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I got that wrong. What I meant to ask was, did that guy say "I think we found you" or "found it" or "found him"? I couldn't make out that very last word. The last word spoken in the episode.

He said "found it". I have tivo, plus it was closed captioned:)

Edited by DJ V Lawrence
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DJ V Lawrence:

He said "found it". I have tivo, plus it was closed captioned:)

Thanks. I still have it on my DVR, but when I mess with the settings, I screw it up. I don't know how to use the CC, assuming it has one.

Anyway, I was distracted during that scene by that guy's string of slober between his lips.

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Here is something that I have always thought.

They are stuck in the Bermuda Triangle.

Did any of you see the Big old ancient statue foot that 3 of the cast members found.

EDIT: Does any of you think they play too many commercials during the show?

Edited by citykid09
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That giant foot statue with four toes was weird.

Has anyone noticed the show's usage of the name Tom? In season 1, Claire's boyfriend, father of her baby was named Thomas. Also in season 1, Kate's boyfriend (played by Mackenzie Astin) whom she got killed, was named Tom. A friend of Charlie's was named Tommy. Several episodes ago in Ana Lucia's flashback, she met Jack's father in Australia and instead of using their real names, they called each other Tom and Sarah. Last night Zeke's real name was revealed and it was Tom. Tom's a common name. Maybe the show is just trying to add a little reality. Or is it something more? :cue dramatic music:

Oh, and those Russian (?) guys at the end of last night's show - did one look suspiciously like Jack? At first glimpse I thought it was Matthew Fox playing him.

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Walt is not on the boat with Michael. Henry says "walt joined us" and "goodbye michael" and everyone's reactions...I think Michael is delusional.

I think I was right in an earlier prediction that Henry needed the button to go off...I think it was so the supplies could be delivered. I don't think anything can go in or out without the button not being pushed. Maybe a fail safe mecanism in case the button pushers died???

The rich girl...I'm thinking again that the experiment is to talk to dead people and that she knows that and thinks desmond is dead, and is just trying to find a way to talk to him, not knowing that he is alive.....

I don't think the foot is a foot. I think it is a hand, knuckles down, minus thumb...

why would only one other (tom) be in disguise...why not the rest of them?

I think I'm starting to go through withdrawl already....

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Here is something that I have always thought.

They are stuck in the Bermuda Triangle.

No way. Check the map.

Bermuda is in the Caribbean. It is on the opposite side of the globe from the South Pacific where the plane crashed.

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That giant foot statue with four toes was weird.

Has anyone noticed the show's usage of the name Tom? In season 1, Claire's boyfriend, father of her baby was named Thomas. Also in season 1, Kate's boyfriend (played by Mackenzie Astin) whom she got killed, was named Tom. A friend of Charlie's was named Tommy. Several episodes ago in Ana Lucia's flashback, she met Jack's father in Australia and instead of using their real names, they called each other Tom and Sarah. Last night Zeke's real name was revealed and it was Tom. Tom's a common name. Maybe the show is just trying to add a little reality. Or is it something more? :cue dramatic music:

Oh, and those Russian (?) guys at the end of last night's show - did one look suspiciously like Jack? At first glimpse I thought it was Matthew Fox playing him.

Good point with Tom. The guys at the end of the show were speaking Portugese.

Here's my breakdown about the story...

1) The story takes place in 2004. They crashed on September 22nd, and it's now November on the island.

2) Charlie's smiling at the end of the episode doesn't make sense. I don't think an explosion is the only thing that happened at the hatch. If Eko, Locke, and Desmond are still alive, something strange happened to them. Back to Charlie, he came back hurt from the dynomite, but after he heard what happened to Locke and Eko, he seemed happier than ever. When you mix the hatch with that 4-foot statue, you think of mutation or cheesy superpowers or a greek god or something.

3) Michael and Walt are on the same boat as the one at the end of Season 1...the one that can only go short distances. They will either find another island, go back to the other side of the island, or meet up with Sayid, Jin, and Sun's boat. Or maybe when Penny's crew tries to go to the island, Micheal will be a coward and try to keep them off the island to avoid losing his son again.

4) Kate and Saywer were both criminals on mainland. Could the others be police? "We're the good guys, Micheal". Maybe Jack ain't all that innocent. Maybe we'll find out what Jack's tattoos mean next season.

5) Penny's dad is rich. I believe the Portugese men were explorers and scientists working for Penny, looking for places on the map that were considered myth, or another area of Dharma. It's obvious they know something about Dharma. Think about it. The Portugese dudes were in snow mountains...where you find polar bears. Maybe they were working on another area of Dharma, and Penny's family financed it.

6) Libby. Why would she just give up her father's boat after meeting someone for the first time? Is THAT the reason why she was put in the same institution as Hurley?

7) Henry Gale disguised himself as a hot-air balloonist. Was the guy with the fake beard trying to disguise himself as Desmond's hatch partner? And where were the other people that helped Desmond that were in yellow suits?

8) Can the entire island move? Sounds crazy, but think about Henry Gale saying "even if you wanted to come back, you would never find us.

9.) Maybe because of that hatch incident, another plane or something will crash on the island? Just a thought...

10.) Think of Wizard of Oz again with the four people captured. Think of Kate as Dorothy looking for a home, Jack as the ScareCrow looking for knowledge, and Sawyer as the TinMan looking for a heart. Hurley culd be seen as the cowardly lion, which is why he was sent back to camp...but in actuality, he might be the one to shock the Others and start his own Army to recapture the other three...

One last question...why did they want Walt in the first place? I smell a Walt flashback next season...

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Interesting things to ponder, DJ.

6) Libby. Why would she just give up her father's boat after meeting someone for the first time? Is THAT the reason why she was put in the same institution as Hurley?

She said it was her husband's boat. His name was David and he got sick and croaked.

As for Charlie's smiling, I thought he was just happy because Claire kissed him.

I'm not sure what to think of "good guys" remark. Was Henry just saying that or are the characters we've come to know the last two season really bad people? Hmm.

I wonder what the others did with the other children they took earlier in the season. And because Sun's pregnant, I wonder if the others might try to do to her what they tried with Claire.

Where was Danielle in the season finale now that we know that her daughter Alex is alive and living with the others.

It seems most of the characters' flashbacks include death. Whether they were responsible for a death a la Kate, Sawyer, Ana Lucia or they died another way: Walt's mother died, Libby's husband died, Locke's sister broke her neck and died, Shannon and Boone's dad died, Jack's dad died, Hurley's grandfather died. Hurley was also responsible for the drowning deaths of some folks when he walked out on a pier and it collapsed, but we didn't see that. Wasn't it also explained that Rose's first husband and Bernard's wife both died? I don't recall deaths in Sun, Jin, Claire or Charlie's stories.

We have plenty of time to speculate things during summer hiatus.

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And it's going to be a long summer. Season 3 is not rumored to start until mid October.

Charlie is different somehow. He saw, heard, felt something that changed him. Changed how, I don't know. But the implication is that the something pretty amazing happened at the hatch - we don't know what and it could be anything - and Charlie escaped. A "normal" person would have sprinted back to the beach to tell the story. However, he was really indifferent about it. Didn't seem to care that Eko and Locke (and Desmond) had not returned.

DJ, I like your #8 idea about the island being able to move but I don't think it's true. An island of that size, even if it were moving, would still be easy to find. The EM field created on the island seems to "hide" the island from searching methods. Which still would not explain why people can't SEE it. This is not meant to be a science fiction show. There's something about the island, maybe the EM, that "deflects" all form of travel to and from the island, with the possible exception of the 325 heading.

Next season seems to be geared towards understanding the Others. Season 1 was the Survivors, Season 2 was the Hatch. I would guess a couple of them, including Henry Gale, will get island flashbacks.

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I watched all of the 1st season last summer, and some on DVD last fall so maybe it's a little fresher (is that a word?) in my mind. I didn't start watching until the summer reruns one year ago. I was hooked from then on.

Come to think of it, didn't Boone and Shannon's nanny die of a broken neck as well? I think Boone was responsible (accidentaly) for her fall down the stairs. He told that to Locke and then Locke told Boone that his sister had also died from a broken neck.

I miss Boone. Man, he was hot.


And it's going to be a long summer. Season 3 is not rumored to start until mid October.

Ugh! I heard that and I hope it's not true. We all know whatever series they air in its place is going to flop.

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Ugh! I heard that and I hope it's not true. We all know whatever series they air in its place is going to flop.

Well, I think it's a good thing. The problem that plauged LOST this season was the inconsistency of episodes. Two on, one off; three on, one off, recap episode, 3 on, two off. You never knew when there would be a new show.

The current plan approved by ABC is to do 7 episodes in the fall, say October 18 - November 29. Then take December and January off before doing the remaining 17 from February 7 - May 23. Two big stretches. I just made up those dates but you get the idea. The winter break would be tough but I think this format will work much better for the show. And then maybe LOST can gain back some of its first season audience from the current 548 hours of American Idol programming.

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Check out what I found: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emerald_City_of_Oz

Click on the small picture in the right corner. (The Emerald City of Oz)

Remember the guys flying over those ice mountains during the season finally? I wonder if this has anything to do with it?

Also check out this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncle_Henry_(Oz)

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Okay.. So much to straighten out here.

1. Henry was never coming for Locke. Henry kept attempting to manipulate Locke from day one in an effort to turn him against Jack.

2. Henry did push the button. He lied because he wanted Locke to stop pushing the button. We don't know why though yet.

3. Henry is "Him". That becomes obvious by the way he is presented on the docks & the way he talks to Zeke about removing his beard.

4. I told you all last week that the sailboat was not for Michael, but that it infact belonged to Desmond.

5. The finale explained what Walt meant about the Others "pretending". The opening of the Hatch doors to only find the mountain wall obviously shows that there is intent to deceive by the Others.

6. Zeke is not Jacks Father.

7. They are not stuck in the Bermuda Triangle. They are in the South Pacific.

8. The statue of the foot with four toes is exactly that. Its not a statue of a fist with a finger missing. Here is a link with some possible theories about the statue: Four Toe Statue

9. Not pressing the button does not deliver supplies. The floating theory is that there is some sort of magnetic field around the island. The only way a plane can fly over and drop supplies is for the magnetic field to be shut down. To do this, the computer locks the two members in the hatch and drops the magnetic field. Once the supplies are dropped, the field is raised again.

10. I don't think Penny is looking for Desmond. I think its coincedence that has brought her to find a certain place that Desmond happened to be.

11. The two Portugese scientists were not in a plane over the Artic. The were in a monitoring station in the Antartic. The Artic would be too far away to monitor.

12. I think Charlie is dispondant or even happy for 3. reasons: 1. Claire took Charlie back. 2. Both Eko and Locke turned their backs on Charlie, so he could care less about them. 3. Charlie is a washed up crack addict. How could you expect much more from him?

13. The Others are not Police. By "good-guys" they simply mean that they are doing what they think is the right thing. This could be in comparison to some other group or person doing something worse than what they are doing, or just that they are all following some twisted logic. A good comparison would be the Nazi's of WW2. They thought they were the good-guys and that they were doing the right thing. Well, the rest of the world (rightfully) disagreed.

14. Zeke was never trying to pretend to be Kelvin. Kelvin was the spook that worked with Sayid in Desert Storm.

15. There was only 1 person in a yellow suit. That was Kelvin. Desmond had blurred vision.

16. The island can't move. Its believed that from the docks there is a safe passage away from the island. This is why Henry said to go 325 degrees. This is also why Sawyer's raft never went far, and why Desmond's sailboat came back two weeks later.

The plane did crash from not pressing the numbers. The producers said that we would learn why it crashed in the finale and they told us in the finale. Here are the things I want to find out in season three:

1. What happens to the fearless three?

2. When did Libby go crazy?

3. When did Locke become paralized?

4. Where's Danielle?

5. What happened to Walt while with the Others?

6. What exactly happened when Desmond turned the key, and what happened to him, Locke, & Eko?


I read on another board that the focus of next season is an Us vs. Them battle between the Losties & the Others. I also read on another board that both Michael and Walt have put their homes on the market in Hawaii, and neither are signed on as regulars for next season. With those two chuckle-heads gone, all that's left is Charlie, Saywer, & Hurley to go - so I can watch this show in peace!

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By looking at the foot I think there stuck in the lost city of Atlantis.

That would be fascinating!

I have always been exited about Atlantis and the Bermuda Triangle.

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  • 4 months later...

Wow, Sawyer made a new nickname! He called that other prisoner "chachi", which is Korean for "dick". So uh, did he learn that on the island? (I'm studying Korean, so I knew what he meant when he said it.)

We also know that the "Others" ARE Dharma, there's a neighborhood in the forest, Sawyer and Kate are stuck in the same cages that the polar bears were, Jack's stuck in an aquarium, and "Henry Gale's" real name is Ben. So the "Others" have a zoo, basically. And the three capties are part of a 2-week animal experiment or something :)

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Well, fools, we're still in the dark. No questions answered from last season's finale.

Wow, Sawyer made a new nickname! He called that other prisoner "chachi", which is Korean for "dick". So uh, did he learn that on the island? (I'm studying Korean, so I knew what he meant when he said it.)

It could also stand for Scott Biao.

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Season one's finale had Locke and Jack looking down the hatch. The season two premiere picked up in the same place but from Desmond's perspective. I thought season three's premiere would pick up somehow directly relating to the two Polish guys in the snow, Penny and Desmond from the season two finale.

Juliette could have easily been mistaken for Penny at first. They introduce a new blonde in last season's finale (Penny), they introduce another new blonde in this season's premiere (Juliette). They both look similar to each other.

With that said, I thought the opening sequence was really good. I also like the abandoned zoo. Jack being kept under a giant aquarium is just creepy.

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It is signifigant to me that Carrie was the stephen king book they were supposed to discuss in their book club. Telekinesis... I think Walt may have a touch

So it was Carrie, huh? All I saw was Stephen King's name.


I am so mad at myself for not watching this fromt he beginning now. I enjoyed last night's episode. I may have to go buy the seasons or download them off the internet.

Was that the first you had watched of it? Yes, you do need to watch seasons 1 & 2 to fill in the gaps, get the backgrounds of the characters. I started watching last summer during the season 1 reruns. ABC didn't air them all so I bought the first season so I could see them all before season 2 began.

You can watch the season 2 finale for free here:


Just click on "Lost" and Launch Now. You have the option of the May 24 episode, last night's episode and a preview of the next episode.

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