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Where Is Debmartin? Subdude?


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i look forward to certain contributors posts and then they disappear. anyone know how debmartin's son is? he was ill, we wished her well and sent out our prayers and now we haven't heard from her in weeks or months. i guess this is the nature of an online community. if you're lurking deb, subdude, montrose, etc, give us a shout out. keep in touch.

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Last I heard from Montrose was when he told us that we were all stupid and that he found a better forum to participate in. Then he showed up back here, probably after being kicked out of his new place, and said he wanted to play nice again. When people brought up the unpleasant remarks he posted about HAIF he bolted.

Debmartin has some serious family matters she's dealing with, but I know she's on frequently even if only reading.

Subdude? Dunno. Where are you, 'dude?

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Last I heard from Montrose was when he told us that we were all stupid and that he found a better forum to participate in. Then he showed up back here, probably after being kicked out of his new place, and said he wanted to play nice again. When people brought up the unpleasant remarks he posted about HAIF he bolted.

Aww, I love you too editor ;)

I just left to go to SSC, for a "broader horizon" so to speak, then just Houston itself. I don't remember saying mean things about HAIF, but then again, I forget too easily.

I've been traveling alot in the past 6 months or so, and simply never came back. Now I'm a bit more settled, with Houston on the brain. And HAIF is my Houston Heaven.

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Aww, I love you too editor ;)

I just left to go to SSC, for a "broader horizon" so to speak, then just Houston itself. I don't remember saying mean things about HAIF, but then again, I forget too easily.

I've been traveling alot in the past 6 months or so, and simply never came back. Now I'm a bit more settled, with Houston on the brain. And HAIF is my Houston Heaven.

Well, I can honestly say that I've enjoyed the new Montrose1100. Welcome back.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Why? Almost every single post I've seen from him is "..."

you remember your ol' buddy dalparadise? Well, he and 27 got into it far worse than you and him ever did. It was hilarious, matter of fact i think dalparadise was one of the reasons why he left, but then again, i rarely see dalparadise on here anymore either.

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