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Sweden Plans To Kick The Oil Habit


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Oil free in 30 years? Not likely. A 50% or more drop in oil usage? Probably could. But, you have to start somewhere. We haven't even started. The Administration thinks conservation is a "moral virtue". Something as big as oil conservation must be encouraged with higher standards, more research, viable alternatives such as good transit systems and high speed rail.

This administration's approach to an energy crisis is to advocate for more drilling. With that approach, we'll conserve oil when we run out. Even the president's call for alternative fuels had virtually no research funding to go with the call.

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Do you blame them? The Carter Administration committed political suicide when it blamed the energy crisis on Joe Sickpack's consumption.

Next thing you know, Regan was in office, and Americans were feeling good about themselves.

I've always heard Bush was a "leader" and didn't lead based on polls. Guess that is just rhetoric. Anyway, re-election is not an issue with him so now is the time to move toward alternative fuels.

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Thankfully Houston (energy industry) also makes a lot of money on LNG pipelines and Trading activity is picking up nicely.

And we'll still need oil to make plastics and other refined procucts.

But here is the kicker. The Middle East is #3 for US imports. Bush never said anything about reducing dependency on our #1 & #2 sources (Canda and Venesuela).

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"Oil-Free Economy" is disingenuous. Sweden makes a crapload of money pumping oil and selling it to other nations. They love oil -- as long as they get money for it.

According to the CIA, Sweden produces 2,500 barrels of oil a day, compared to Saudi Arabia's 9.5 Million...hardly a crapload. They import 550,000 barrels and export 200,000 of that oil, leaving consumption of 350,000 barrels a day...compared to US consumption of 22 million barrels.

Far from disingeuous, Sweden is one country that actually could do it. What they likely won't be able to do, however, is curb their use of plastics and other oil derivitives. But, reducing oil consumption for power and transportation to zero is impressive, no matter which way you look at it. The US looks technologically impotent in comparison...not to mention more susceptible to despotic Middle East countries...something more than a few Americans claim to be concerned about.

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According to the CIA, Sweden produces 2,500 barrels of oil a day, compared to Saudi Arabia's 9.5 Million...hardly a crapload. They import 550,000 barrels and export 200,000 of that oil, leaving consumption of 350,000 barrels a day...compared to US consumption of 22 million barrels.

Far from disingeuous, Sweden is one country that actually could do it. What they likely won't be able to do, however, is curb their use of plastics and other oil derivitives. But, reducing oil consumption for power and transportation to zero is impressive, no matter which way you look at it. The US looks technologically impotent in comparison...not to mention more susceptible to despotic Middle East countries...something more than a few Americans claim to be concerned about.

Thanks for having hard facts to refute me with. Maybe I was thinking of another Scandinavian country. Perhaps Norway.

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Next thing you know, Regan was in office, and Americans were feeling good about themselves.

I agree...I started to feel better after IranContra when Oliver North sold weapons to our enemy. I forget but that must have been the birth of Compassionate Conservatism...although I do fault him for not sucking a few more barrels of oil out of Iran while we were arming them under the table. Now THAT was stupid!


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As soon as oil goes bye-bye, Houston is going to be royally screwed.

Coog, lucky for us, we and our children, and our children's children, and our children's childrens' children, and our children's children's children's children, etc., etc., won't be around to see it.

Far from disingeuous, Sweden is one country that actually could do it. What they likely won't be able to do, however, is curb their use of plastics and other oil derivitives.

or their neighboring country's crappy products from IKEA !

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