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Marvin Zindler's Cat


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Actually, it is a thread about a normally pompous man humbled by the loss of his pet. I saw that segment, and immediately noticed his lack of his signature signoff too. I also found it interesting that in his investigation of the lady who's cat died at the vet's office, he did not blame the vet...something he might have been expected to do.

I normally am amused by Marvin, but I really felt for the old guy that day.

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If there's no point, then kill it now - before it becomes a 3 page debacle about government wiretapping, liberal media, or the gay agenda.

And you became a moderator when? Heaven forbid anything on this forum would bore or offend Jeebus' sensibilities.

Edited by west20th
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If there's no point, then kill it now - before it becomes a 3 page debacle about government wiretapping, liberal media, or the gay agenda.

I agree. Shut it down before jeeb's head explodes because god knows that Marvin's poor kitty :( was probably a gay, wiretapping, liberal anyway. :lol:

In any event, jeeb's rants are always amusing. :D


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