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New Show "great Day Houston"

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What kind of talk show will it be? Will they have a live studio audience? That would be neat, since there hasn't been a major talkshow in Houston since I think the Debra Duncan show. I can't believe they did not ask Debra to host it.

Well.....she's not the same anymore. ;)

I think nmainguy said it best. "There is too much to look at when you see her." If that is a good or bad thing, you be the judge.

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When her Bodacious TaTas burst forth onto the anchor desk, then she will be overexposed...and I won't mind a bit.

She won't be the first Houston anchor to send a blazer button shooting across the studio. Fortunately, the other have all happened during the commercials.

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Yes Deborah Duncan's (or Debra as she was known then) show on ABC 13 was major, as Disney (ABC 13's owner) was testing the show in this market with plans to syndicate it nationally through its Buena Vista arm if it took off locally. However, while the ratings were okay here, Disney ultimately decided to go with other options (Tony Danza). Interesting sidenote: ABC 13 titled the show DEBRA Duncan instead of Deborah simply because it was easier to incorporate Debra into the logo designed for the show. I met Ms. Duncan backstage at the show during its first week and she is a perky and engaging presence...I don't think the full extent of her likability and talent was allowed to shine on the talk show, which I think was weighed down considerably by silly topics and lack of focus from the station.

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Yes Deborah Duncan's (or Debra as she was known then) show on ABC 13 was major, as Disney (ABC 13's owner) was testing the show in this market with plans to syndicate it nationally through its Buena Vista arm if it took off locally.

I always heard this when I was in Houston. When I left Houston I couldn't find anyone to corroborate it, and the people I know inside ABC have regularly said, "Debra Who?" Those who have heard of her have said the whole story about potential syndication was a figment of her ego, spread by her staff. Then again, I don't know everyone inside ABC, so it could just be that the people I talked to don't know the whole story.

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So this show is going up against the Today Show and Regis and [fill in the blank] in the 9AM slot? Oh wait! I just looked at my listings...Tyra Banks, A Pup Named Scooby-Doo and People's Court is on as well. Looks like a real smack-down to me. Anyone willing to place a bet?


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  • 2 weeks later...

What do you all think? Did you catch the premiere? It wasn't bad at all, but I can't tell whether or not host Whitney Casey might get on my nerves later. She seems like the type that might say, "Oh...my God" a lot and that drives me crazy like nothing else. They're already falling behind on their website; they still have yesterday's preview up instead of Tuesday.

If you missed yesterday's show, you can watch highlights on the website (link posted above).

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I'm sorry, but I DVRd this, and tried to watch the first couple last night...HORRIBLE!!! Even fast forwarding it I couldn't get through the whole episode. The host is annoying! Maybe it is just first week jitters and all that...but come on! Her co-hosts were more believable then her.

Then there are the little bits with "reporters" out on the town...again, annoying. VERY scripted and trying WAY to hard to be upbeat.

I hope it gets better, it would be neat for Houston to have its own show.

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I tried to watch "great day houston" this morning and fell asleep, finding sleep more pleasurable than the show I had to turn on the weather channel in order to continue sleeping. The yapping of the host and cohosts was excruciating.

Edited by bachanon
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It's still early. I'm going to give it at least a month to decide whether or not I like it. I wish they'd do something about the sound when the show returns after commercial breaks. The noise in the audience is as piercing as Indian music on an AM radio station. And some of the stuff they talk about seems so random.

I want it to be good and I want it to succeed.

Edited by KimberlySayWhat
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I saw part of it this morning before I became obsessed with my inability to make a rodeo centerpeice out of a squenced cowboy boot [i'm gay...go figure!!!] and spell the word collagen.


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I saw part of it this morning before I became obsessed with my inability to make a rodeo centerpeice out of a squenced cowboy boot [i'm gay...go figure!!!] and spell the word collagen.


aw man! you gotta represent! letting a new yorker with fake hair and so much botox only her enhance lips are able to move out-cowboy craft you is just shameful. Now, go get your belt buckle and spurs and make us proud!

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I've seen a few segments of the show at work this week and it just flat out stinks. The host is a complete flake and fake. They are trying hard to crack that demographic of stay at home wives with more money than they know what to do with. This may be some plan for KHOU to get better advertising dollars generated in that AM time slot where viewership is not very strong.

The host of a Houston type show should be a Houstonian who has been here along time and preferably grew up here and knows a little history of the town. It would be nice if they did stories on things like the Shamrock hotel or Glenwood Cemetary to reflect on the past while doing candid interviews with local politicans.

Ideally, it would be a round table dicussion with one host and 3-6 everyday Houstonians that are not politicians or celebrities. They could talk about current events and give editorial style opinions about the news events of the day.

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The host of a Houston type show should be a Houstonian who has been here along time and preferably grew up here and knows a little history of the town. It would be nice if they did stories on things like the Shamrock hotel or Glenwood Cemetary to reflect on the past while doing candid interviews with local politicans.

Ideally, it would be a round table dicussion with one host and 3-6 everyday Houstonians that are not politicians or celebrities. They could talk about current events and give editorial style opinions about the news events of the day.

you can give ideas...but i doubt they'd be into any of that ^_^


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I saw that on the website. I agree with you. They would not be into anything that would remotely put the opinions and will of the average person on TV because that would shatter the illusion that there is consensus on all of the major issues in this town. Case in point, the Safe and Clear program and how the politicans say the accident rate declined by "X" ammount as a direct result of this. An avergae Joe many prove the study wrong or cite that the budget of the program is a total waste because it could put more police officers with overtime pay on the streets to protect areas where crime as spiked (ie SW Sharpstown/Fondren).

The city/politicans/powers that be..would NEVER allow such a thing to be said.

Now if you went online and suggested they do something stupid to distract people from the issues that matter them on a daily basis they would be all for it. I bet if you suggested having some kind of "Houston Idol" where the winner gets a fall prime time one hour of time to put on a show on KHOU or something about how iPods are built you would see it on the air.

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This show may just be a place holder knowing they can never compete with The Today Show and Regis-not to mention scores of less mediocre fare at the 9 AM hour.

Surely they know this woman is clueless as far as all things Houston goes. When this thing is canceled, look for Oprah-or someone like her-to fill in the gap. I think 11's ratings would vastly improve even with Oprah 2 times a day at 9 and 4.


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What is the deal with women like Casey and paint? They are freakin obsessed with paint rollers. They are in the wrong line of work IMHO. They would become world class house painters since they have such a passion for it.

Anyway, I think she needs to go. The perfect host for such a show would be Paul Berlin. Remember him; he had been on the radio in this town since the 1950s and most recently he was on 790 AM before it went to a sports format. That guy was great not only because of the music he played but how he had all of these Berlinisms and stories about Houston that were priceless. I would tape the show daily to watch it every night if Berlin was the host.

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Ugh! Yep, the woman's uber annoying. That Whitney Clueless :wacko:.

Paul Berlin.

Surely they wouldn't get someone over 35. He's way past the expiration date. Who cares if he's experienced.

Like I said, I really want this show to work, but I think some changes are desperately needed. There's not a lot of substance there pertaining to Houston. I don't see why they can't have that and have fun at the same time.

I wonder how the first week ratings went?

BTW, what killed "Deborah Duncan"? I didn't see it much, but I heard nothing but good things about it.

I hate the daytime talk shows with a passion ("The View", "Regis..."), but I want a good, quality local one so bad.

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