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Perry Or Strayhorn


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Thanks for that. I don't care about Perry, Richards or any other govenor-they are irrelevant. What it takes is a White, an Eckels, a TJ and a nmainguy and a HeightsGuy throwing all our BS to the curb and doing the stand up thing. Drinks and pats on the backs all around!


That is what this crazy world is all about, you have to do the right thing, and hope that when YOU are in a crisis, someone will step up and do the same for you. There have been times when I have given rides to people who were brokedown on the freeway, and just needed to get to a phone. They were probably more scared than I was, but Karma comes back to you, and I have benefitted several times from doing my good deeds.

As far as Politicans "grandstanding", well, that's what they do. I don't care which party they're with, if a camera is anywhere near them, they will be in front of it. Comes with the territory.

Edited by TJones
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Gentlemen, thank you for the compliments, but please do know that I wasn't fishing for any;)

One thing is for sure, this is going to be one fun ride. It's only January, and in the past week Kinky was on 60 Minutes and Strayhorn was on Hardball. Can anyone think of another state that can boast something like that 9 months out?

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Gentlemen, thank you for the compliments, but please do know that I wasn't fishing for any;)

One thing is for sure, this is going to be one fun ride. It's only January, and in the past week Kinky was on 60 Minutes and Strayhorn was on Hardball. Can anyone think of another state that can boast something like that 9 months out?

The closest one comparable would be California. Davis recalled; replaced by Arnold the Savior. Now it looks like the Savior isn't much better than Davis was. THAT was a fun fiasco to watch!


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OK. Here we go! Texas Govenor's Race 2006! At the gate:

Position 1. Rep. Govenor Rick Perry

Position 2. Rep./I. Comptroller Carole Keeton McClellan Rylander Strayhorn

Position 3. Dem. Chris Be...oh hell, never mind-dems are so yesterday.

Step up and place your bets! Will it be Govenor Good Hair by a nose or that twice divorced and 3 times married and counting familiy values gal Carloe K Mc R Strayhorn to take the roses? I'm betting on Ricky because only a skank like CKMcRS would allow some slime-under-the-rock political hack to smear him with sexual inuendo.

But hey, what does this old time Liberal know what goes on behind those shady closed doors we all have come to know and love as the Republican Party? [Maybe I need to get a lobbyist?]


I do not mean to insult anyone's intelligence... but for if Kinky or Strayhorn to get on the ballot at all...you DO NOt vote in either state party's primary on Tuesday March the 7th..or in the runoff on Tuesday april 11,2006. YOU CAN NOt sign the offical petition if you are not a registered voter OR if you voted in the primaries. The state elecction will throw it out and neither of these canidates will get on the ballot. Petitions will be circulating durning March.

I personally would like to have a choice. I would like to have a choice other than the paper or plastic offered by the Domocracts or the republicans. I would vote foranyone to keep Perry out of office again. I am sick of politics as usual and when I see him hit the campagin trail with Delay in tow I get ill. We need choices and they will have to be carefully weighed and studied... the future of Texas is in our hands and I hope we can calmly and with great though pick the best for Texas and it's citizens.

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  • 1 month later...


Yes, unfortunately, I believe the equally inept David "I know nooooothing about hiring the Abramoff associated lobbyist for Texas, it was all Perry" Dewhurst is unopposed this go round.

:wub: After I watched Slick Perry kick off his campaign at the Greater Houston Homebuilder Ass,

and smiley Ken DeLay walk in to show his support, I realized....I would rather stand in the street and scream for Carol or Kinky. They sure couldn't do a worse job. Homebuilders willl take care of Perry and his campagin and he knows it. Unfortunantley, all you need in this state is the builders' backing and you win. That is to all our detriment. See the websight Clean up Texas Politics and you can see just who the builders want elected.

One thing about Strayhorn if you go to Austin and ask for help, she is one of the FEW there that will make time for you and really listen and try........

Then lets look at Orlando Sanchez. FOR TREASURER??? He shared office with Jorge Casimiro... go to houston snitch .com. Anyone that votes for him has a short memory. Yea, howdy will he take care of things. Does the guy have a real job? Did he ever? Thank the Lord people in this city saw to it, he was never elected mayor.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
Kinky all the way.

My next door neighbor threw a fund raiser for the Kinster Saturday evening. I donated my driveway and a few bucks to the cause. I also donated a shot of Crown Royal, since my neighbor doesn't drink. Hopefully, I can parlay that into being appointed head of TABC. :D

Sunday, he went down to Galveston to campaign some more.


Overall, it was a great time. This was the only political event I have ever attended in flip flops, and Kinky is definately the most famous person to ever stand in my driveway.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Overall, it was a great time. This was the only political event I have ever attended in flip flops, and Kinky is definately the most famous person to ever stand in my driveway.

I almost went to that fundraiser but my car repairs required my fundraising money. The local Kinky campaign store/offices will be opening soon in Houston.

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I almost went to that fundraiser but my car repairs required my fundraising money. The local Kinky campaign store/offices will be opening soon in Houston.

When the office opens, let me know. I talked to a couple of Republicans tonight that want to meet him. There is a lot of discontent in Texas politics.

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Voting for one of the two Independant candidates.

I can't stand Rick Perry.

I like Chris Bell, but can't stand the Democratic Party machine.

I like Kinky, he may be able to schmooze enough pols to get things done in the legislature

I like Strayhorn, but I'm not sure whether its just because she hates Perry too? Her son (Scott McClellan) is a dufus, who used to work for the Dufus-in-Chief, so she's got that going against her...

Leaning toward Kinky, but Strayhorn's got a shot at my vote.

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Can't stand Perry.

Can't stand Bell.

Can't stand Strayhorn.

I don't get the sense that Friedman would be able to do all that much. That's why I think that he's the best pick of the four. Still, none of the choices are at all desirable as far as I'm concerned.

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Can't stand Perry.

Can't stand Bell.

Can't stand Strayhorn.

I don't get the sense that Friedman would be able to do all that much. That's why I think that he's the best pick of the four. Still, none of the choices are at all desirable as far as I'm concerned.

Kinky is an idiot. Texas deserves him.

I think Texas voters need some tough love for being lazy and not researching their candidates.

That is the only reason I would like to see Kinky win.

He would make us the laughing stock of the country and set us back a few decades.


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Kinky is an idiot. Texas deserves him.

I think Texas voters need some tough love for being lazy and not researching their candidates.

That is the only reason I would like to see Kinky win.

He would make us the laughing stock of the country and set us back a few decades.


I'm curious John...do you have any appreciation for any of the candidates?

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I'm curious John...do you have any appreciation for any of the candidates?


Rick Perry. The only support Rick has is the hard core conservatives, insurance people, homebuilders, and any corporation in Texas. Rick has been a disaster for Texas. It really doesnt take a rocket scientist to realize this. He is predicted to get 33% of the vote. Many polls show 65% of voters in Texas want a new Governor. My hard core republican friends will not vote Perry.

Kinky. Let's get serious about this. He is a Republican running as an independent. He has a cute campaign, but has no idea how to run a government. The running of our state is no game. We have significant issues that must be addressed and we need someone who knows how our process for passing bills works and how to get both sides together.

This race should be between Rylander and Bell.

Rylander. She is a former Democrat, turned republican, running as an independent, acting like a Democrat. Seriously. Her views on consumer protection, insurance, homebuilder issues, vouchers, womens rights, are all those of a Democrat. These are all recent changes in her stance. If I was to look at this with an open mind (and I cant) my complaint about CR is that she has been there for many years and has done nothing but complain. In 2002 she predicted the deficit for Texas as $5B, but after the election it was $10B. If she was my accountant I would have fired her. And I am still waiting for the two years of FREE education she promised in 2002.

Bell. I am biased. Many in Texas would rather watch their insurance rates double, their rights to the courts removed, their schools starved for resources, their gas rise above $3/gallon, and college costs soar by 33%, before they would vote for a Democrat. Go figure.

This race should be between Bell and Rylander.

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Many in Texas would rather watch their insurance rates double, their rights to the courts removed, their schools starved for resources, their gas rise above $3/gallon, and college costs soar by 33%, before they would vote for a Democrat. Go figure.

That's backlash working overtime. The Republicans are masters at scaring the hell out of people with the threats of gays destroying your marriage to flag burning to the pledge of allegiance to abortion every election cycle. Once they trot out their Coulters and Limbaughs to convince the voters how much better they will be because they share their values, they are elected and/or re-elected and promptly return to initiating economic and social policies [healthcare, education, poverty-all the unglamorous issues] that work against those same voters. This year is a perfect example: just in time for the election the Republicans have brought up gay marriage, flag burning and the pledge. After November, we won't hear about these non-issues until 2008.

So vote for whoever you want.

Vote for a guy with good hair who does very little-because the Office of Governor is one of the weakest in the nation.

Vote for Carole Keeton McClellan Rylander Strayhorn. She won't have any power as well.

Vote for Kinky-as he says, "Why the hell not?"

Vote for Bell-or not.

In Texas politics, if you want media face-time, run for Governor. Who knows, being an incompetent Governor from a big state might just get you to the White House.

But if you want real power in Texas, run for Lt. Governor.

Edited by nmainguy
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I would have to agree with nmainguy.

The ONLY time we have heard about Stem Cells is during an election. NOTHING after that. in fact, I don't think I heard a single thing about it since 04.

The same thing can be said about Gay marriage. It's only talked about for about a few months before an election year. Then it goes on the back burner.

the exact same thing can be said about flag burning, guns, and illegal immigration.

After the election, Regardless of who wins, you can count on these issues to disappear after a month.

As an independent, I vote who I think puts the politics aside and has a chance to do the job.

I'm voting for kinky because of the fact he doesn't care, the odds of his being reelected are close to nil. I have a feeling that he will air the dirty laundry of backroom BS for years.

As far as his not knowing how to run government is quite common amoung the general populace. Unless college or highschool has a new program I'm aware of, you're to know on the job or by reading up on it WHILE you're running.

Hell, people are clueless when they step into their first jobs out of college.

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I'm voting for kinky because of the fact he doesn't care, the odds of his being reelected are close to nil. I have a feeling that he will air the dirty laundry of backroom BS for years.

As far as his not knowing how to run government is quite common amoung the general populace. Unless college or highschool has a new program I'm aware of, you're to know on the job or by reading up on it WHILE you're running.

Hell, people are clueless when they step into their first jobs out of college.

See? who says there are morons on this board?

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Any specific reason?

To me, he lacks credibility. This website breaks down his platform:


1) Rebuilding Public Education. Good luck. That would require approval by the state legislature, and I just don't see it happening. Its an unrealistic platform, and one that's cited by every politician with half an ounce of sense.

We need to create a Bipartisan Commission on Public Education that will bring all sides to the table to seek real solutions and common ground, free from the political hackery that passes for business-as-usual in Austin these days.
Note that he didn't actually make any suggestion. He's not selling an idea...he's selling the notion that he'll have the idea looked at. I guess that that's one good way not to break a campaign promise, but its not a very strong stance.
Education is about knowledge and empowerment, not about cynical partisanship.

Another part of the website states that:

...it looks like Rick Perry and Carole Strayhorn have been taking their ethics lessons from Tom DeLay.
Good luck to him getting legislative support on anything if this his typical flavor of rhetoric. Getting nearly anything of consequence done when the executive branch and legislative branches are divided by party lines requires mutual respect. I don't like his style.

2) He wants to suspend the Texas Enterprise Fund. Although I'd agree that the concept of paying corporations (essentially bribing them) in order for them to make decisions that would otherwise have been less profitable is profoundly screwy, this is an issue that should be addressed at the national level by illegalizing such programs. I say this because if we stop the program, other states' officials are just going to smile at us and say "thank you". Our program must be in place in order to keep the playing field level. It sucks, but for the time being, its just a sucky necessity.

3) Rhetoric. He sounds just like a politician. That irks me.

The story of Texas is the story of heroes, of ordinary men and women accomplishing extraordinary feats in the name of freedom. At the Alamo and at San Jacinto, Texans from all walks of life came together to fight, and die, for liberty. Today, citizen soldiers cut from the same cloth are defending freedom on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan.

4) Misleading statistics used in a accusatory rhetorical context. Again, the mark of a politician...irks me.

And the human cost for this line item is nothing short of staggering: Over 500 children have lost their lives because of abuse and neglect since Rick Perry took office.
So 500 children have died of abuse or neglect. How many more died than would have? What number of those were already identified by the state as in need of CPS intervention? That would've been a more enlightening number... 500 is meaningless in the context in which the figure is used.

5) He seems to place a pretty heavy focus on environmental issues. The solutions to real or perceived problems are often more expensive than the harm that is done. A lot of what he suggests in this part of his platform is poorly described. I like to have specifics, but there are way too many generalities.

Also, the rhetoric in this section was the Democratic equivalent of fear-mongering. Air quality issues, for instance, are overblown in scope, statistics aren't meaningful, and he even throws the "kid" factor out there, just for good effect. In fact, he uses kids as a rationale for a lot of things. It may tug on voters' heartstrings, but it annoys the hell out of me. I prefer to keep on a less emotional and more rational level in my political discourse.

6) I do agree with him on the TTC problem. However, this statement:

...and give it to a foreign corporation looking to make a profit on the backs of Texas commuters...

...was assinine. Foreign direct investment is a good thing. He's just playing to the Lou Dobbs crowd.

7) He spends about half of his healthcare platform statment talking about what he hypothesizes that Jesus would've done. Irks me as much as it does when coming out of the mouths of Republicans. He also spends a good bit of time promoting stem cell research. He even envokes examples from New York and California...brilliant. I'm sure that'll play well with Texas voters... He should've ignored the issue entirely and spoken nothing of it. It is only ever mentioned because the Republicans make it an issue. But it's a non-issue and I personally view it as a waste of a perfectly good breath to discuss in the political realm. To clarify, I really don't disagree with him, but it irks me that he's bringing it up and validating it as an issue.

8) His last two platform issues are "Ending the Culture of Corruption" (in which he indicts opponents) and "Finding Common Ground" (where continues to indict them). The phrase "culture of corruption" irks me because it was cooked up by the Dems to describe Republicans...even though it really best applies to politicians in general. There is no innocent party. Moreover, the campaign funding issue is the only one where Bell really goes deep into detail on what he wants to do, and the jist of it is that he wants campaign funding methods and regulations that favor the Democrats. Surprised?

So my bottom line is that he's a politician. Very typical. Nothing special. And it all just rubs me the wrong way. This is one of those campaign years where I don't have a favorite...Kinky by default, but just because he isn't a career guy, and I think that he stands the least chance of either getting anything done or screwing anything up profoundly.

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This is one of those campaign years where I don't have a favorite...Kinky by default, but just because he isn't a career guy, and I think that he stands the least chance of either getting anything done or screwing anything up profoundly.

As I said "Many in Texas would rather watch their insurance rates double, their rights to the courts removed, their schools starved for resources, their gas rise above $3/gallon, and college costs soar by 33%, before they would vote for a Democrat. Go figure."

Go figure.

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It's all about Kinky!!! B)

Someone said to me recently he wasn't going to vote for any of them-that it would be a wasted vote.

I said the only wasted vote is the one not cast.

He looked at me like a cow looking at a new barn door :wacko: as I watched my reply fly right over his head.


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As I said "Many in Texas would rather watch their insurance rates double, their rights to the courts removed, their schools starved for resources, their gas rise above $3/gallon, and college costs soar by 33%, before they would vote for a Democrat. Go figure."

Go figure.

I'd vote for a Democrat if he were honest, straight-talking, and had well-thought-out ideas...the same goes for any politician of any party. Unfortunately, those kinds of folks are uncommon.

Parties don't matter (except to you). The stregnth of an individual's character does...even platforms are secondary to this single critical trait. Period.

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Kinky. Let's get serious about this. He is a Republican running as an independent. He has a cute campaign, but has no idea how to run a government. The running of our state is no game. We have significant issues that must be addressed and we need someone who knows how our process for passing bills works and how to get both sides together.

At first, I thought, that's the stoopidest thing I've ever heard about Kinky, him really being a Republican. Then I figured out that your comment is so genius that it could have only come from the Kinkster himself as a way to trick a few Republicans into voting for him. I mean, all one has to do is compare the Texas Republican Party Platform with Kinky's to see there is no way he is a Republican, but then who reads that stuff anyway.

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I'd vote for a Democrat if he were honest, straight-talking, and had well-thought-out ideas...the same goes for any politician of any party. Unfortunately, those kinds of folks are uncommon.

Parties don't matter (except to you). The stregnth of an individual's character does...even platforms are secondary to this single critical trait. Period.

Hey. Enjoy your $3.00/gallon gas and insurance rates.

You earned it!

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Hey. Enjoy your $3.00/gallon gas and insurance rates.

You earned it!

That's right...because state politicians have a critical say-so over gas prices and the number of major hurricanes and where they make landfall in any given year...


You keep on citing all these problems...but you're just citing life. S___ happens. You can whine or you can deal with it. Seems like someon's made their choice...

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