meet the deadlines are unceremoniously dumped from the welfare rolls. Texas is not known as a liberal hotbed, in case you haven't been paying attention. There is no pot of gold in the Texas welfare system. The able-bodied will be nudged (or forced) to get to work as benefits run out.

There is a lot to be said for the attitude of the neighborhood one lives in as well. New Orleans may well have drfited into a welfare mentality over the years. Houston decidedly has not. The evacuees have consistently been told that we are here to help, not give. While there may be a small percentage of people who misinterperet that message, the majority will appreciate the help and make the most of it.

Finally, for all of the culture and history New Orleans has been known for, good governance has never been one of them. The fact is, for all of the tough talk coming out of New Orleans, what they are really saying is that their ability to take care of their own citizens, ALL of them, is weak or non-existent. Most New Orleanians will be better off in Houston, and Houston will be better having them. The few criminals that came with them will eventually find our Criminal Justice system is better than New Orleans' system, as well.

Just as Houston has accomodated each previous group that has arrived here, Houston will accomodate this group, and thrive on it.

If Houston ends up thriving due to the Katrina group, then that will have been a historically unprecendented accomplishment. Poor black communities are historically violent, and that can't be good for any city. Saying something like that will get you called Klansmen or similar, but these are simply statistics you can get from Google. Maybe the KKK went underground and started Google.

So it took a black city councilman to finally express sanity and intolerance for the situation that existed in N.O. prior to Katrina. Had a white politician said, "Gee folks, I've been analyzing some hard statistics here and have discovered how we can improve our city once and for all! We just need to figure out a way to get all of the blacks who haven't had a steady job history for the past 2 years to move! Computer models indicate that people who are gainfully employed are much less likely to rob, murder, sell drugs etc.!".....they would've been publically shamed, even if they spoke the truth. So no one spoke up, and tolerated evil, just as Mayor White tolerated the evil that came after Katrina, knowing in his heart that this could not be good for Houston, and so went against what he was elected to do. Sure, we might have a better police force and be able to weed out some of the bad seeds that bring the whole group down, but I wouldn't call that thriving.

That said, I hope history proves that times have changed and somehow this time it's different, and that giving to people without requiring them to struggle for it produces productive citizens we can all be proud of.

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Mayor White tolerated the evil that came after Katrina, knowing in his heart that this could not be good for Houston, and so went against what he was elected to do. Sure, we might have a better police force and be able to weed out some of the bad seeds that bring the whole group down, but I wouldn't call that thriving.

That said, I hope history proves that times have changed and somehow this time it's different, and that giving to people without requiring them to struggle for it produces productive citizens we can all be proud of.

Not sure quite what you're saying here.

In the aftermath of Katrina, there was a crisis in New Orleans. While there was inaction at a federal, state and local level, Mayor White and Judge Eckels courageously made decisions which saved human lives. The immediate issue of providing the bare necessities of life was the priority.

Within days of opening the Atrodome, plans for finding more suitable shelter were in place. The Convention Center became a huge job fair for people who had lost everything, followed by the "Work Texas" program. These steps seem reasonable to me. The actions which have been taken have discouraged the establishment of a permanant Katrina underclass in our city.

One of the charactoristics of Houston is a readiness to accept newcomers. "If you've lived here six months, you're a Houstonian" is an expression I've heard since I moved here 25 years ago. Those who want to be Houstonians will build new lives here, and those who are looking for permanent handouts will be disappointed and move on.

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When you peel it all off, what some are saying is that out of the ~ 35,000 people from New Orleans who were brought here in buses, the overwhelming majority of them will not contribute anyting to society, be it here in Houston or in New Orleans.

Either that or because of a small number of criminals and longterm welfare recipients, we should have shrugged our shoulders and let them all sit in deplorable conditions.

Either/or. It is what it is. You either have faith that the greater percentage of those people will use this as an opportunity to improve their lives or you believe that, hell, even if only a small percentage of troublemakers are among the group, the group overall will be like a cancer to the city. Send them back. Or what have you.

Either optimism, paranoia or total dismissal. There's no gray area here.

And, BTW, some of the folks (a small number as well) who came here on their own and had jobs have criminal records and are likely to be involved in some less than admirable activities while here. That's the thing with society, there are so many different people that you can't unequivocally know what you're going to get. This isn't Minority Report with Tom Cruise.

Everyone would like to cherry pick "who" populates a city but it's pretty difficult if not flat out illegal. But hey this isn't new behavior. Human beings have always done a good job of labeling groups, especially when they're paranoid to begin with.

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Tons of jobs to be had in New Orleans DJ, none of the ex-residents of the city wanted them. I only know of one N.O. resident who WAS displaced, who DID live in 9th ward, who IS actually there working the HazMat crews, @ $20 an hour, and they need more help, alot more help. Were alot of the people that got displaced making $20 or more an hour BEFORE Katrina hit ? Were they working at all ? Oprah could have built the houses closer to N.O. gotten those jobs filled, $20 an hour will pay the bills, and will get you more money than the Gov. check. Won't it ? I, fortunately do not know. There is a golden opportunity for strong young men too help rebuild their own community, and they scawf at the chance, rather get the FEMA check for awhile instead of put a little work in, and then when a council member speaks out about it, he becomes an "Uncle Tom" doesn't he Metro ?

"These people lost everything, where's the compassion?" reporters cry. "Here is an opportunity to make the money you have been wishing you were making." the business owners and Govt. tells the displaced "victims". Will they seize the opportunity Metro? Doubtful, as long as hard working people like you and me keep paying our taxes and footin' the bill, and Oprah can sprinkle a few houses on them.

BTW, you can definately give me the benefit of the doubt Metro, I understand my views sometimes seem a bit skewed, but I am in a business and have always been in a business where I could not afford to be a racist. I just play Devil's advocate sometimes, but I stand behind everything I say unless I feel proven that I was wrong. I never mean to offend, but you say "speak from the heart". You can always count

on that from me, but I can tell you I have no hatred in it for my fellow American, regardless of ethnicity, or ridiculous donkey symbol party affiliation they may be in.

I do love you TJ, but I am not going to allow you to take my statements out of context......

It simply would not be appropriate at this point for me to annoint you a racist......for I simply do not know you to be one. But I did state that you "sounded like a Klansman", and there is a bit of a differance great pal......

DO YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT AN UNCLE TOM IS TJ? This fellow councilman that you so eloquently speak of was not brought into office by an all white establishment......for we all know that N.O. is a predominately Black American city.......am I correct? Therefore, I am most certain that this gentleman in particular has spouted off against the very black community that has put him into office......including the very soap opera watchers/crime monikers located in the lower 9th ward. I am most certain that these very same citizens are MOST LIKELY SO SHOCKED THAT THEY CANNOT STAND IT........I am most certain that they all know him, as well as the other two that voiced their unthinkable outburst to some degree intimately......AND BOY OH BOY, I BET THEY WISH THAT THEY COULD TURN BACK THE HANDS OF TIME......

DO YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SPEAKING OF IN REGARDS TO THE CITIZENS OF N.O. NOT WANTING TO RETURN HOME TO GO TO WORK TJ? For I know of some that are commuting from as far as Baytown, TX, trying to do their very best to accomplish a sense of well being within their community that they love.....do you understand the term "LOGISTICS" TJ? For the very logistical aspects of this rebuild N.O. efforts are by all accounts an enormous nightmare.......especially for those that do not have sufficient lodgings to live in, as well as an automobile to commute to and from their jobs.....PLEASE REMEMBER GREAT PAL, ALL OF THEIR BELONGINGS HOMES/CARS/EVERYTHING WERE DESTROYED IN THE HURRICANE, FOR A LARGE MAJORITY OF THEM WERE TRANSPORTED AWAY FROM N.O. BY BUSES.......

You would probably be SHOCKED to know TJ that there are many of these very same young men that you speak of are trying their very best to find work to help rebuild N.O......but did you know that many of these young men have yet to be paid for the very jobs that again you so eloquently speak of.....YES TJ, there are the consumate scam artist in place within the BIG EASY......my relatives have been mentioning to me about these established white company contractors going in to the city to grab the large rebuilding contracts based upon flawed credentials, they are then given the ok to perform their trade, then more than once when the work has been completed by the desperate minority N.O. workers that are commuting from in and out of the city, they cheat them out of their pay......often times leaving them with crumbs to get by on......or simply not paying them at all.....

Again TJ, you so eloquently state that "you are in a business whereby you cannot afford to be a racist". Well, how very wholesome for you TJ....for know one is requiring you to be the perfect ethicist.....you are a American citizen just like the large majority here.....for you have the GOD GIVEN RIGHT to express your opinions throughout this forum as you wish.....actually, I openly appreciate your imput at all times.....the only problem that I would have with your patronage to this forum is,"since you cannot afford to be a racist" based upon what I can only presume is your lifeswork or wellbeing......THEN WHY DO YOU WANT TO CONSTANTLY SOUND LIKE ONE WITH YOUR WRITTEN ARTICULATION ON CERTAIN TOPICS?

I can write upon any topic regarding any aspect as well as any community and present my whole point without presenting a biased as well as indescriminate feeling toward others especially when I am not always presenting the proven facts. I can do this because I bring forth a RESPECT TO OTHERS WHICH IS WHAT I DEEM THE ESSENTIAL.......


Edited by Metropolitantexan
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Metro, since you are obviously are of the OPPOSITE opinion of mine, I would indeed say you were "BIASED" as to how you percieve Oprah's and other's good deed, and what the potential for this "property" may become.

If you want to point out what I say, at least point it out correctly, I said he is an "Uncle Tom" NOW, not when he was elected, he only becomes such a person, when he speaks out about his own race, but I am sure you would disagree that the man is being referred to that after his remarks, correct ?

Edited by TJones
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